Write a letter to someone who will never read it.


Sep 20, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
I’ve contemplated posting this here or in The Basement. Feel free to move it if it fits better in there. Have you ever felt like you wanted to tell somebody something, but you couldn’t for some reason? If you have something you want to get off your chest and tell someone, just post it in here.

Bottling up emotions and things you want to say isn’t good for mental health, so typing it out can give a sense of clarity. I think telling someone how you really feel can lift a weight off your shoulders, and when you can’t do it to their face, theoretically telling them works just as well. And they won’t actually see it.

Remember to remain respectful at all times of course, and the TBT rules still apply. Please don’t write to any members of the TBT community. Write to your former friend, your ex, your parents, or anyone else. This isn’t meant to cause drama.
Dear anonymous,

Writing these unsent letters has given me clarity, so I will continue.

Having several months of no contact has allowed me to recover from what you did. I was love bombed, put into a false relationship, and eventually discarded. You lied to me numerous times and gave more empty promises than anyone I’ve met. You were well aware that my mental health was deteriorating by your behavior. I fell into the deepest depression I felt in five years. Throughout that period I had to listen about how my former classmates told you to do it. They’d go on about your apathy and resentment towards me. Eventually people stopped calling it a relationship at all. Apparently I was just some target of your love bombing. Every several weeks you go from person to person to see if they’re partner material. Once you stop idolizing them you cut all contact. You weren’t the “great communicator” you claimed to be.

Recovering from all that was one of the hardest things I ever did. Your hollow words of affection often resurfaced in my mind. Ruminating is one of my worst flaws after all. I spent many hours with my therapist. Every week I’d discus the intrusive thoughts with her. Eventually I was given an antipsychotic for them. Not only has the rumination gone down, but so has the seething anger. I’m not tethered to your ghost anymore. I can speak to my friends again without remembering how you isolated them from me. In addition I now know the warning signs for toxic people. That’s made me a bit more hesitant around new friends, but it’s ultimately for the best.

In spite of everything, my life is going in the right direction. I was accepted into the college I wanted and I’m finally moving to a place I like. Every day is a struggle, but I’m doing better. At least the future seems close.

We don't really talk, but we used to be best friends when we were little.

I kind of just think and reminisce on old times. Maybe a bit too much. And I can definitely say that I wasn't a good friend. Maybe to everybody at that time, but I can't really tell anymore.

I wish I could undo a lot of things I've done and said, but I know I can't. We still keep in touch a bit, but we rarely contact each other. Maybe that's for the best –– we have our own stuff going on and shouldn't be caught up in the past.

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. People excuse what you do as a kid because you're young and don't know any better, but I feel that I should've been less reckless, and I won't excuse myself for that, even if others think I should.

It's good to see you happy.

Sorry for everything I've done.
To a love that I'm hoping I haven't lost,

I understand that I put you in a lot of pain. I understand that you don't want to talk to me...but please, just unblock my number. Talk to me again. I'm in a moment in my life where I need you most, and your absence is really hurting me. You didn't give me time to explain myself, didn't give me time to cool down...you just blocked me. And right now, I don't know where our relationship stands. Whether this is goodbye forever or if you just need to cool down is something I don't know, but I'm really hoping that it's the latter. I've been having nightmares on a daily basis about you. Some nightmares because you really did leave me, and some nightmares because I woke up and discovered that they were just my brain desperately playing out what it wants to happen. I've lost four pounds, which is something that I initially celebrated, but now, I realize that worrying about you has caused me to not eat as much as I usually do. I've been physically sick for way too long, and from the start I knew that it was because of grief. I figured that I'd get better, but I never did. It's been about four days since you blocked me, and with each passing day, I get worse. I'm thinking of being hospitalized until I can effectively get over losing you. All I know is that I won't be able to get through it alone.

That Thursday was a normal day. We were having our normal conversation...then I got the upsetting news from my school. That news upset me, and the strong emotional stimulus, combined with the medications I was taking to try and control these emotions, caused what I believe to be a mental blackout. By the time I recovered, my pen was in my hand and I was writing a note to my parents, which, by what I read on the paper, was supposedly going to be my last. As I unlocked my phone, I was able to see the damage that I did to you for the brief second I saw our mutual Discord server...before it faded into oblivion. You pleaded with me, but I, on my emotion-fueled and medication-fueled rampage, wasn't having it. Only then did I realize that you deleted all of our Discord servers and removed me. I don't know if you blocked me, because when I tried to send you another friend request to explain myself, I saw that requests couldn't be sent. You'd have to add me. Thus, I went to my contacts, tried texting you about 30 times, and, tears streaming down my face at this point, I called. One call turned into two. Two turned into fifteen. Fifteen turned into thirty. Every single time, it went straight to voicemail. At first I assumed that you had your phone off, but then I realized that you blocked my number.

Ever since, I've been sitting here, alone, growing increasingly paranoid and increasingly upset with every passing day. I worry that you hurt yourself, that you went down the same path that I did...and that you'll never give me a chance to explain myself. To tell you how sorry I am. To tell you that I'm okay...and to tell you that my rampage was fueled by a bad combination of medications in my system and not my true feelings. Before I had the chance to make things right, you went away. When I needed you most, you left me. And I don't blame you. I acted like a fool. But you left me before I had any chance to redeem myself.

