The tsunami had more deaths, but 9/11 had almost two times the amount of deaths than Katrina.Super_Naruto said:Okay, the hurricanes/tsunami had waaaaaay more deaths, 9/11 had waaaaaay less.STORMTROOPER88888 said:A small group of Americans? There weren't that many American deaths in a single event since the Civil War... You are clearly the selfish one for not respecting other people's feelings. A hurricane has no where near the amount of deaths.Super_Naruto said:@Zero: correct, this isn't nearly as devastating as Huricanes, which were forgotten, Tsunami which was forgotten after about a month. Everyone is just showing how selfish they are for only caring about a very small group of Americans.
9/11 gets way more attention. Seems logic huh? uhh...not really.
And there is a difference between natural disasters, which have been happening for a very very long time obviosly, and a terrorist attack, which shocked the country... and it shows another person's hate for the country, made us realize what's out there. Not to mention that the tsunami did not happen here, I'm sure the people in Asia and India (etc) are a lot more caught up with the tsunami of 2004 then 9/11. We are not because it didn't happen in America. We aren't being selfish... we just aren't affected by something that didn't happen to us (other than the donations, etc.).