Words you don't like

panties, it's just like the creepiest word -3- and chillax -- so stupid...
i always finded the word smol weird

also when people use gay as a descriptive word (what do they even mean?)
Saggy, most sexual American slang and most American slang in general, it hurts my ears.
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the word tender always makes my skin crawl a little bit. also pamphlet
ooooh yassssss i totally get u fam

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woah m8 calm down
u av lotsa words u dun leik

Well, yes - that was literally the first thing I wrote in my comment! Assuming I interpreted what you wrote correctly, that is. I don't really do "text speak" so your reply was essentially in a foreign language to me, which google helped me translate.

As for why I have so many words I dislike, I work with children as an early childhood educator and typically specialise in helping ESL children (and their families) learn english, and children with additional needs. Words are something I spend a lot of my working time on, one way or another. Few of the words I most dislike are commonly used in EC settings, but that hyper-focus on words and how they sound at work carries over for me.

In addition I come from a family of voracious readers and between us we own more books than many of our local libraries do. With that kind of base to draw from, of course there will be lots of words I don't like; there are plenty more that I do like, though!

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"oscillating" like, stop overusing it academically and most of the times it doesn't add a ****

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i always finded the word smol weird

same and people who seriously write like "birb"

the heck?
Although it's not really a "word" since its slang, I really despise the word "bae." I used to hang out with people who used that word all the time and I had to resist the urge to slap them.
And "selfie." God I hate that word.

Yeah, considering it's one word for poop in danish makes it even more hilarious. Also it sounds even uglier when people actually say it out loud