Write a letter to someone who will never read it.

Dear ex-crush,

When I first met you, all I could think about was us being together. And when I confessed my feelings for you, I was sure that you would feel the same way. But no, you had to go and avoid giving me an answer for two ****ing months, thinking that I eventually would give up. But, unfortunately, I never did. And when I bought up my suspicions about you and that other girl, I found out that you liked someone else. You have no idea how heartbroken I was. I thought I was trapped in a never-ending void of hopelessness. And then I found someone else, someone who is a hundred times better than you. I really like him, but because of you, I'm scared to put myself out there again. You are such a ****ing *****, and I hope you regret what you've done to scar me like this.

Worst regards, a heartbroken and scared person.
It’s been two months. October 26th was the last day we saw each other, and I wasn’t prepared for it to be the last. I’m not sure what happened, but I regret not acting sooner. I sometimes wonder if me leaving was a mistake. It could have been, but it felt right at the time. After boarding the bus, I knew in my heart it was a mistake, but it was too late.

It was that day I mentioned that I was leaving. I didn’t know how long I’d be gone. I had a feeling you overheard, because since then, you took a leave. You eventually stopped showing up. Nobody has heard from you since. We used to be close, and at a point I think we had feelings for each other, but now it’s over. I sometimes wonder if those feelings are still there for you, even if you’re not here. I remember your brother telling me that you only do certain things when I’m around, like wear makeup. He made it clear to me that you did like me, but I may have screwed it up.

I reached out to you via Instagram over three weeks ago, but you haven’t responded. My plan was to give you my number the next time we worked together, but that never happened. It made me realize you never know when your last chance could be. I wonder if you have even seen the message. I don’t know since your account is private, but you have been online.

I want to know so badly if I screwed things up. I don’t know what happened. We were on good terms, and you just vanished. I know that I left as well, but had I not, would you still be here? Leaving at the same time can’t be a coincidence, can it? I just hope I’ll see you again.
My old friend,

I used to be sad that you left without saying goodbye, and then angry because you did so even knowing how important goodbyes were to me. Nowadays, I only wish you could see how much better I'm doing. I know it would make you smile.

Thanks for being a part of my journey, even if it was brief. I truly hope that wherever you are, you are thriving.
To my beloved B,

I want you to start conversations more often between us. You have only done this once, and I feel extreme nervousness reaching out to you myself. Of course I'll do it for you because I love you as a friend and partner even if you don't do it after this letter, but to take that burden off of me every time I reach out would mean a lot. Maybe we could go back and forth with it? You reach out one day, I reach out the next.
Also, did you ever listen to that Avenged Sevenfold album I reccomended you?
Update: I actually ended up sending the basics of this letter to him, and I really don't regret it. Honesty feels so good ☺😭
To my beloved B,

The way you end conversations between us truly upsets me sometimes. The way I try so hard to be nice while ending conversations only to get "K. Bye." back can sometimes tear my heart. I know you mean no harm in this, it could be a problem with me, but the kind of way you type things makes me worried that I annoy you and you don't want to talk to me. I know this is most likely not the case, but could you please clarify that you don't mean this? You don't need to change how you type if it's just in your personality, I love how you act towards me outside of that small issue. Feel free to be honest with me as well. If you truly find me annoying, say it to my face. It hurts me more when one keeps lies for months than minutes. If you ever need a break from me I completely understand.
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Dear former crush/friend,

I planned on making this a while ago, but I waited until I sorted my thoughts. Whenever I deal with someone like you it takes months to process. Now that I’m doing better I'll get my remaining thoughts out.

When you started flirting with me I was honestly creeped out. You were a stranger who had only interacted with me once in a Discord server. A small part of me was flattered though, so I tried to reach out. I asked questions and played games with you, all in an attempt to get to know you better. Over time I developed feelings. Your claim that “I won’t treat you like your ex” comforted me. I figured I could show my entire self, warts and all. That’s where the trouble began.

During a voice chat session you said “you’re less charming over the phone.” Shocked, I asked you to repeat yourself. You claimed you didn’t say anything and acted like nothing happened.

