Splatoon Worst Salmon Run Teams?

Getting as high as 775 is great! I'd say, you just need a few push and you're almost there. Guess, what you need to do is try to climb back again to 400 (assuming you haven't done it yet). Try to be a little more patient next time! Don't reset your rank! I feel you though. There were a a lot of times when I wanted to really quit my game out of extreme anger (due to incompetent teammates lol) but well, luckily, I was able to make it through. If you feel tired, take a few hours break. As for your stats, getting 10.7 on average is a bit low? I mean, this is coming from someone who used to have 15-16 eggs on average back then when I was starting to get my 9's. I feel like mine was still low haha. I guess it depends on your role? My main priority is to survive and try to keep everyone alive (reviving). If I feel like my teammates aren't putting the eggs, I'd change my priority to that and I will do so we could make the quota early. That way, I'd only worry about surviving (and killing the other Salmonid on the way) while running the time. If you're the kind of player who gets the highest boss kills and doesn't die too much, I guess you could do with having 10+ eggs as long as your other teammates are doing their job. That rarely happens when you're playing on Freelance though! You need to adjust, multitask and try to lift them up as much as you can. Good luck!


So yeahhh.... It's been like, what? 2 months? I've been busy and enjoying my XSX a lot. I haven't touched my Switch in months lol. I don't think that will change though. I just felt like taking a break for a day or two and suddenly had an itch to play a few rounds of Salmon Run (supposedly lol). I saw the Sloshing Machine and an SS rotation so I got "triggered" haha. Why? I love playing with different weapons. I love that feeling of being uncomfortable, I guess? I also just feel like I haven't mastered the weapon if I couldn't carry them all the way to triple 9's. It took me a while on Freelance. Oh yes. Like I used to do before, I don't feel motivated to play with someone or in a group. I always want to challenge myself so I played on Freelance all the way. That reminds me. Ahh. Randoms. I'm honestly getting tired of talking about them. Things aren't going to change lol. I'd just say, GG to those people (good or bad players) that I have played with. I got my 999 (35th) on Freelance and that's all that matters. I got 50 out of 53 weapons to 9's and that's all that matters. I'm down to only 3 weapons now (Dynamo, Mini Splatling and Nautilus). I'm not sure if I'd get those to 9's soon, since I haven't really been on my Switch. I just wanted to play today. That's all. :)

Splatnet app results

My final game to 999


This is why the Inkjet is the best special. Well, as long as you know how to use it :p
I love it when my teammates put those golden eggs early while I was there trying to minimize the threat.

Oh here. I was just playing around with the Goo Tuber and the Steelhead ;)
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Once, my entire team was just jumping into water. Doing nothing. I carried all three waves, and somehow, I got every single quota requirement! It was so annoying.
I'm to the point where I just stopped caring and embrace it (or at least that's what I tell myself). I usually find a lot of afk'ers just staring out into space or squidbagging while I'm the only one trying to paint a pathway to key places. One time I had a sniper gun trying to paint as much area as possible while the clock is counting down, and before you know it, once that foghorn started blowing, indicating bosses, that's when everything decides to paint a pathway and ignore the bosses. No surprise we were over taken.

Also there is a huge lack of proper communication. either someone ignores "this way" or no one alerts you. One time we were all looking for the golden salmon and some player decides to at it alone didn't even bother to say "this way" so the crew could gather the eggs quickly and yeah we lost no surprise. -_-
I honestly never imagined that I'd get back to playing Nintendo Switch again, what more getting into Splatoon and Salmon Run, after what I've been going through right now. But one day, I thought I wanted to experience what it feels like to have fun playing online again. I had to start over fresh. Yes, this is a new save file. I had to go through Apprentice, Part-timer, Go-Getter, Overachiever then had to climb up from Profreshional 40 to 100 up to 400. Just playing Freelance. I used that previous rotation on Polaris to do all of that (I went as high as Profresh 800 that time). Then I thought, Salmonid Smokeyard is coming up, so why not try to go for 9's again?