Now, it's Monday. As I sit here and write this, I can't help but cry. I've been crying all day, crying every day, but you'll never know the extent of how much I loved you and how much your absence is hurting me. I'm crying because I don't know how much I hurt YOU. I just want to know that you're okay, that you'll find happiness again, that you're still with me, even if we never see each other again. Right when I think I'm OK, paranoia sets in and I crumble. I'm going back to school soon and don't know what the semester has in store for me, but I doubt it will be good with how much pain I'm in. I made it into the honors program, moved into a major I actually want to do, am starting the year in a new building, with a room all to myself...but I don't care about that anymore. I don't care about starting new. I don't trust anyone anymore. Those four walls of my room are going to be my confine until I can get closure. Maybe it's immature, maybe it's foolish of me, considering that I'm just a nineteen-year-old girl and all, but it's all I can do. It's all I want to do right now. I don't want to make friends and lose them like I lost you. I've effectively lost every friend I had in the course of a few years. Now, with you, my one beacon of hope, gone, it's just me, and I'm thinking it should stay that way. I hope that you'll show me mercy and let me explain myself, but if not, I hope that you can live a happy and prosperous life. As for me...I don't know what the future holds, but I don't have any hope for it. I just wanted to thank you for being my boyfriend, and probably the best boyfriend I've ever had.
Dear mom,

I am an adult. Regardless of my autism, severe anxiety, or depression, that fact still stands. You no longer have the authority to determine my decisions. That’s why I was upset when you objected to me moving.

You know just as well as I do that I’ll never be happy in rural Oregon. I have too many triggers in that area. On top of that there are no schools or job opportunities for the major I am pursuing. I have to be in the city.

In spite of that, you lectured me about how I lacked the maturity to live with my other mom. I am fully admitted to your alma mater and have registered to see a new therapist. With my stipend I won’t even have to pay student loans. Aside from the stress college will inevitably bring, everything is full of promise.

I understand it’s hard to see your child leave home, especially when said child has dealt with serious trauma. It’ll take months, if not years, to adjust. I can’t imagine how hard it is to see me go. The thing is I won’t be separated from you. I have every intention of visiting you and texting regularly. Just try to remember that your parents have struggled through the same thing.
Dear Anonymous,

Your show stinks. You should've stopped at season 6. Maybe even 5. In fact, four seasons is a good number for most TV shows to stop actually because you know what? Dexter, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad; all of them peaked and sputtered out at four, and then it's downhill from there, baby!

Ahem, sorry.

I know, I know, you're the big shot Hollywood type. What do I know, right, Mr. X? Well, you could look up the statistics yourself. I'm speaking the truth, brother, and you know it.

A Parted Audience Member
I couldn’t do this in public but I have written letters but not sent. It can be very cathartic 💜
Yeah, my problem is the opposite of ForeverALoan because I've always hit that Post Reply button rather than just delete it. I have no impulse control.

Speaking of which...

Dear Anonymous,

I hate that you were so rude to me at the Captain Marvel fan event. I mean, c'mon man, I've only camped out for two days straight wanting a stupid autograph, and you just walked on by even though I was right in front of you. If you don't feel like entertaining these schmucks asking for your signature, then maybe you shouldn't have taken that paycheck and just stayed at home, huh?

A very bitter person
I couldn’t do this in public but I have written letters but not sent. It can be very cathartic 💜
Yeah, I do that sometimes. This person gave me a lot of trauma though and I've written to other people and never sent it out, but never to this person. It really helped me to write it although I couldn't stop shaking the whole time. I think I'm going to start doing that more : )
True high school drama:

Dear Ex-BFF,
I want to know what I truly did to make you hate me. It's just can't be something as juvenile as "Oh, she's annoying and she always follows us around." Oh no, you're just trying to downplay the situation there. I won't accept lies. I need the truth. And by the way, your ex-girlfriend isn't denying ever telling me out remaining loyalty to you, but because she's afraid of you, and she's afraid that she'll become a 'friendless mess' if she tells the truth. I don't know why I trusted you with my secrets. I don't know why I trusted you to help me when I was in pain. I don't know why I trusted you for anything. But if I know anything, which I do, it's that your friends are not your friends, and that slowly but surely, this will be spread around school. I know that you'll lie and say that it's all a lie that I made up because my brain is damaged or whatever **** you're gonna come up with for an excuse, but mark my words, I will exploit your lies.

Sorry, not sorry, a very infuriated person.
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I couldn’t do this in public but I have written letters but not sent. It can be very cathartic 💜

I understand this all too well. Yes, it very much is. To unleash all thoughts within oneself, freely exposing all emotions it's in raw entirety, is healing in itself. It started off as a "jot my thoughts and feelings down" kind of thing, to help my mind clear the clutter away, but as I continued to write, my heart then said "Why not send this?" I have recently wrote a letter that has exceeded 15 pages originally starting from last year. I had managed to get it down to 6.