Then you started to get defensive whenever I asked questions. I was just trying to continue our conversations. I had no intention of sharing information, but you got mad even when I asked how your day went.

I tried to cheer you up by mimicking your profile picture and Discord status. It creeped you out, so you said “I need a break from this,” and blocked me. In hindsight I should’ve asked first. It probably brought back bad memories for you. For that I am sorry. At the same time you did exactly what my ex did, down to the wording. You knew how she traumatized me and you took full advantage of it. I have no doubt in my mind that it was intentional. Otherwise you would’ve given me a second chance.

Now that a few months have passed I’m glad you cut me out of your life. Much like my ex you were shallow, inconsiderate and dishonest. You hid your true nature with superficial flirting. When I showed even the slightest bit of interest back you threw me away. There’s one difference. They had an untreated personality disorder. It’s the kind that causes trauma to both the person with the condition and those they become close with. You don’t have it. I thought I could lower my guard, but you proved me wrong.

When I tell someone I have autism I don’t ask for pity. I ask for basic understanding. I expect that those I interact with to know I can’t always catch social cues. There are times I do things that seem weird to nuerotypicals like you. My real friends tell me the mistake, I apologize and I do my best not to repeat it. They’re considerate enough to know that, like everyone, I mess up sometimes. They don’t cut all contact and reignite my trauma to communicate that.


I lose even more interest with everyday that passes. I still think about you, but not to the extent that I used to. I used to ask about you everyday, and now I barely bring it up. I used to check the schedule to see if your name appeared. Occasionally, I would glance at the website to see if your name was still visible. It disappeared at one point, and it hurt. You were on extended leave, but you may have just dipped. I’m not sure what’s going on with you. I know you’re going through a lot. I still regret not getting your number before leaving, but would it have made a difference?

I’m the one that left, and honestly, I wasn’t going to leave, until I found out by accident that you had a boyfriend. Yet, you were flirting with me. That just confused me, and I didn’t have time for games. I’m a spontaneous person, so I just up and left. I realized my feelings were stronger than I thought, and I regretted it after stepping foot on that train.

I‘m not sure if you took that leave because of me. We took a leave of absence at the same, and I refuse to believe that’s a coincidence. I reached out to you over a month ago. You haven’t responded. Do you need space? Are you hurt that I left when things seemed to be going well? It’s those questions going through my mind, and I will never know the answer. There’s a very good chance I will not see you again, and I’m slowly coming to terms with that. We had a connection, though, and you can’t deny that. Anyway, you have my number. You can’t say I never tried to reach out.
I still check up on you to see how you’re doing, as if there’s some justification for this distance. I wish I knew why you haven’t responded to my one effort to reach out to you. I don’t want to push it. Someday, I will get over it, but for now, I’m still holding on to what could have been. I wish I had some clarity as to what happened. I don’t know if I’ll ever get that.
I’ve come to accept slowly that maybe not hearing from you is closure. I don’t have to rely on you to tell me what happened or where things went wrong. That puts you in charge of the way I feel. I have control over my own emotions. It went from worrying about you, to wondering how you’re doing, to you just being someone I used to work with. I honestly feel like if I do come face to face with you in the future, I’d be over it.
Dear dad,

Why are you planning on forcing me to go to California with you and my brother. You know just as well as I do that I do not do well with road trips that require to travel halfway across the country. I get that you just want to spend time with your daughter, but you do realize that there is plenty of fun things to do that does not require such a long drive, right? This much as been established already.

And you just told me to "suck it up". That is a little rude, is it not?

Why cannot you understand that I do not like these types of trips? .-.

You ESPECIALLY should not force someone to do such a thing during a pandemic (provided we are still in this pandemic if/when this trip happens). Yes, I'm healthy, young, and vaccinated! It doesn't matter! Forcing someone halfway across the country is even more heartless during a pandemic.

I am not saying the pandemic is the primary reason I do not want to go, I would still not want to go, even if the pandemic never happened. However, despite the fact that I generally try not to worry about the pandemic too much, it does contribute to me not wanting to go.

I am also not saying that you and my brother should let this pandemic from stopping you guys to do what you want. But FORCING someone to do something is a completely different story.

