Would you ever get a tattoo?

I've three tattoos so far and more planned. :)

I've two Betta fish entwined on my shoulder blade in a 'ying yang' shape; a whale on my left bicep; and a quote on my right forearm.
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i'm not totally sure i ever will but i've been toying with the idea of getting wild flowers on my back. i have scarring on my back that i've never been completely comfortable with and my back isn't something i show off too often so if i want them hidden it wouldn't be too hard, also i love flowers, especially wild flowers, i have some favourites that i've always been in love with so having them etched on my skin would be kinda cool. the idea of it being completely permanent is scary though (considering i'm someone who thought having a hello kitty tattoo would be cute for a while)
I have two tattoos; a dolphin above my left ankle and the state of Utah with a maple leaf and my birthdate on my right arm.


Got that one just after I graduated high school in 2014.


Got this one October 2016, a week after I began talking to my now-fiance.