Wuthering Waves

I wasn't able to download the update at least for me until today but I'm very glad that it is updating. I'm pretty interested in the story that will be happening in this patch. I don't think I will be pulling for anyone though I do think the designs are cute and nice. I'm holding off for the next patch to pull I think.

Well I SAID I wasn't going to pull Zhezhi, but my friend talked me into doing a few more pulls when I was already at 60 pity, and I ended up winning the 50/50 for her. 😂

That being said, I'm glad I have a Glacio DPS now, and apparently she works well with Lingyang. I don't have the resources to devote to building her at the moment, but rest assured I will be building her in the future. 🥳
I tried out Zhezhi, and I do like her. I'm tempted to pull for her but I gonna stand by not doing so. What I like about her is her mobility and how unique her weapon design is. I feel like that isn't an enough reason for me to pull though. Maybe if I had all my other characters that I plan to use completely upgraded I would pull for her but I don't and I want to wait for a character I like more. But I'm also sitting here like, when will she come back around though 😬 or what if the next two sets I dont care for at all and I regret not pulling for her? 🤷
What Id really like to see is a projectile user. Maybe a crossbow or even a regular bow is ok or something else crazy (seeds? Webbing? Boomerang?). And Id like to see another healer, but I don't expect to see one anytime soon tbh.
Oh yeah, and Xiangli Yao trailer is out and it's REALLY cool. Made me more interested in him as a character. 👀

Well I wished on Xiangli Yao's banner and predicted correctly that I'd lose 50/50, so now I'm guaranteed for Storekeeper. Just gotta start building those Astrites up again. 🤩

Came here to say I reached level 70 now and ranked up to Rank 8. I'm interested to see how much more difficult fighting enemies in the game is now.


Also FINALLY rolled a triple crit monkey 4 cost for Jiyan, so now he has double crit on every piece except for one of his 3 costs. I don't use him in battle nearly as much as my Jinhsi, but it's helpful to know that his team is solid with him on it.

Trailer for version 1.3 is out! I'm so glad I'm guaranteed for Shorekeeper. Her personality, design, and kit all look amazing! This patch seems like it'll be lore-heavy again, so I hope everyone who's still playing enjoys it! 🥳

Got Shorekeeper in my first 10-pull after being guaranteed! THIS IS INSANE. I'M CRYING 😭


Got her weapon too thanks to my remaining Astrites and shop exchange pulls + previous pity!


WuWa is currently in a lull, but just bumping this up to say I've finally built three teams that I really like, and I'll probably continue to use these going forward until more characters release.



Alright ya'll I just wanted to give you some piece of advice when it comes to characters since I learned the hard way even though I have such bad luck in gacha games.. if you are wanting a four star character do not pull in the limited banner because you never know when or if your luck will change and instead of getting that four star character you wanted you get a five star you have no interest in! Yep that happened to me! I got Jinyan but I don't really want him at all, I may build him in the future if I am bored but he's just going to be benched for now. I got Youho though and she's so cute. I haven't built her yet but I will sometime soon.

I'm currently finishing up building Shorekeeper and Changli, both of them are doing absolutely amazing despite not being completely finished. I'm very pleased.. I think I got lucky with their echoes to be honest. I have benched Calchero and Verina for now but I suppose they can be on a team together and I'll just have to add a third character! We'll see.

1.4 trailer is here! I'm currently at around 60 pity and have 6,000 Astrites and 6 of the limited pulls saved up. Hoping I win the 50/50 for Camellya, but lowkey if I don't I probably won't spend and will just keep chucking pulls at her banner to see if she comes home. I'm not in dire need of another DPS at the moment, so yeah.

Her showcase, by the way.​

Resonator-specific showcase is out for Camellya now as well. Her kit looks really good to be honest. Best wishes to everyone pulling!​
I've decided to roll for her. Only for me to get an extra copy of Camellya by complete accident later.

Yes, I did accidentally roll an extra copy on my phone.
I am very excited to say that I got Camellya today, I first did her trial to see how she played and I absolutely loved it. I also got her weapon, I wasn't sure if I was going to go for it but I only had to do two ten pulls and the weapon came. I'm honestly really happy I got it because now I don't have to worry about sharing weapons. I did her quest today too and I really enjoyed it. Now I just have to finish leveling up Camellya and her talents/echoes, I also need to finish some stuff for Changli as well. I'm very pleased with how my pulling luck has been on Wuthering Waves compared to the other gacha games I play.
havent played wuwa in a long while, but i did listen to clips of Lumi and her JP VA Minoringo!! She's one of my favorite VAs as she's voiced a good number of my favorite characters, notably Ena from Proseka. I hope I pull Lumi someday as I do wanna main her! 💖
Ended up pulling Camellya in this game as well as getting all of her wavebands. I'm also now Union Level 76 and inching closer to 77. Would have capped by now if I was refreshing, but I haven't for awhile now because I find it to be a waste of Astrites at this point.



I pulled for camellya. She is fun but my favorite is changli. I also ended up getting verina while pulling for camellya so I am not sure what freebie character I will go for now but that's fine.