I feel I may send it. After all, life is too short and I hate living with the "what if's" 😅 😆
Dear Abuser,

First off, I want to say I hope you are dead. Who on God's green Earth would sexually abuse a innocent child. You ruined my innocence. I hate you so much, and if I ever saw you in real life again, I would beat you until you're dead. I don't care if I would go to jail, I don't care. It would be my closure. Closure that I deserved after 10+ years in and out of therapy. 10+ years of a downward spiral. 10+ years of questioning my identity and what I stand for. You are an awful person. Also, how dare you be such a coward to hide all the evidence of your abuse. All the tapes, computer search history. Everything. I'll admit, you were clever, but you still deserve to go to jail and be beaten to death. You don't deserve to violate a 4 year old's innocence. You were 70 somthing years old. You should freaking know better. It still makes me sick to this day that I am still your Facebook profile picture. It makes me enraged. Also, it makes me wonder, was I the only one? Before the cops could get a search warrent, they saw all of the tapes, organized in numerical order. Was I really the only one? How many others did you abuse? How many other poor, innocent children did you steal their innocence from? How many others are out there like me, hating you with a fiery passion? How many?

(also, sorry mods if that isn't allowed, feel free to delete :) I needed to get it off my chest)
Dear Abuser,

First off, I want to say I hope you are dead. Who on God's green Earth would sexually abuse a innocent child. You ruined my innocence. I hate you so much, and if I ever saw you in real life again, I would beat you until you're dead. I don't care if I would go to jail, I don't care. It would be my closure. Closure that I deserved after 10+ years in and out of therapy. 10+ years of a downward spiral. 10+ years of questioning my identity and what I stand for. You are an awful person. Also, how dare you be such a coward to hide all the evidence of your abuse. All the tapes, computer search history. Everything. I'll admit, you were clever, but you still deserve to go to jail and be beaten to death. You don't deserve to violate a 4 year old's innocence. You were 70 somthing years old. You should freaking know better. It still makes me sick to this day that I am still your Facebook profile picture. It makes me enraged. Also, it makes me wonder, was I the only one? Before the cops could get a search warrent, they saw all of the tapes, organized in numerical order. Was I really the only one? How many others did you abuse? How many other poor, innocent children did you steal their innocence from? How many others are out there like me, hating you with a fiery passion? How many?

(also, sorry mods if that isn't allowed, feel free to delete :) I needed to get it off my chest)

You poor, poor human. I am so sorry.
To someone I used to adore,

At one point, I had really thought I loved you. You were everything to me, and in my eyes you were perfect. I simply wanted nothing but the best for you, for us. I didn't want anyone or anything but you, and I was sure from the bottom of my heart that I loved you.

But then I realized something. You actually ruined me, I was so much better off without you. You made me scared more times than I could ever count. I would constantly get anxiety trying to talk to you about anything important. I said I felt safe around you, but I guess I said it to make myself believe it. In reality, I hardly did. I was constantly afraid you would get angry at me. I've also cried over you so many times, sometimes happy, but sometimes because of sadness. You made me so miserable sometimes, but I stuck with you because of the good times we had. I stuck with you for 2 ****ing years, even though you stressed me out more than made me happy. And all for what? Then you just ****ing go ahead and break up with me and not even talk to me about what the **** I did wrong. A week before that you were like "oh yeah I'm really happy with him : )" and then you just. Dump me. It took me longer than it should've to heal from that. You know what? Looking back in hindsight, I'm glad we broke up. I wish I never would've ****ing met you. I hate you now. I could never actually say that to you, but it's true. I really despise you now. You completely ****ing broke me and I'll never be the same person that I was. I hate having to worry about your sorry ass and I wish that you would go away. I don't love you anymore and I never will. But I have attachment issues, so no matter what I'll probably never be able to get rid of you. Why did I have to meet you I swear to god.

Honestly because of this I'm so ****ing scared to get into another relationship. If I have my heart broken again, I don't think I'll be able to take it. **** you.

-your ex
To a very cool person,

Where are ya now? I googled your first name and you came up, you're like the only person with a name like that. It still pops into my head whenever I hear a certain word, it's pretty cool. What was that important thing you had to tell me that one time? It kills me, to this day, that I don't know. Sorry I became so nervous around you, I thought you to be a super cool person and was intimidated (not wrong though, you gotta admit).
Anyways, you were a cool friend, wish we coulda hung out more. Though, I remember you called me either Light Yagami or Ryuk or L, can't remember which, but you were obsessed with Death Note and blessed me with a nickname from it 💀

Sincerely, yours truly, me, myself, Frog, yeah
Dear past self,

Please don’t share too much information online. You’re at risk of being doxxed by your classmates. Some people may do the same toxic behavior others have done if they know it’s from trauma.

Of course that’s easier said than done. You’re the type of person that likes to trust the people you meet online. This is especially true if they seem kind or supportive. There’s nothing wrong with opening up to others, but take your time in getting to know them. You don’t want just anyone knowing your deepest fears.

Good luck,

Your Future Self
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