I doubt I will have the courage to give you this letter in person, but even so, you really need to take what this letter says into consideration.

I love you, but I do not always love what you do.

Sincerely Yours, your daughter Shawna
It’s hard to forget you when I keep getting reminders, but damn I know I’m over you. I’m not holding on anymore. I’m just curious why I keep seeing your name everywhere, literally.
To my ex-friend,

You said you always "be there for me" but most times you are not. You never bother to check up on me to ask me "how I am doing" or "Are you feeling okay these days". I get that you have better things in life going on but did you ever think for one second think about how your friend is doing? For me I tried my hardest to be a good friend and all I ever get is the "Ghosting" treatment where I Feel like nobody is there for me and acting like they don't know who I am. You are the type of problem I have faced countless times in my life.

This is the reason why I will forever have trust issues, this is the reason why I became an introvert, and the reason why I can never make good friends, because of this type of treatment I always get. Was I not a "good enough friend" to you? Was I someone that you hated seeing? Well It seems like it because I have forgotten who my "true" friends were and I don't have any friends at all.

This world has made me avoid talking to most people in life, because I've been hurt, betrayed, lied to , and of course manipulated by those ex friends who I thought I could talk to. This is a hurtful feeling and I am sure you won't read this because you have better things going on in your life, well I hope you have a good life and don't ever think about me, because its too late to resolve any problems. I wish it didn't have to come to this but its for the best.

From, your friend that still cared about you all these years later.
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Dear family (but especially you, Grandma and Grandpa).

I've been keeping this a secret from you all for the last three years, but I guess I may as well say it now. I am omniromantic, lesbian, and genderfluid. I'm assuming none of you know what some of these terms mean, so I'm going to try to explain it the best I can.

Lesbian - being sexually attracted to girls and only girls

Omniromantic - being romantically attracted to all genders but having a preference (in my case, I'm mainly romantically attracted to people who either don't have a gender (non-binary, agender), or people who fluctuate between genders. Am I still attracted to cis people? Yes, but not as much.)

Genderfluid - Fluctuating between genders. (For example, I could identify as female one day, and as non-binary the next)

So basically, Grandma and Grandpa, I have become your worst nightmare, yay!

As for the people on Mom's side, thank you for seemingly being more accepting of people like me, seeing as it's your side the lesbian cousin is on.

As for the rest of you all, I don't give a **** about what you think, I basically pretend y'all don't exist anyway.

Thank you for reading this, have a nice rest of your lives.

Best regards,
Remy, Ace, or whatever I may or may not decide to call myself in the future.
To my cats who passed,

I miss you both. I still can’t believe you’re gone. Thank you for the 12 beautiful years we spent together. You are always in my heart. I love you. 😢
Sirs, madames and others: thank you for all the art.

I’ve questioned many times how lonely I am and I live hoping for some sort of genuine sense of connection. You can’t replace that, you can’t replace that dream person, who never even shows up in my dreams. But, if arts are like language- if they invoke feelings- what’s not to say it’s a form of communication? It’s sad how indirect communication, communication from the dead even, makes me feel more connected with something than… actually spending time with people.

But I suppose if art reflects humanity or captures a vision, I feel more connected to my idea of humanity than humanity itself. It’s not really a stretch to say I’m a misanthrope, not in the sense of holding hatred to every person I see (hark, I rarely find real hatred anymore), but disappointment- how many times I’ve thought and said I wish I weren’t human, because it’s so difficult and I’m lonely and surrounded by people who choose to make things more difficult. Even for themselves. How many times I had to hear my mother complain about her weight, not even bad weight, when her diet and “cheat days” were her own choice and I showed her better. I’m tired of people seeing better and not adopting it when it’s resonance, making excuses that get in their own way… I’m too guilty of that. Alas, that’s a single thing that bothers me about people. If I only ever thought about those annoyances and pieces of noise and my neighbourhood, living itself would be insufferable. I would see people so cynically. But, I’m disappointed things are this way instead.

(Humanity itself versus my idea of it? I’ll only ever perceive “my idea of it”, even if someday that were to change, as it has already.)