And so I did! It's not without problems though. You still get bad teammates (not luring, constantly dying, etc.) but overall, it was fun grinding again. I also thought I was rusty and my reflexes isn't what it used to be, so I've registered 1.2 deaths on average. lol. But it was pretty satisfying to get a 9's again after all what's been happening with me irl.

I think this is my 36th time getting there, on Freelance.

My highest egg count today was 47 (it happened in my second to last game at 965) on Hazard Level Max. Then I had 12-0 (revive/death ratio) earlier and a 14-0 around 870. As for my last game that ranked me up to 999, I had 12-2. We only had 16 quota at that start of the wave so I thought I needed to watch out for my teammates. This is going to be rough because they might feel overwhelmed because of me being in the 900 range. Every round was high tide and the first wave was glow flies lol. Good luck. That's where I died twice, I think. I was so thankful that my teammates used their specials so they revived me and we miraculously made the quota and survived at the last seconds. Then the second wave, 2 of them went to the other side and stayed there a bit. I was spamming "This Way" near the basket lol. Then once they realized it was ideal to get back, they finally did (whew!) and we made the quota less than 20 seconds later. Still it wasn't safe because I needed to revive players who were dying. On the third wave, we made the quota early around 30-40 second mark, so I used the remaining time to survive and, again, revive people lol (while feeling the tense and excitement that I badly needed to win this round to finally finish the rotation).



1. My second to the last game that ranked me up to 985

2. My final game to 999. Thank you teammates for being "egg runner(s)", while I revive you and deal with the bosses :)

I guess, it's not bad after not playing the game for more than a year and said that I will never get back to it again. I had so much fun! It's nice to be playing the game you used to enjoy. :)

PS. This is from the previous rotation on Polaris where I started from Apprentice lol XD


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Oh, what happened to the "Splat Zone" and other Nintendo game categories lol

Anyway, I was unsure at first if I'm gonna go for 9's this rotation on Polaris. I love the weapons though, especially the Brella and E-Liter scope. So, I started playing Freelance from 400 to 600. But I had fun the last rotation on Spawning Grounds when I played with people on discord, so I thought, why not do it again? I don't need this 9's anymore since I already got them several times on this map and each of the weapon available on this set. Okay, so I played with this group starting at Profresh 600. Unfortunately, we lost more than we won, so after our games, my rank was just (still) 605. Almost the same. Well, yeah. You can guess what I was thinking that time. Why not go ahead and try to play the rest on Freelance? I almost didn't rank up from playing with them, so I thought it is still valid to go FL all the way. So I did! I went 24-11 the rest of the way. To be honest, most of my losses came from earlier playing with the group. Ugh. But I won't mention their names or blame them or anything as I had fun even though those games were mostly losses lol. Also, I wouldn't have this opportunity to still attempt and continue on FL until 999, if not with me staying on the same rank 600-605 (5 points is negligible) before and after playing with them. Or else, that'd be kind of "cheating" and not considered FL anymore. I wouldn't bother playing with randoms the rest of the shift. So, those losses earlier were a blessing in disguise haha. Oh, I remember at the end, I needed one win (I was 990) but the game decided to troll me and lost two more to rank down to 960, until I finally got those two wins to hit 999.

So yeah... I guess, I got my 37th Profreshional 999. Every win and rank up was done entirely on Freelance.






Thankfully, I started to win again consistently after going back to FL at 605​
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hey Loriii, it's good to see you've picked splat2 back up and are still the salmon run king you've always been! :') sorry to hear life isn't treating you super well, but i hope things pick up soon, and splat2 and salmon run can serve to be a nice break from things in the meanwhile.

i haven't played in a long while (also pretty absent from tbt these days), but i hope we can play together when splat3 comes out! do you plan to pick it up? you really served as a salmon run inspiration to me back when i was playing and it would be sick to be able to see you out in the freelance fields sometime.
hey Loriii, it's good to see you've picked splat2 back up and are still the salmon run king you've always been! :') sorry to hear life isn't treating you super well, but i hope things pick up soon, and splat2 and salmon run can serve to be a nice break from things in the meanwhile.

