would you use gyroids if they came to NH?

I've pointed out in other Gyroid posts, I'd prefer if they were added as a section in the museum.
i’m honestly not sure. i didn’t really care for them in the previous games and while that hasn’t changed all that much, i’ve grown to appreciate their weirdness a bit. thinking about it now, i think that they’d be a nice addition to my forest area + i definitely wouldn’t say no to the brewster gyroids making a comeback. ^_^
I would probably put them in a bunch of little places around my island. I think they're fun and they make me smile
I only used them in the GameCube game because they would sync with the music you had playing and dance to the beat. They would make any song a million times better (or worse, depending on the gyroids you picked)... but somewhere along the line, they, Nintendo, stopped having them do that.

So I would likely do in NH what I'd do in NL: dig them up, and sell them for the classic 828 bells (unless they'd change that price too).
Back in New leaf I used to use the bowtoids as little Butler's and I used tjem to fill them in spots, like waiters or chefs are any kind of people like service stuff.
I would not, but I never have lol. The aesthetic is cute, if a little odd, but the sounds drove me crazy.
You know, its weird...

I never used to like gyroids. Frankly they were super frightening to 8 year old me (especially after I found out what they were supposed to represent), and I never had the reason to use them... But now...

I have a little concert area on my island, with a huge mob of garden gnomes in attendance and I love it to pieces.

Only thing is, garden gnomes aren't overly motivated... They can stand there looking cute but... Lets just say they cant really boogie down. This is why Ive added a few hula girls to the mix. The ladies can sway to the sweet jams and crunchy beats while the dudes stand awkwardly by, too cool for school 😎

This works well enough for me and like i said, I love it to pieces. But if gyroids were part of the game again? My concert stadium would be bopping like Woodstock. And that might be cool ☺

*Its important to note that i most often play without the ability to listen to sound... I can't even imagine what a cacophony 20+ gyroids would be capable of...😂