Yes Never OK Jobs

yeah i’d like that!! altho i do have hayfever so i might be kinda sneezy lol
cat cafe owner?
It's actually a tougher job than you'd think, since you need to be physically-fit enough to carry heavy cartons of books. So no, I don't think so.

All the accountants I know hate their jobs. I know this one man who is the most creative man I have ever known or seen and he is stuck as an accountant and it breaks my heart. However, I am kind of in a rut for class options because I'm going to study business so I got stuck taking an accounting class. Not a fan- It's so boring and repetitive.

Yes, but no. I love to bake, but at the same time I also LOVE bread and sweets, so I'm fairly certain that I'd gain a few pounds in the process...and I'm trying to lose weight for medical reasons. In theory I'd love to, but my sweet tooth says no.

News anchor?
Never that sounds so stressful and I wouldn't wanna be on TV on a regular basis lol

School principal?
Sure. I'd probably just try a bit and be like "this is so yum" and never offer any kind of feedback lmao

Personal trainer?
Haha, not really. While I'm not an un-healthy weight/body stature, I don't have an active lifestyle so I'm not strong, agile, athletic nor do I have alot of stamina. Who would take a class with someone who looks likes me lol :p

Pet baby-sitter
Hah, no. I'm not that enthusiastic about sports or even announcing.

I don't have the proper tools for that. Only if you want like maybe giant sundials on your wrist? If a place gave me the tools and training, I would try my hands at it. I always do like to learn more things. I've taken apart plenty of things that weren't working so as to not spend more money buying a new one and so forth.

If no training or tools involved, I'd fail miserably so probably no.

Never. I hate insects, especially dangerous insects capable of stinging you. Me and Blathers would get along.

TV showrunner?
Never. Not one for the spotlight, or one who has great show ideas.

Middle school teacher?
i would try it, i like helping people and i also have a pretty good eye for design so it could work

Maybe. Although I have no specialty in that subject.

Marine Biologist?