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the harry potter clone?

i hate it... i read the first chapeter of the first one... it put me to sleep.
PIKMIN042 said:
Nope, haven't read them and I don't plan to.
Did you like The Lord of the rings? If you did, then you'll love these...
I did, but I don't want to read a story that's like it.
PIRANHA2 said:
the harry potter clone?

i hate it... i read the first chapeter of the first one... it put me to sleep.
It's nothing like harry potter!

To answers bul's question:
It's about a boy (artemis fowl) who's a super genius, and criminal mastermind.
He comes in contact with magical creatures, and lot's of stuff happens.
PIRANHA2 said:
the harry potter clone?

i hate it... i read the first chapeter of the first one... it put me to sleep.
ROFL! Isn't that... {>___>} {<___<} Ch... Char... Lie... Charlie Something?