would you let anyone see ur internet history???? >___<

Yep, nothing to hide on my regular history. Like others are saying, if I'm on something I don't want people to see I switch to an incognito window
Sure... most of the secrecy is on incognito windows anyways~
Yeah, some of my friends have looked through it before and it didn't bother me. I look up really weird stuff sometimes but I wouldn't mind.
if its my deep web browser history then no cuz ill be arrested

o wait they dont even have history right
Well, most of my internet history consists of Forums, DeviantART, and writing-related stuff. But i wouldn't since i have some personal things in there like everyone else.
Yes I'm in the clear

Although things might get out of hand very quickly if one were to discover where I go INCOGNITO
Yeah, I don't really do much weird stuff on the Internet. My only concern would be that people would find out how often I'm on this site.
Yeah. I mean if they really want to, there's nothing interesting just school searches, forums, and games
honestly when i was in my tumblr phase you'd just find porn and smut fics in my history but now i think there's nothing. too incriminating

aka hello its 2016 doesnt everyone use incognito
Yeah, probably not. Most people would find my browsing history to be... a little off-putting to say the least.
I wouldn't really care, I clear it pretty often though because on my home computer one of the sites I use I have to clear everything to get it to work properly, like seriously, it's really annoying. But as for the "bad" things there really aren't many and even if there were there wouldn't be any shame in my game. =]
Yeah, there's nothing to hide, albeit the few weird conversations and arguments I've had with good friends on Facebook. You'd probably go blind if you see them.

Actually, no. I don't like the idea of strangers seeing my internet history.
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