Some of my ideals do feel like settling, but I try to see that as doing the best I can with the cards I‘m dealt. Others have worse, but these are poor cards. I tried so hard to reach for better cards- maybe I picked one or two up, but it’s about playing with what I have right now.
What does being “strong” mean on its own? It often sounds like an excuse coming from others… the sentiment depends on who it comes from, I suppose. When I look at myself as strong I feel good about it- when my psychologist says that, same- some people saying it when they hear my story can feel pitiful. I think a strength I hold is to deny being bogged down by those kind of negative sentiments borne from cynicism, considering and allowing but not being swallowed by them. It’s taken about a decade of active work now, as I look back. The scale of that effort looking back is humbling, sobering, comforting. This isn’t the first time I’ve looked back and been happy with my progress, but… I needed it as it is right now so badly, to be proud of myself, to be happy with what I’ve done for myself.

I’ve come to see everything as ephemeral and the last year or so of my life has strongly reinforced the idea.
Maybe someday I can share my sentiment with someone who can, in turn hold a conversation with me over these kinds of things, and who I feel close enough to understand and feel attached to. Someone who mutually teaches me, not someone who is just listening and taking from me, or who just feels like an acquaintance.

Am I looking to fill some checkboxes? I get tired of myself. I thought I had someone like that in my life, they were a liar.
When I came back to music… it bought me back to my old ideals. It bought me back to myself and gave me hope again. That’s why I thank you.

Whoever said wisdom comes not from knowing answers, but knowing how to stand when things are uncertain- thank you. Another indirect communication that makes me feel better about who I want to be, makes me a pinch less lonely. Thank whoever inspired them. Whoever let things align this way.
Things are ephemeral… thoughts… ideas. I admire that idea in itself.
I lost everything I had and everything that made me. The ephemeral can be painful, it can destroy a person. I’m amazed that I survived, I am born again. Thinking that’s cheesy if I look back, or that I wasted my breath in the likely chance I still won’t “get that connection”, is just losing my admiration for some sentiment and feeling I held as I type it :). And that’s ok. Pretty, even. I can admire that the moment came and went. As I am right now. Perhaps in the future I’ll be dead inside again, see this sentiment again and cry, perhaps I’ll be born again again. That’s living.

I’ve almost died at least five times now. I have an interesting relation with both literal and spiritual death.
The person who betrayed me once said I really am like Raven, dying and coming back as someone new. I love looking at the positive sentiments they shared without being bogged down by the thought of them… simply what those sentiments mean to me. I’m not obligated toward the person.

I thought of… choosing to spend time with people. Trying to reply. Little things. If I’m putting in that effort and reaching out I can think of myself doing that, having fun. Being a little less lonely and proud of myself. How cheesy indeed.

”Metanoia” is my favorite word. It pervades all existence. Thank you for that word. Hail.
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Dear Molly,

It’s been almost a year since you crossed the rainbow bridge to doggy heaven. I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately. March 10th, 2022 was one of the saddest days of my life, which is saying something because this past year has been really rough. One of my biggest regrets is not saying goodbye to you. I knew you were going to pass soon but I refused to believe it. And you didn’t get to hear how special you were because of it.

I know that no-one else in our family liked you, and you probably know that too, but I did. You were a part of my life for ten years. And in those ten years we both grew; you from a wild little puppy to the end of your life, me from an oblivious kid to a teenager with self esteem issues and anxiety. But you were always there.

I remember the day we got you, at that one shelter back in Ohio. I picked you out, remember? And you were so excited to come home. Remember when we would go on walks around the apartment complex in the snow? You loved snow so much. And the 1,000 mile trip to Texas, with our newfound family (which included a cat) where you fell asleep next to me. Those were good days.

But now those memories are all I have of you. Those and a few pictures. I miss you so much. We had multiple foster fails this past year, and both of their barks sounded like yours. It was almost like you were coming back to check on us, even if it was only for a few months.

