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Your First Videogame

Somewhere in the late 80's, but I honestly can't remember neither the name of the game, nor the console (I'm not even sure they were separate). It was a very basic game; you controlled a spaceship and had to shoot other ships. You could only move to the left and the right and shoot at enemies. I've tried finding a picture, but without any luck.

ahhh i used to play it non stop. ;3
Been as I wasn't around when pokemon was invented I didn't get to know about it until I was about 8 or 9 I think. But my first ever videogame was this Crash Bandicoot crystals game for the gameboy. I really can't remember the exact name because all I remember was that the box had purple crystals on it lol. I got it for my birthday when I was 6 I think.

Ok I think I found it. ^^^^^^
my first ever game that I can remember was pokemon yellow when i was five. i accidentally erased someone's save file... its owner wasn't too happy.
It probably wasn't my first, but the earliest I remember was The Lion King video game for PC when I was 7 on Windows 95 lol. That and the demo for Tomb Raider because my dad made PCs for Core Design (Tomb Raider devs) way back when ^^
My very first video game was Pok?mon Blue. I remember I got it from some kid one night when my parents and I were leaving their house. It was really weird, but being a little kid getting a new game for a system I didn't have until later that Christmas (which I don't think was too far away), I was giddy with excitement. The sticker was pealed off when he gave it to me, but that doesn't matter. I still have it; that cartridge is a treasure of mine.
My family's copy of Zelda: Ocarina of Time... I used to watch while my brothers played, until that fateful day when my brother went to the bathroom and handed me the controller... MAXIMUM COOLNESS also rolling into walls BUT EXTREME AWESOMENESS and hitting buildings with my sword BUT SUPREME ECSTASY!
Super Mario 64 or Pokemon Yellow. I can't remember which came first.
Back when you could rent VHS tapes from places like Blockbusters, my town had a tiny VHS rental shop and they also rented out N64 game systems as well as the games for like 3 days for $8 or something like that. So one time I begged my mom to let us rent it with Pokemon Stadium because me and my little sister where in that Pokemon stage.

Eventually we rented other games like Mario 64, Yoshi Island, Paper Mario, Tarzan, and Rugrats. I never owned my own game system until I was like 12 and even then it counted as a birthday and Christmas present because my family was poor at the time, haha. So I got a black N64 with Paper Mario for Christmas with my sister because it was our favorite game.

Actually, come to think of it every system I bought was for Pokemon games originally, haha. Except for the Wii and Xbox my boyfriend bought me as gifts.
I remember having the really old SNES (or NES idk?) with duck hunt, but that was waaay back. I found it under the stairs in my parents house awhile ago :D
I remember having the really old SNES (or NES idk?) with duck hunt, but that was waaay back. I found it under the stairs in my parents house awhile ago :D

I still have my family's NES/copy of duck hunt... I've always loved just pointing the gun at a lamp and cheating when playing with friends...
I'm pretty sure my first video game was Super Mario World or Yoshi's Island for SNES.