You are now...

I jump on Andeh and he blows up too

You fart in a forest fire
I throw up on you, magically turn into a hunter and maul you to death

You are now Louis (L4D) With NO GUNZ!! LOLEZ
You are now a melle moron that cry when they get punched on by a hunter so resort to melleing... like a rooster.
I am now uhh..... A Witch wait... I have a quick back story of the witch.... She was an emo girl, before the infection
Actually I'm going WTH?!

You're dancing while farting loudly
It's more this,

And so are you.
your head is now slowly shrinking, withing 1 minute its acutal size will be that> <small><small><small><small>O</small></small></small></small>