On that note, I heard he also wants to rid of birth control, which is insane.
I thought he only wanted to stop paying for birth control in other countries. Not get rid of it entirely but stop being the world's lender essentially.
But if he specifically didn't want to fund birth control then that seems pretty insidious to me.
Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, white supremacist, Nazi. It's like the far left is trying to make c-c-c-combo breakers with those labels. Use one, use them all, huh?
He has no filter, but that's what a lot of people find enduring about him. Everything he said he wanted to do, he started doing it as soon as he got into office. The people who voted for him are getting what they wanted. Of course, there are tons of non-political people out there that we would've preferred, but Trump was a start to something new for a lot of people. A vote for Trump was a vote of defiance to our current 2-party system. Yeah, he's labeled as a republican, but he he leans way more to the left than other republican nominees.
I, for one, preferred Trump over Hillary, and I'm not always on board with everything he does, just as I wasn't on board with everything Obama did. But the hysteria that has been fueled by the media constantly crying wolf is just ridiculous. Breathe a little.
I really feel bad for people that are anti-Trump, because it's almost as if they're convinced Trump is personally trying to kill them.
Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, white supremacist, Nazi. It's like the far left is trying to make c-c-c-combo breakers with those labels. Use one, use them all, huh?
A vote for Trump was a vote of defiance to our current 2-party system. Yeah, he's labeled as a republican, but he he leans way more to the left than other republican nominees.
I really feel bad for people that are anti-Trump, because it's almost as if they're convinced Trump is personally trying to kill them.
or maybe his words and actions point to him being exactly the type of persons listed here
there's better less childish ways to go about this than rallying behind probably one of the most corrupt businessmen alive today
and lmao, Trump isn't an anomaly to the modern republican party. he's the modern republican party exposed purely for what it is
gee, maybe because his actions in office actually could literally end up killing them
He stated he supported the LGBTQ community from the start, so you could already scratch out 2 of those.
As for the others, I wouldn't know how you got to that conclusion.
With the options we had, what would've been a better way for Americans to stick it to the republican and democratic party? The republican party was as anti-Trump as the democratic party.
Yeah, that's where the hysteria has led you.
like some sort of selfish spoiled child?
"I can't actually make an argument for this, so instead I will just throw out insults"
From my little corner over here, I see direct insults coming from you rather than Noob. Forgive me if I missed something, but I didn't see any actual insults directed towards you. And if you were insulted by what Noob had to say, perhaps you're a bit sensitive for political matters.
ok, now show me his actions for this. him saying he supports the LGBTQ community is worthless hot air unless he backs it up as well. moreso when you're in a position of inlfuencable power like he currently is
way more research than I'd ever care to admit
I'm saying the mindset of sticking it to x is horribly immature
and I never said anything about being insulted, but calling anti-Trump people hysterical is pretty much as clean cut an insult to them as you could go
also, even if I was insulted, that doesn't make me "a bit sensitive for political matters" by any stretch. gtfo with this garbage elitist mindset