I hope you got the peace you deserve up there.
Love, Raven
Dear anonymous,

It's true that I had feelings for you back when you asked me on dates. You were fun to talk to and we had a lot in common. When I said I couldn't go on them yet because I was out of town it was not a lie. Up until recently I was pressured to stay with a family member in a different part of the state. She'd guilt me into staying over and I didn't know how to set boundaries about what I was willing to do. It wasn't that I didn't want to spend time with you, I was just in bad circumstances. At the same time, what we had wasn't a romantic relationship. There was no mutual agreement over what we were. There wasn't even a confession. We just had mutual feelings for each other and I couldn't commit yet. For that reason I simply considered us friends.

One day I made a dumb comment and you decided to "break up" with me. Instead of being honest that you lost interest, you lied about it involving someone else. For months I tried to keep the friendship going by instigating platonic hangouts. You always said you were too busy and yet you went around posting about hanging out with your other friends on social media. I felt like chopped liver. I started texting less, but you always sent memes the second I was gone. It's like you couldn't let go.

I was laying in bed trying to sleep one night and you sent a phone call without warning. It was almost 4 a.m. I was elated you actually wanted to do something other than text, but I was too groggy. You proceeded to send me angry texts immediately after. I tried to make a compromise by rescheduling the call to during the day, but you wouldn't do it. The call either had to be when you wanted it or it wouldn't happen. Our "friendship" went back to how it was before.

Two months later you tried to call again at 4 a.m. I had a terrible feeling about what would happen, but I answered regardless since you took the extra effort to ask first. I was blasted with an angry rant over your neighbor and coworker. Any type of real angry yelling triggers me, but the way you talked took me back to my childhood. I shook violently. Once your rant was over you asked about my life story and said you didn't care what I had to say under your breath. Due to not receiving treatment for my psychosis yet I gave a heavily distorted version of my life story. It was ridiculous and over the top, but I was so triggered from talking to you that I couldn't stop. Throughout my talk you made rude comments like "we really are total opposites," and said "my ex has been complaining for over an hour" to your roommate.

Once the call was over I knew what I had to do. I blocked you everywhere. I am really sorry for the paranoid texts I sent you after you lost interest and the overly long rant on the phone. I received multiple diagnoses and have gotten treatment for them recently. C-PTSD takes years to heal, but I am going in the right direction. Most of my most delusional thoughts are already gone. The phone call set me back several years, but for once I can control the intrusive thoughts.

At the same time you were not a good friend. You could've been more honest when you lost interest and the way you got mad at me for not answering at 4 a.m. was very hurtful. I think I made the right decision by ending things. It's obvious you were just using me a backup person to vent to when no one else would respond. You'd blow me off constantly when I wanted to be like real friends, but you wouldn't let me go if I didn't respond for more than two days. I felt manipulated. I'm glad now that what we had didn't turn into a real relationship. Neither of us were in the place to date. If things went that far I can't even imagine how damaging it would've been for both of us. I hope that the person you're with now is more stable and that you aren't intruding on his boundaries at odd hours of the day.


Dear Mrs. [REDACTED],

Hi. Remember me? Maybe not. Remember my drawings I did for 6th grade English class? Maybe not. But in any case that you do…

I told my typography class about you, and the things you said to me about my art in front of my entire class. That it was “chickenscratch” and that it “looked like it was drawn on the bus”. All because I didn’t color it, despite putting effort into it. Even though they don’t know your name, 7 graphic design students and an artist teacher, (oh, and my mom, who is also an artist!) now know how you’ve treated me. It’s a small group of people, I know, but it’s worth it.

My typography teacher said something along the lines of “man, you were in 6th grade? That’s especially harsh. 6th grade is about the age where kids feel like giving up on things”. And internally, I felt a sense of pride. Because I kept going. I kept drawing ever since then, despite you. You may have said a measly few words, but I’ve had countless people compliment my art and support me ever since I could pick up a crayon. Mom, Dad, my boyfriend, my extended family, my friends, strangers. And I want to get better and better. Anyway, I’m majoring in graphic design, I still love drawing to this day, and your words may have stung but they haven’t stopped me.

P.S. oh, and I’ve seen you’ve recently retired. I hope you don’t return to the school for fun/a side job again until you learn not to favorite some students and put on your sickly-sweet facade and disgusting over-the-top soft voice while treating students you deem unworthy like chopped liver! Thanks!

-An artist.
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