Would you remove someone from your friendlist for this?

If someone makes you uncomfortable or is acting sus, I would instantly remove them. No hesitation.

I have had a couple of bad experiences with people on my friend list. I don't muck around or overthink if I should get rid of them, I just do.
I understand that it's somewhat rude because of the lack of courtesy, but personally, I wouldn't remove the person just because of it.

Looking at the circumstances, the person left after you said your shops are closed probably because that was the purpose of the visit. Also, nothing was lost, stolen or damaged in your island.

However, it's still up to you. Is it someone you occasionally play with, or is it someone just taking up a space on your friend list and you barely even interact at all?
The worst is when someone reports your island or even the dream of your island just because your beach fish market has custom design slot of blood on the sand, or that my villagers say funny catchphrases. Anyone have that "friend"? 🤔
The worst is when someone reports your island or even the dream of your island just because your beach fish market has custom design slot of blood on the sand, or that my villagers say funny catchphrases. Anyone have that "friend"? 🤔
I dont know anyone who would do that thankfully.
But my island has a crime scene blocked off with chalk outline of a body and blood splatter by the head of it.
For that reason as much as I would love to share my dream address, I'm concerned about doing so.
Don't trust people to not report it
I dont know anyone who would do that thankfully.
But my island has a crime scene blocked off with chalk outline of a body and blood splatter by the head of it.
For that reason as much as I would love to share my dream address, I'm concerned about doing so.
Don't trust people to not report it
I been reported twice, and I don't know why I thought the second time would be better or safer? But now I know to put my dream adress in private setting and only share it with people I trust or that are adults enough to see blood and have villagers curse funny at you haha. One more warning though and Nintendo will remove my account apparently, so watch out anyone who thinks their adult humored island is safe in dreams 😅
i completely understand where you’re coming from. while i haven’t had to deal with something like this since my new leaf days, i personally would unfriend them; even though they seem pretty harmless, i’m not comfortable with people who just show up without warning, especially if it’s someone that i don’t personally know. >_<
I do find it incredibly rude for anyone just to visit unannounced. I have only had it happen twice when I posted my friend code in the friends section of the forum. I only have my gate open if I am expecting a friend. I had two people that came over that I had never met. First one, like you didn’t say anything but I chatted and let them shop (closely supervised 😊) and blocked immediately after.The second person came over and was really sweet and kind. I was very lucky second time and they are a close friend I regularly chat to. The difference was they were new to the game and didn’t understand the etiquette.
I'm not too familiar with online and leaving the gate open... but my cousin sometimes plays with her friends and I get the "I'm online!" popup. At first I thought it was a direct message to me... but now I think it's just that the gate is open.

Anyway, they could have thought you were inviting them over and then realized they were intruding so left without saying anything. Just a guess.

In any case, if you're not actually friends and don't communicate at all, it's perfectly fine to unfriend them. They may not even notice.
This "I'm online " message appears to best friends only when we are online. Not when the gates are open 😊
If you are uncomfortable just unfriend them. You don't know them anyway. I am sure they will be fine considering they are fine with not communicating very well.
At the end of the day, it is YOUR island.
That was very rude of them and if that made you uncomfortable, I wouldn't hesitate to remove them. Especially if this person is just a rando from somewhere online and you really don't know them. You could always talk it out with a friend but a rando? No, I'd definitely remove them. You don't need that kind of negativity/rudeness around your island!
I generally don't delete people off my friends list because I'm lazy and I only do it when my FL gets too full. I haven't added many people to my FL for Animal Crossing because I always use dodo codes, but I do have a lot of random people adding me from other games. Because I have a lot of random people on my FL I do make sure I manage who I'm opening my gate to or who I give my code to so unwanted visitors don't sneak in when I'm not expecting it. I don't think there's anything wrong with deleting people who make you uncomfortable, especially if you've never interacted with them.
hmm yeah I would totally delete this person... but that's also because I take my friends list quite seriously (probably unnecessarily) Like...what? Don't just come over to my island unannounced and leave without saying anything unless we are BFFs.
Do you have a way of communicating with them? tell them how you feel about them dropping unannounced so they wont do it again, if you want to give them another chance and keep them on your friend list, but you have the right to unfriend them at once if it is gonna make you feel uncomfortable otherwise. I know how you feel ♡
Soooo many responses, I can't quote you all to reply personally ('cause that'd be a lot of text! lol) but I just wanted to say thank you all for your insight and for some of the supportive comments you gave! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one in the anxiety boat afraid to unfriend people because I don't want to hurt feelings!

To answer a few questions:
- I think I added him from FB, so I don't know him personally. I was just looking for friends to play with because I try to make friends, I'm just bad at it. :#
- I can't communicate with him because to be honest, I don't remember which FB group I was in that I added him from =/
Soooo many responses, I can't quote you all to reply personally ('cause that'd be a lot of text! lol) but I just wanted to say thank you all for your insight and for some of the supportive comments you gave! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one in the anxiety boat afraid to unfriend people because I don't want to hurt feelings!

To answer a few questions:
- I think I added him from FB, so I don't know him personally. I was just looking for friends to play with because I try to make friends, I'm just bad at it. :#
- I can't communicate with him because to be honest, I don't remember which FB group I was in that I added him from =/
Then just remove him and if it matters to him he'll let you know. Given the lack of interaction you've had with him, it isn't likely he'll notice and just move on.
I think coming over someone's island unannounced who you do not know very well is extremely rude, and I wouldn't blame you if you deleted them. I guess if you want you can message that person, but if you have no idea who they are then just delete them!