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Your AC Rep?


Sep 20, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
Frilled Bluestone Foraged Mushroom
Common Gentleman Foraged Mushroom
Do you make your character resemble you, or do you base them off someone or something else? Do you name them after yourself or give them a random name?

I guess my character slightly resembles me, even though my character is a male and I am female. I also dress in similar outfits to my AC Rep. He does have my signature turquoise / aqua hair though. I also don’t give my character my real name because it wouldn’t match his gender, and I’m not really open about my real name on the forum. Only a few people know it if they have my Snapchat or something.
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100% resembles me. I think the intense desire for my characters to resemble me as much as possible partially stems from being a person of color. Representation is more scarce, especially in video games. But I also like "seeing myself" in games, so it's nice I get to see myself blazing and kicking ***.
hmm... my character doesn't really resemble me, but it's not like it's completely different. my character has my skin tone, and usually my hair color (i change that if another color matches my outfit better), but not the same eye color, because i don't like how the options for my eye color look in-game. my character also has my real name.

as for outfits, i dress my character a lot more eccentric-ly than i tend to irl. i still love the outfits i give my character! but they wouldn't all fit me.
I have my resident Rep looking nice, and Its a totally cute name since my name don't go well hahaha. She has a really European-city style, clothes you wear when you get a coffee in an expensive cafe or just chilling in an antique bookstore. She resembles what i like to do in real life. I also like library and cafe, and k.k swing. She has a pale peachy blush and looks very cute in glasses and braids. Satchel is her favorite bag, straw boater, bandages, Aran knit socks, ghillie brogues, and a nice jumper.

My resident rep looks like me - same hair color and eye color, and her name is Fox after my nickname. I dress her both how I do dress and how I wish I was bold enough to dress, though the latter is much less common.
I never know how to answer this. My rep isn’t really a “character” in my mind, just a blank slate that I play through, so of course they’re kind of based on me, because I choose clothes and furniture and haircuts in styles I like and I answer villager questions honestly. But I definitely don’t think of her as me, either. She has a different name, wears lots of things I find cute in-game but wouldn’t be interested in for real life, and I do imagine her as having a few in-game hobbies. Actually, ever since Wild World, I always imagine that my player character likes fishing more than the other activities. Probably because I loved fishing in Wild World. I don’t actually fish a lot in NH, but I perceive Ballad as a devoted angler. She’s got all kinds of fish stuff in her house and he section of my island where she lives is geared toward fishing. So yeah, not me, but not entirely separate either. I do stick to one skin color at all times, because it feels disrespectful to change skin tone like an accessory, even in a video game.
I made my character back in wild world, and it looks as closely to me as possible, but with blue hair.
Changed the hairstyle to the messy one in New Leaf because it looked more like me, and I've just kept that since, although I don't look like that anymore.
So my character essentially looks like I did a long time ago.
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My player character is everything I am not. I do this for every game I play. I never try to make the avatar look like me.

Her name is Cranky. The name describes my everyday default mood.

I do think she looks cute as heck. With overly big eyes and screaming red hair, she dresses herself in cute outfits whenever she feels like it. The total opposite of real life me. I'm usually in black. She's bright, optimistic, determined, energetic, super friendly and talkative. Not like me in the least. When my kid was a teenager, he once described me as "irritable, intimidating and sarcastic". Just like his English teacher in school, he said. 😆😑🤪
Animal Crossing and my Mii are the only games I think I try to emulate myself. Hair color (hairstyle... I pick the closest), eye color, and the facial hair. My rep is definitely more stylish than the real me. I suck at fashion.

My island layout, theme, and villagers are all influenced by my interests.
My rep is like what I wish I was, at least physically. He's got the secondary more curly fro since that's close to how my hair looks when its messy (except not nearly as fluffy since I've got mixed genes so it's got weird textures). He wears dresses and sweaters a lot cause those are my favorite things to wear as well! He's also a sneaky little gremlin lmao.
Oh! I should add that sometimes his hairstyle changes, cause that's something I wish I could do more irl. Some styles I can't pull off with this hair texture yknow?
I mean I got separate hcs for him that relate more to animal crossing than to me myself but yeah, he's me.

now realizing i need to find some old art of him some folks on here have madethis is his toyhouse page lol
My character's supposed to be me, at least he's named after me but I can't make him look like me. None of the hair colors work and there was one hairstyle in the new update that very slightly resembles mine but it just looks weird on the character like it's not "full" enough, and my own hair is way thicker than this. I also can't justify giving him my skin tone because it's almost gruesomely pale in-game so I went with like a shade or two darker. My irl face is darker than my body anyway. Eye color and shape are spot on though lol even though the color is always the hardest part to get right in character creation
I do try to dress him like I would myself though, so very boring and monochromatic lol
My island rep is pretty much a fantasy version of myself, she has my name, facial features and hair colour. The clothes and hairstyles she wears are something I have no desire to wear in real life so I just implement them into Animal Crossing instead.
Depends. Sometimes my rep is the ideal version of myself, sometimes I just make her pretty and give her pink hair.
Sometimes shes a version of me I wish could exist and sometimes she is another character alltogether. Since you can switch eyes around now I dont feel as attached to her looks.. It makes me miss earlier Animal Crossing systems actually because you had more a feeling for a specific character rather than a cardboard cutout you get to play as. Cuztomisation can take away the limitations needed to create something more out of nothing..
My character has my skin color (it's crazy that there were no skin color options in previous games. I look back at old AC:NL screenshots and I'm like, wow, that is NOT me!) and typically has black hair like me (though sometimes I change it, because I'd never dye my hair irl and it's fun to do so in-game).

Clothes-wise... I like to play around with the outfits, so she typically doesn't resemble me, as I can't rock an all-pink leotard ensemble to the office. :p
My resident rep has my birth name and typically resembles me, but sometimes I change their appearance out to cosplay as other characters. Once I spent a few months in extended cosplay pretty much lol
I don’t really see my rep as a character, but as an extension of me for me to play the game through, honestly.
She has my name and skin color and typically my hair color though sometimes i’ll dye it random pretty colors
She wears whatever I think is cute that’s typically in the range of things I’d wear IRL but a bit more...busy-looking/creative than the relatively plain outfits i wear
I think the idea of it being a character is interesting, but for me i always consider these types of things to be more akin to a vessel for me to play the game through- even when it’s a named character, honestly!
In previous games my character has always been separate from me... with a different cute name, more crazy hair colors, etc. But this time around I went with my name and a closer representation to myself - same hair and eye color and name. Obviously it's a cute little cartoon version, but close as possible I suppose. My island name is also realistic to where I'm from. I do have secondary characters with the more weird names and looks. :) I find that more fun. For clothes I just wear whatever I like.

I think next time if I ever restart or play in another game of the series I'll go back to a more fantasy character and town name.