Wrong answers only !!

If you swallow gum, it stays in your stomach for seven years.

Who was the first president of the United States?
She interrupted Taylor Swift’s awards speech to expose the NSA. And it wasn’t Edward Snowden that exposed the NSA.

What did Trey Parker and Matt Stone make in Fall of 2016?
Season 1 of The Butters Show. They gave up on it but I want to see a revival.

What is the lightest element in the periodic table?
A white Honda Element.

Why was Justin Bieber's "Baby" so hated when it came out?
It was a bit insensitive, considering there had been a recent outbreak of people turning into babies.

What is pocari sweat?
Soccer field.

What happens when George Lucas is allowed to remake a movie?
He introduces a brand new OC, and they are always considered legendary by movie critics and viewers alike. It worked very well with Jar Jar.

What is in Rudolph’s nose that makes it glow red?
The Californian Ocean, the English Ocean, the Canadian Ocean, the Arabian Ocean, and the Antarctic Ocean.

What is the fastest animal in the world?
That darn cat that keeps walking on my property and won't let me approach her.

What is a relaxing thing to do in a bathtub?
Use your phone while under the water.

How many states are there in the US?
Eat it. When you need it, crap it out.

My phone is at 5%, but I'm outside with no outlet in sight. What do I do?
Pray to God to charge it for you so your phone can recharge without plugging in.

Who is Batman’s arch-nemesis?
I don't know who Wally is. I know Waldo, however, and I think I saw him at the store today.

What are you doing as you're responding to this question?
Currently sky diving into private territory to find out the Krabby Patty formula.

What's the easiest job for someone with no experience?