Your Favorite Cranky Villager?

I don't really have a favorite cranky. As far as my memory can go, Apollo may be the first cranky I had in Wild World, but I don't really care much for him. Wolfgang is pretty decent, and has a cool name (German), but I think I like Tom, just because he is a cat villager, and his name is most likely a reference to tomcat.

back again because OHMYGOSH!

how did i not notice this cutie 💗
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i can't even believe i never noticed him, he's a panda and those are literally my most favourite animal ever 💕
(i love pandas more than deers not gonna lie haha)

Not a cranky, but I'm the same way with Carmen. Just discovered her a couple weeks ago even though she's been around since City Folk. She's my new favorite Peppy.
Not a cranky, but I'm the same way with Carmen. Just discovered her a couple weeks ago even though she's been around since City Folk. She's my new favorite Peppy.
awh i love carmen so much, she was one of my first amiibos so i feel like i grew up with her 😊
i had her in NL and i've been debating whether to replace bonbon with her in NH 💕
I would say Walt. I had him on NL and he quickly became my bestie. I don't see him on many islands, though, which is such a shame.
Chief is my personal favourite, I had him in New Leaf and I remember his weird robot furniture. I kept trying to give him Ranch furniture, because I thought it would suit him better.
Funny story. I'm not one to try and have one of each personality type on my island, my dreamies list is full villagers whose designs I like, regardless of their personality. I bought Fang for 10 NMT just to grab the cranky best friend reaction, then I was gonna let him go. And then guess who ended up getting attached lol.

I had Octavian for a short period of time, and he always seemed to be in a bad mood (but that could just be his face). Fang has a very positive attitude for a cranky and he literally acts like he's my grandpa. He calls me Junebug, which I find so endearing. So yeah, he's here to stay. I'm so surprised because 1) the wolf villagers make me slightly uncomfortable and 2) I didn't buy him original. He wears this blue colour blocked hoodie custom design which usually would bother me so much, but he actually pulls it off quite well. It's helped to loosen me up about preferring to keep my villagers 100% original. I think of it as part of his charm and personality, like he's this fashion forward grandpa who's just trying to keep up with the trends.

My island is forest themed, so he fits in quite well. Not sure he would fit in with an Alice in Wonderland island, but definitely a fairytale island (think Little Red Riding Hood). His house is really aesthetic on the outside, and has a cozy vintage feel on the inside.

Out of all the cranky villagers in the game, I chose Vladimir to be my ultimate favorite little cranky bear cub. He likes to poke fun at some of the villagers and he has hilarious conversations whenever he socializes with the villagers (He once told Hopkins that he was going to teach him some "colorful" vocabulary and this conversation made me laugh so much :LOL:). As for my island, I added an assortment of random furniture around different areas, so my island doesn't really follow a specific theme at all. For an Alice in Wonderland themed island, the cranky villagers Tom or Kabuki could both represent the Cheshire Cat.
Probably Dobie and Chief, I've always had a soft spot for Chief, and he's now on my 2nd island after a random move in. I fell in love with grumpy grandpa Dobie in New Leaf though and knew I had to have him when Chief originally moved out of my first island :D
Del is my favorite! I love how nice is he and I really like his design and color scheme. A cranky alligator just feels really fitting to me, considering how many million of years crocodilians have been around.
Vladimir supremacy!! I think most people don't like him because his house is kind of ugly and he has a weird browline but he's one of my favorite villagers. His house exterior is so cute and he's a little pink cub grandpa! He always has the best dialog during events too.

I'm also pretty partial to Chief as well. I think the cranky wolves are all great!
So many great Cranky villagers. My favorites are Static and Hopper. Have both on my main island. Static will move to my second island when he’s ready to go. Hopper I will not let go.
I think cranky villagers are my favorites, I currently have Octavian and Boris, I'm not a big fan of octopus so Octavian might have to leave the Island one day haha but I really like Boris, he is fun, his house is amazing, he has an "oriental" styl which I find original! On my previous Island I had Ike, I really really liked him even though his house is kinda weird, it looks like a garage, and Gonzo who is really cute, he might be my favorite tbh even if he was the only one who didn't offer me his photo...

I don't have a theme for my Island but maybe Boris would fit a "Alice in wonderland" theme with his "oriental" outfit and his special house.
Tom is my favorite Cranky and the one I have now but I also like Roscoe and Chief as well. I have Tom on my mostly cat island because Kabuki just isn't my style. I like pretty much any of the wolves. Not enough room for everyone I want though.
Always and forever Apollo, even though I don't have him currently on either my NH island or the island that my husband and I share. He was already in my very first Animal Crossing (NL) town (Novaria, listed below) that my grandson, who was six at the time, eventually gave me because I was continually asking to play it back in 2016 after he introduced me to New Leaf, bless him. Fang is in that town, too, and he is a very close second to Apollo. They both seem like grandpas to me. 🥰
I have so many favourites! I love the crankies. Vladimir, Gaston and Gonzo are probably my top favourites but I also love Croque, Static, Peewee, Butch, Hamphrey and Kabuki
Rizzo is easily my favorite cranky villager and my second favorite villager overall, only behind Mitzi. I first had him in the GameCube version, but it wasn't until he moved into my City Folk town that he became one of my favorites. Honorable mentions are Cyrano and Chief.
Curt, Grizzly, and Chief are my best buddies!! I feel like i might even expand this list after i try having other cranky villagers for a while. I just love this personality type in general.
i like fang! he's my first cranky, iirc, so i'm having fun learning the cranky dialogue