i haven't played in a long while (also pretty absent from tbt these days), but i hope we can play together when splat3 comes out! do you plan to pick it up? you really served as a salmon run inspiration to me back when i was playing and it would be sick to be able to see you out in the freelance fields sometime.
Hi windfall! Oh wow, it's been a long while. I've missed talking to you. How's life treating you so far? Thank you so much. Your compliments are making me feel ashamed and embarrassed, but I appreciate it. 😊 And even if you're not actively playing anymore, you're still the best and super amazing in Ranked. 😁

I didn't imagine that I'd go back to playing Salmon run and Nintendo online in general, after my partner passed away early this year. I lost motivation in basically everything. 😓 Just thought of recently that maybe, I need to go back to doing the things that I enjoy, even just to take my mind off. Sorry about that. My reply turned into "melodramatic". Anyway, yes, I'm definitely getting Splatoon 3, mainly to play more SR and to experience something new as well as see the improvements. Hope I can see you there and play with you once the game is released!

I've honestly toned down a bit from doing Freelance 9's lately, and have also been more open to casually playing with someone or meet other players to experience something different, and just to have fun overall. If you're up to and available, sometime, maybe we could try playing together for a few games! Just let me know. It would be a pleasure to be in the same team with you. 🙂 I hope you're taking care.
Nothing to say much about this rotation, but when I learned about the awesome set of weapons (3 shooters and a random one), I thought I wanted to get another FL 9's on Marooner's Bay. Anyway, I've encountered the same old issues. A lot of random players were not luring the Scrappers/Steel eels/Steel heads and killing them near the shore. I thought the margin for error is slim on this map. On higher Profreshional, it can get chaotic real quick or it's easy to run out of time putting those eggs leading to a missed quota. At least, that's how it's been on Freelance. Most of my losses came when I reached 700+ (I had 6 straight at one point there). Oh yes, I was annoyed haha. When I got to 800+, I thought the game trolled me more because I get good teammates on one game (resulting to a win), then I get really bad teammates on the next (some resulting to a missed quota). It was literally alternating every match. Once I get to 900 though, it was surprisingly less stressful and didn't take long before I got to the finish line. Oh, and my deaths though. I'm not that proud lol. I know I could do better next time.

It always feels great getting 9's on one of the hardest map to play on FL. This is now my 5th time on the Bay and 38th FL 999.



This is somewhat unexpected, so I'm proud! :) I'm not normally fond of going for 9's on Spawning Grounds with this kind of weapon set, Because I was thinking that it's hard to use for most of the random players (at least, those that don't play a lot). Flingza is my favorite Roller on Salmon Run. I love Splatterscope as well! And Sploosh! Oh, at least there's one traditional "easy" weapon. Nautilus though. My least favorite out of the Splatings. But I don't have a 9's on it yet, so you could see that it's the main reason I attempted the rotation. Again, I didn't expect much. Initially, my goal is to reach 740-750+ and see if I can go from there. It wasn't a smooth ride going there from 400, but I thought I did okay (my average waves cleared that time was 2.6). The pain started once I reached 790 and it continued until I got to 830+. Honestly, it feels like I stayed around 800 for ages (literally 2 hours of playing) before I finally reached 900+. Randoms were really a hit and miss, especially those matches that started with 16 quota. I thought I had several wave 1 loss (not making the quota because everyone of them kept on dying, even the Sploosh users ugh). I still got those kind of teammates at 900+ but luckily, I was gradually ranking up until I only needed one game. I was literally praying at the lobby to give me good players, but oh well. The game trolled me. Yes, 16 quota at the start. I had the scope but people were already dying in the first 30 seconds of the wave, and with them, not even trying to put the eggs. So yeah, in the end, I lost and needed 2 more wins. I was furious, cursing at the screen lol. I got really mad and thought I should be extremely focus and not let my rank fall down to 940 (I fell to 960 already). But yeah, I did win 2 straight after that and had the biggest smile when Griller came up on the very last wave. Honestly though, my teammates weren't that great. At the start of wave 2 (low tide), they were excited to greet the Steel Head near the shore. Ugh. I literally spammed "This Way" a lot of times, near the basket. Good thing they followed lol. At the start of wave 3, which was a Griller round, they were initially all over the place. It's supposed to be easy on this map, but they somewhat made it hard. Almost had a heart attack lol. But we were able to manage in the end, and I was finally done with this rotation. My death average is again, 1. Ugh. Please go easy on me because I've been using the Playstation 4 controller to play lol (yeah, I need a Pro Controller again soon).

