Wrong answers only !!

The Red Tail Mafia: a gang of bootleggers in which Redd is a part of.

What will happen if you keep driving around and around in a roundabout?
The purpose of earwax is to provide a sweet, yummy treat to Coachella, the tiny snail living inside your ears. 😊🐌💞👂

Conversely, what is the purpose of that tiny snail living inside your ears?
She slows down my thinking speed, to help the racing thoughts from overwhelming me all at once c:

Why are seals so cute?
Because they sound like whining dogs.
But wait, that’s annoying! That means seals are annoying creatures!

What’s the real reason why Coca-Cola has polar bears in their ads during the winter months?
Coca Cola + 1880’s = cocaine. Cocaine = white. Animals = cute. Cute = marketable. Cool also = marketable. Polar bear = white and cute and cool.

Why are wild animals hostile?
Fancy electricity kept inside a gypsy ball.

What does Digby do in New Horizons?
The McDonald’s sign that’s off that one freeway exit.

What will happen if you run on the concrete next to a pool’s edge?
The scenery will transform into a typical sick anime ending with the beach in the background as you run.

What will happen if you eat too much fast food?
You become Grimace, and your diet quickly changes to consist of nothing but purple birthday shakes.

How come there’s stains on my stainless steel fridge???
Somebody came to your house and literally wrote the word, "stains", all over your stainless fridge.

How do you make a fire?
By the tail, and you’ll have to use your foot to carry the cat.

Are ogres more like onions, or are they more like cakes?
Neither, actually. They’re more like parfaits.

What is the sixth zone in Sonic 2?
The Forbidden Zone

What’s the reason why Dexter keeps his lab secret from his parents but not his sister Dee Dee?
You actually can. There’s a common misconception that space is a vacuum and has no air. This is untrue. All astronauts have taken off their helmets at one time or another, they only wear it to look cool.

What’s the difference between a ray, a line, and a line segment?