I believe the context for this was at the time, there was a back and forth (maybe a page or two back before I offered my opinion) about replacing out. Unless times have changed (which I'm guessing they have since I don't play much anymore), hosts replaced everyone. Townie, power role, mafia, third party. I don't think it's worth thinking incredibly hard about whether or not they replaced out purely because they were "maf".I tried looking back and forward a few posts to find the context where this came from, so if I'm misreading this one I apologize.
Otherwise I completely disagree. Wanting to replace out of a game can reveal so much about a person's role and intentions, usually subconsciously. Always worth giving it context and attention.
I've shared one of the theories I had with my recent reads. I don't want to share the other exactly just yet, mostly because I don't think it would be incredibly helpful to town.See above. Always more effective to drop thoughts so we don't have to scramble at EoD in choosing a lynch candidate, rather than waiting. Kind of a shady post...
Sorry not sorry for suggesting a policy lynch, I just can't read ya well and generally I don't trust Heyden. Stranger times are here though.Biggest hangup about this is the consideration of Policy lynch. Tom has had posts before this one explaining that some people's death would reveal more information than others (Unless that was someone else). Hayden and I weren't mentioned as one of those people. I don't care that I was mentioned for policy, but the fact that he wanted to Policy me as one of the most town read people in the game, including Dolby as King, rubs off as an underlying way to get me out of the game. Eh whatever, policy lynches are weird. I was reprimanded for suggesting one against Zendel one game, so I usually assume its sus to bring up now.
I do think that claiming in kingmaker is comparable to suicide. Say for example I claimed a blue role in order to avoid the noose, that won't end well for me. I'd probably get blocked and killed or just blocked to the point where it's sus again. Claiming townie in Kingmaker is even worse too given that 1) it's a common claim, 2) that just means they're a target for maf. I just really do not see claiming as useful or helpful at all in this game.- He's super against claiming, which is interesting. In a game where he isn't really scum reading a lot of people to begin with a claim is slightly helpful. I don't agree with random claims though, sorry Toads... But if it helps shortening the scum pool, strategic claiming or claiming before getting lynched is a toss up more than a dead weight situation.