So I got my 39th Freelance 999 and my first time with the Nautilus 47! I got FL 9's on 51 out of 54 Salmon Run weapons now. I'm only missing 3 that have yet to 9's. I am thanking all the randoms I met. It was a fun rotation overall. :cool:




Bonus video :)

What am I going to say this time? Oh wow. This is my most "peaceful" journey to Freelance 999. Salmonid Smokeyard is my favorite map. The three weapons are really good and the overall set is strong (still eww Bamboozler lol). I wasn't initially planning for this and decided on the last hour. I thought I wanted to celebrate my 40th 9's on my "home". Surprisingly, I was able to do it fast and it only took 36 jobs. So I guess, this is my record. I'm not really going for that or anything. But hey, 31 wins against 5 losses isn't bad huh? (One Wave 2 and Four Wave 3s). I got my first loss at 520 then another one before I reached 600 lol. Then after that, I started to go on a winning streak (17 straight wins) until 850 where I lost another two before I reached 900. But the most painful loss was at 990. Ugh. Even on my peaceful journey, the game never fails to troll me with random players near the end lol. But it's fine, I got my final win shortly after that. My highest revive today was 11 and my death was 4 lol. Highest egg, I think was 38. Not really all-time high but I guess I did fine today. Although, I could still do a bit better when it comes to my average death. So there, I got my 40th full Freelance 999. Thanks to all the random players I've met along the way. It was my most fun rotation too ;)






I honestly didn't plan to freelance this rotation due to the presence of Inkbrush (already got a 9s on it before but still don't like the weapon). I also thought the set is quite lacking when it comes to damage (DPS). But hey, I was utterly surprised with the Inkbrush on this. I thought it perfectly fits this map when it comes to egg running. It's also good to get a quick kill on Stingers on the ground on normal tide and also on low tide without luring the other bosses away from the basket. I like the mobility that both the brush and Dualie Squelcher gives. To balance things out, you have the Mini Splatling which can hold it's own when it comes to damage and lighter to hold. Of course, there is the E-Liter. The high tide on this is kind of hard especially when it gets crowded lol. Not to mention, the Rush is scary. At least, the E-Liter can instantly stun the Grillers. Anyway, I thought this is a moderate rotation. I had a slow start then got stuck a bit around 850+ due to bad randoms. I hated it whenever I see cute usernames on my team, because I already know what to expect ugh. But all in all, I had so much fun. Again, I should lessen my deaths lol (I blame the PS4 controller). I normally stay around 0.6-0.8 for the most part then I start to risk it a bit on higher ranks due to randoms not putting the eggs and not luring, as usual. I finally got a Freelance 9s on Mini Splatling. It's 52/54 weapons currently, and this is my 41st FL 999. :giggle:




Oh, I like what I did in the last seconds, with the exception of dying lol (Thanks to the random who revived us. *whew*)

I'll keep this short as I'm not a fan of this rotation (OP weapon, etc.) When I saw it is the last golden before Splatoon 3, I took the bite lol. Besides, I don't have one on Salmonid Smokeyard yet. Initially, I thought of going for my shortest run but once I got my 4th loss closer to 900, I stopped paying attention lol. I was getting Hazard Level Max since I hit Profresh 740, so I still had a lot of fun. Anyway, I've realized it's good that I still have my personal record on a normal rotation than a Grizzco one, so it's a win-win for me. I went 31-6 on this.

