There are lots of words I don't like - moist (only acceptable for cooking, barely); panties (ew ew and more ew); mom (silly but it always sounds so whiny to me, something about the pronunciation is just like nails on a chalkboard); gonna; vagina; nasal; diner; omelette; serendipitous; literally (only when it's said as "lit'rally", yuck, or used to mean anything other than it's main meaning, that annoys me greatly - we have so many other words for those things, leave this one alone please!); luv; slang and abbreviations such as "u", h8, bae..
I also intensely dislike seeing words misspelled into other words - definitely into "defiantly" and lose into "loose" are two standouts for this.
I do use words I dislike on occassion, though am working to get "gonna" out of my casual vocabulary. I don't use it at work but don't like the way it sounds anyway so I always correct myself when I say it.