Wrong answers only !!


What is the actual relation between Tom Nook and the Nooklings (Timmy & Tommy)?
Big blobs of floating cotton. Some of them are so wet that it causes rain, and too much wooly cotton causes thunderstorms.

What state is the most prone to having tornadoes?
It’s actually god’s tears from certain people doing horrible things, and he’s upset about it.

What’s the point of Christmas lights?
Well you see when two daddies love each other very much, they book a trip to China and come home with a baby. So the answer to the question of where babies come from is pretty much the same answer where everything else comes from: China.

What’s The Look of Love?
It’s when your pupils turn to hearts. A general term for a rare medical disorder that happens when you see someone or something particularly attractive. Cartoons especially popularized the “Look of Love”.

What has four wheels and moves?
Because it was the first state, and he was the first president.

What country did pizza originate in?