It is only my 3rd on a golden rotation, but it's nice to get my 42nd Freelance 999. :)




I almost smooched the Steelhead here lol.

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Okay, I was skeptical about this rotation. I'm not a fan of Blaster and Bamboozler (to some extent) and it's the Spawning Grounds. A map that isn't normally good to Freelance. But I thought, "Hey this weapon set could take care of Stingers just fine". So I did try. I lost my first game lol. I was like "Okaay". Then you know what happened next? I didn't lose another until 640+, then when I reached 800, I only have 4 or 5 losses. "Okay, this rotation is easier than I imagine". Turned out I was wrong. Or I got unlucky with randoms? So, my rank started going back and forth from 815-875 for hours. I couldn't remember how many losses I had in that span, but there were too many. I wouldn't want to look at my splat app lol. Once I finally reached 900, it wasn't a breeze either, but the painful one was the last game. I lost two Wave 3s when I only needed one win to finish the rotation. Oh well. But I did finally win in the end and I got my 43rd full Freelance 999.

Had a lot of deaths than usual today lol. But from the start, I changed my playstyle and focused a bit on egg running. It was working perfectly until when I started losing a lot at 800+. Ohhh randoms :rolleyes: Got my FL 9's and that's all that matters.




Oh, now I love the Blaster! Saved my teammates twice (and the wave). :cool:

Okay, I saw Ruin of Ark Polaris (my second favorite map) and there's Flingza, L-3 Nozzlenose, Squeezer and E-Liter. Possibly four weapons that belongs in my top 15. What could go wrong, right? ;) I started the rotation right and almost got an FL10 (I don't usually pay attention to this). I told myself "Oh, this rotation is what I expected". But then, after that it became a grind. Yes, as early as 600+ and then 700. It got worse around 800. I don't know. I like all these weapons and thought they are great. Randoms probably think otherwise. Okay, I understand they are all considered "technical weapons", like you need to be good, or at least, really familiar how they work to be able to use them efficiently. Squeezer is a good example. I'm sure a lot of randoms use the hold ZR/shoot all the time and most likely aren't aware of the alternate fire (tapping ZR) which is a Steelhead killer or basically any boss. It is more powerful, damage-wise and also has the range that could rival the Splattershot Pro. I'd say if you only use it for the auto-fire, the weapon sucks lol. The shooters in this aren't your traditional shooters that you could just hold fire and call it a day. That definitely won't work on L-3. I guess some people still haven't figured out how to use Flingza properly and E-Liter isn't a noob-friendly charger. Anyway, the most stressful scenario I had was when I only need one final win to get to 9s. My teammates decided to mess up the third wave (we missed quota by only 1 egg). Oh, don't blame me. I was trying to egg run a bit crazy towards the end. So yeah, we lost and I paid for that. I loss 2 more after and dropped down to 950. I was frustrated lol. Like I said, I had tons of HLM matches today. Maybe because it's easy to rank to at least, 400 or until 600, but these randoms suck. If we are playing HLM and you kept dying on the first few seconds of Wave 1 (normal or high tide), you suck and you don't deserve to be in there. Ugh. I had lots of HLM W1 defeat compared to any other rotation I had. Sometimes, HLM matches felt like I'm playing a "Grizzco HLM", which means players that have inflated rank. They don't really belong there. Ah well, eventually I was able to get back to needing one win again. That last match wasn't secured and we needed each of 37 eggs I had. We got exactly 25/25 on Wave 3. You can guess who did most of the work in the last few seconds. :p

Ah well, I'm finally done for this rotation and got my 44th Freelance 9's. :)



