God, the Game Gear and the Sega Nomad were such battery annihilators. I tended to just stick with the Genesis itself as a result, but the portability was cool. I feel like I recall just sometimes opting to simply plug the Nomad into the wall sockets sometimes rather than waste the batteries, which kind of defeats the purpose a bit. It still gave the freedom of not needing access to a tv to plug your Genesis into though, if you were at someone else's house or something. A shame they didn't have access to the same type of rechargeable internal batteries that handhelds since then have utilized.If we’re talking about the first one in our household, it was the classic NES. But if we’re considering something that was mine alone, it was the SEGA Genesis or Game Gear. I got them both from a pawn shop as gifts and burned through several AA (6x per round) batteries on the Game Gear.