yo mama jokes

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@Kaleb we know this was probly made to see how many people even care about these jokes let alone see if there funny.
Yo momma's so fat..after having se x with her I rolled over twice and was still on top of her
ITT: People saying that they always found "you mama" jokes stupid although probably used them when they were new.
yo momma is so fat she has her own ringtone Jiggle Jiggle Jiggle
yo momma is so fat when a whale saw her the whale started singing "we are family!"
yo momma is so fat you have to take a train and two buses just to get on heer good side

yo momma is so stupid she got locked in a grocery store and starved
yo momma is so stupid she climbed over a glass wall to see what was on the other side
yo momma is so stupid she stared at a juice box because it said concentrate
yo momma is so stupid she she therw a rock at the ground and missed

yo momma is so ugly she makes onions cry
yo momma is so ugly they are gonna move halloween to her birthday
your mother is so fat, the distance between the clipping planes to enclose her bounding box causes GL display artifacts in maya
yo moma so fat she tripped on the empire state building and fell at the Titanic's wreck spot!
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