Would you remove someone from your friendlist for this?

So, I'm usually pretty selective with my friends on the devices. I'll add you, but I'm always nervous about meeting new people.

Here's what happened:

The other day some friends and I were on my island to show a friend who just started playing what our islands looked like. It was late. Someone on my friendlist who I never played with before (not from here! from FB I believe) came in. I chatted a bit, asked him who he was, welcomed him, and apologized - because my shops were closed. The moment he found that out, he just left. No goodbye.

e.e; Am I overreacting by thinking I should unfriend him?

i drive myself nuts worrying if I'll hurt someones feelings x.x

It's mostly my real life friends and colleagues that play, so I know them, but if some random person done that to me i'd instantly unfriend. There's no need for rudeness, and maybe the person forgot, you could let them on your island next time and they may even apologise, see what happens again. But if they done it again then they are out.
I mean first of all you do you, as long as you are been yourself polite i think you should be able to do as you think best, specially since this is a game and one which is meant to tailor your fantasy or your utopia so to say.

I personally might not unfriend them straight away if it happened just once although i find this person behavior from what you have explained a bit distasteful and rude, maybe I would send them in game mail and see if they at least get back to you, If they would not even send me a mail in a week like not even a "thanks for your letter"/ "very sweet" etc i would then probably delete them.

But really, dont worry about it :)!
Yeah that's really sketchy! I'm very wary of anyone who will do things like that. I'm just paranoid in general. I only have people on my friends list who I know in real life who play the game, and that's literally like, 3 people lol. The rest of them have to use Dodo codes. If I in the future made a consistent online friend who I played with a few times and trusted, I would add them to my list as well, but that doesn't happen very often due to my busy schedule. I would just advise not to add people who you don't know very well because many people are jerks who will take advantage of your generosity. :( It's sad that there are people like that who play animal crossing but they do unfortunately exist.