I've played a somewhat similar rotation to this around December of 2020. I love Hydra (and Sploosh) and I couldn't resist playing on my favorite map. I came in thinking this is a good set but it wouldn't be that easy due to the presence of Hydra. Personally, I love the weapon. It can shred practically any enemies to pieces and it always feel satisfying shooting the Mothership with it. I only had 1 Mothership round though. Oh well. But yeah, I had difficulty early for some reason, around 700+. Difficulty dealing with randoms lol. Even the Sploosh users tend to die, especially on High Tide. When I reached 800+, it was kind of smooth-sailing until it got messy towards the end. Again, I had a lot of HLM matches today and even on Japanese lobbies, some of the randoms I met were dumb. They were so excited meeting the Boss Salmonids near the shore during Low Tide. I was just shaking my head and felt confused if I was really playing HLM or a match that starts with 14 quota. I mean, Splatoon has been around for a while and these randumbs never learn. Hate it when I had that mini losing streak at 925, and then went down to 895. It still wasn't pretty after that. I still keep getting teammates that doesn't know how to play smart... on HLM. Wish I was able to finish it around 40+ jobs, but oh well, I'll take this.

So, I finally got my 45th full Freelance 999.:cool:


Dynamooo. I finally got a 9's on a rotation with Dynamo!!! lol. I've been trying to get one since I was playing actively 2 years ago but I rarely see a rotation with a decent set. The last time I did, it was also on Lost Outpost (this map) but I couldn't push past Profresh 880 on that one. To be honest, I didn't like this weapon set. My first reaction upon seeing the set was like "No way I'd go for this or even play this". Well, today, I guess I was bored and ended up playing a bit lol. Still I did not expect that I'd go all the way. Initially, I didn't have too much problem until 600 (I lost a few). But after that it became a slow grind. Felt like it really took time for me to get to around 750+. Randoms were a hit and miss, especially on normal tides (harder to reach quota). One thing I like though is the special/night rounds. Rush is easy because of this awesome roller. Goldie-seeking as well, provided the one using the weapon pays attention to where the Goldie is going. Griller is still the same. It was quite a breeze around 800 to 900 (it felt weird but I guess I got matched with competent randoms so GG to them whoever they are). Not until I only needed one win at 995 when I started to get extremely frustrated. Why? Well, I got matched with 3 dumb random players (and they're Jap. names.) Griller, Wave 1 and HLM. They don't even know how to bait these things. Are you kidding me? At HLM really? I lost my precious 20 points ugh. Not only that. The next one wasn't better either. Not HLM, but it was HT. They don't know how to kill bosses. They couldn't even survive a few seconds. They're not running eggs. So yeah, you can guess what happened to that. 40 points *poof* gone in a matter of minutes. Now, instead of one, I was back to 3 more wins. Ugh. I got angry lol. I mean, every game at 900s was a grind. Thankfully, I was able to get back to within one win again. And on my final win, it wasn't secured until the countdown when to literally 0. I did sacrificed myself at the end to put that one last egg so we could make the quota. Then my other two teammates decided to follow as well (dying). So only 1 left until the last second. I was like "No, no, no please survive. You gotta survive." I got the Dynamo on W3 so I guess it helped that one awesome random weren't holding the hardest weapon or else, they might end up dying too. Thank you random! My sacrifice didn't end up in vain lol.

I finally got an Freelance 9's on Dynamo (53/54 weapons now) and this is my 46th time.;) Felt like I got too many deaths (than my usual) but I'll take it. It was a very hard rotation.



I came in really wanting to play this rotation because of the weapon set being good and then there's one mystery weapon slot. It's Spawning Grounds so I know it won't be that easy. I was doing great until I reached 800. That's when I started losing few more. I was able to weather the storm and went on to wn 6 consecutive games to push my rank to 960. I thought I was going to finish around 45+ jobs, but little did I expect, I'd be matched with the dumbest of randoms. Oh yeah, "Worst Salmon Run" teams every game after that. A ton of Wave 1 losses too. I dropped to around 885. I was extremely angry and wanted to finally be done with the game. Turned off my Switch and went to sleep. I guess, I've been feeling burnt out. I thought I should stop wasting time dealing with brain dead people. It's not a challenge anymore to freelance. It's becoming a frustrating experience. I also think I'm becoming more impatient now. So, whenever that happens, I start not to play my "usual game". The fun stops and all I've been thinking is I want evrrything done and over with. But once I've gotten my rest (sleep), part of me felt bothered that if I'm quitting SR, I should still probably try ending it with a "win". So back to 885 and I grinded. Yeah for hours, I was just going back and forth to 870/880 to early 900s. It was a pain. I've been dying more than usual, just to push making the quota. Randoms decided to keep dying early, chase with Scrappers everywhere and ignore every Stinger, and not to mention, not to egg run and just kill bosses. But it seems like they were not smart and rather want to kill them as they appear. Not thinking that it would be drastically EASIER if they lure Maws and Scrappers and everyone moving near the basket so we can deliver 2 or 3 eggs from each, not 1 or even nothing if they decide to kill from afar. This has been the problem every freelance session. I guess their dumb brain can't comprehend even the simplest logic. Also, please try to stay alive and if you're using a Sploosh. It's one of the easiest weapon to handle and very powerful dps-wise. I'd say just play some Kirby or any chill games, if you can't handle the AI enemies and bosses even using a weapon like that. As I said, after that worst streak near the end, it became a slow grind. As they say when it rains, it pours. I'm done playing SR and would rather focus on my PS5 or Series X. Oh, I still got my 47th Freelance 999, even if it was no longer fun at the end.



Ah. Fine. I guess I'm not gonna go down or take a break from SR without a '"revenge" rota. Honestly, I wasn't sure at first if the weapons would work. Slosher, .96 Gsl, Splat Charger and Blaster. Mobility is going to be a problem, I'd normally say. Bur hey, it works. I'm loving .96 Gal. It wrecks everything. I thought initially, Splat Charger would be my favorite. Not on this rotation though. Ah, of course, my journey to freelance won't be complete without annoying randoms. When they play dumb, they're really dumb. Oh, it's like the usual stuff such as killing every boss down, staying in different spots on Rush, but the dumbest of them all was whem Wave 3 Goldie Seeking High Tide happened with me at 975. Like "Dude if you never studied the method of opening the right gusher, plese don't open everything". It's HT so this should be easier, sure win right? Nope. We spent so mhch time fighting the lesser enemies (had no special anymore), and we missed the quota by 1 egg. How stupid right? Ugh. What a way to start this rota though, having Wave 1 Griller mode High Tide lol. But we won. Yes! Then on myb4th game, it was Rush High Tide. We won that too lol. Had lots of Rush HT today and won every round. For some reason, the game decided to give me more Rush and Griller rounds than, say, Cohock Charge (only 2) and Mothership (only 2 as well). Had the biggest challenge when I reached 900s and lost 6 times before finishing the rotation. Overall, I needed 35 wins against 15 losses (35-15 w/l). I guess, this was better than the last 9s I had.

So yeah, I got my 48th Freelance 9s 🙂




Oh, it's Salmonid Smokeyard. My favorite map and it's too tempting for me not to play this lol. Well, the weapon set kinda mirrors the previous rotation on Ark. High DPS but lacks mobility. For some reason, I like playing sets like this. Those odd sets. It also helped because it's the Yard. I got 18 Freelance 9s there so I pretty much play any weapon set lol. Anyway, I never had too much problems at the start until 740. I lost only 3 times, but once I start getting those 20 starting quota(s) like near HLM, I start meeting randoms who plays like "Hey, are we at 15 quota?" Ugh. I lost 14 matches overall but got half of those losses around 760 to 860. A combination of few HLMs and near HLM. Once I got to 900s, I had quite a breather, well, surprisingly. Rush is scary on this due to weapons being slow. It's the most special round I got. Also High Tide is hard. Dealing with multiple Stingers is quite a pain, more so on Low Tide. But thankfully it did not take too long before I got to 9s. Not one of my best runs, but It was a good experience playing this set.

This is my 49th Freelance 999. 🙂


