Your Least Favorite Villagers

What matters most?

  • Character looks

    Votes: 61 73.5%
  • Personality

    Votes: 6 7.2%
  • House style

    Votes: 5 6.0%
  • Theme

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 12.0%

  • Total voters
I think aesthetics and personality go hand in hand.

I hated Caroline and her having the normal personality bugged me even more. She gave off the vibe of those girls in middle school who'd wear blue eyeshadow and sing all the time like they thought they were good, because they hardly had any personality. I even asked my friend to make me an amiibo so I could kick her off asap. I also didn't like her house at all.

Maybe it's because I'm not too fond of the normal personality. They are very..... normal... and I always found their dialogue a bit boring. That being said though, I think Daisy is adorable and her normal personality makes her appear even sweeter.

But then there are cases like Claudia, who is ugly in all the ways I'd consider a villager ugly (eyesore colors, heavy makeup) but her snooty personality reminds me of a bougie chain smoker in her 60s who sips wine at her hot tub.

I've started caring about interior houses more and more as well. I think Dom and Beau are great character designs but the inside of their houses just don't do it for me. And have you seen Gigi's room? Sure she's "ugly" but her room is so nice.

I think everything plays a role in what makes or breaks a villager for me, but man, everything about Caroline sucked.
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Names are something I often consider when looking for a villager. Fortunately, the majority of them have names I like or that are tolerable. Looks are another thing, as in designs. Unless that falls under theme. For example, I have Avery on my island. He's a villager that randomly moved in, but I really liked his unique design. I suppose my least favorite villager would be Barold.
A decent house exterior is important to me.
Though my favorite, Wolfgang, will always have a place, no matter what his house looks like. :)

Remember the wooden WW shacks? ^_^
there’s quite a few villagers that i don’t really vibe with but the only ones that i actually hate are al, jay and anchovy. my dislike for al stems from his appearance + my experience with him in new leaf but i simply just,, don’t like jay’s or anchovy’s vibes at all. not entirely sure why but the two of them never fail to irk me. >_<

stuff like house interior/exterior, theme, etc has never bothered me before so with villagers that i dislike, the main reason is usually their appearance. i don’t like judging based off of appearance alone but with a lot of villagers, that’s the first thing i see of them and so if it doesn’t appeal to me, i usually skip them and look for a villager that i’d like more.
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I don't hate any villagers, but I admit there are certain villagers I just don't like all that much. There are a few species that I tend to feel a little 'bleh' about. I don't like female kangaroos because of their joeys, as others have said. Walt is great, though. Ducks, gorillas, monkeys, rabbits, deer, anteaters, and penguins are kinds of villagers that I struggle to find favorites in. More often than not, if a villager of those species moves in randomly or shows up at my campground, I wouldn't necessarily get upset, but I'm likely to have a "meh" sort of reaction at best.

I don't care too much about homes/interiors/clothing/names/etc. There are some villagers who just rub me the wrong way based purely on their appearance, though. Sherb and Deirdre are probably the prime examples.
Chief was my favorite villager, but I hate his new house in NH. I still love him as a character, although it admittedly lowered my love for him a little.

I hate Jambette most of all. Her design is bad enough, but in an older game she replaced a village I loved, so I'll always hate her for that.

Everything matters to me, though character design is the most important for me in AC. Pair it with an appropriate personality and it's a slam dunk for me, though some curveballs here and there are nice too.
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just gonna start by saying i adore pietro, he is such a cutie 💞

anyway idc about houses, rasher's house is so ugly inside and out but he's lit so i'll allow him to live on my island

i love all personalities so that's not a problem for me
character designs are a problem though
i do love many villagers however i also hate quite a lot too but if i name them all out, i'd be here all day

so mainly barold, hippeux, merengue, ketchup, jambette, gayle etc
those are just so hideous, i can't even look at them i'm sorry
Wow, I commend you for searching that long, lol. 29 pages.

Unfortunately it is looks but I will say I like to give all designs a try. I do have a hard time connecting to normal personalities; like look wise they are cute but they're so boring. "Oh I read a book about How to stare at the wall" fantastic, thank you.
as shallow as it is I definitely take looks into consideration, but it's more that their looks give off a specific vibe that I either like or don't. the only villager I'd say I actively dislike as an actual character is Phil - he was my forced camper and refused to move for months and so I just cannot get along with him now. no thank you
Looks only help me decide when I wanna invite someone myself. Usually though I let whoever move in, and after that point the only way for me to actively dislike an animal is through interactions. That doesn't really happen in these newer games. I have a list of villagers that did me wrong in my GC and WW towns. They will never be invited to my island. But I've said it before and I'll say it again: the ugliest villager is the one who judges solely on appearances.
It's a looks + house combo for me. Though looks doesn't always mean 'cute'. There are a lot of popular ones that I find dull beyond measure and some unpopular ones that I really like and am a fan of their quirks.
For me, it’s not all about looks. I mainly judge on personality. I really don’t like jocks (Dom is an exception) because they always talk about jumping jacks and push ups. I really love the normals because they like books, and baking, and stuff that I like. Bonus, they’re also really cute. Yes, i do bring looks into it a little bit, but personality comes first for me.
Character looks matter the most to me. It might be shallow...but, I honestly just hate the hippos and rhinos. I made an exception for Merengue. But...all of the others? No. It's not like the personalities in this game are compelling enough to take precedence over, looks are what I judge by. It would definitely be different if every character had a wholly unique personality. But that is definitely not the case. Most of them are just like "I'm a hippo and my voice sounds like farts".
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Least favorite... huh. The octopus : Marina, Zucker, Inkwell, and Octavian. They don't belong as villagers, but as creatures you fish. OK.
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My answer to the poll (I selected "other") is experience. Appearance sets the first impression if I'm seeing the villager in my campsite or on a mystery island first, but after that it's the experience that matters most. You could argue experience is like a combination of all the factors together.
You could be the cutest little thing, or even a favorite from WW, and yet in NL if I forgot to plot reset, or in NH if you're one of those villagers that stalked me through multiple mystery islands and then showed up as a rando (coughBubblescough), chances are we're not going to get along. Also, if you somehow come across to me as snotfaced, whether through conversation or general demeanor, yeah, you're gettin yeeted

Or, if I was really looking forward to a certain villager and then they felt kinda boring to have, or if I wasn't expecting much at first and then they really started growing on me, that's experience as well
I chose character's looks. I know shallow, but for the record, I do like some "ugly" villagers. Their personality or quirk fits them well. And there are some "pretty" villagers that I don't care for.

Also to me, I don't know about you guys, some villagers of the same personality do tend to act different towards me and other villagers than how the others of the same personality act. Maybe it is just my perspective, but it is something I experience and does play apart into if I will like them or not.
for me it's between looks and personality. usually if there's a cute villager with a personality I'm not a huge fan of, I can look past it, but for the most part if I'm not a fan of their design then I'd rather keep them off my island. obviously looks are subjective, so this isn't to say I'd want all the popular villagers on my island, and there are tons of villagers on lower popularity tiers I find cute.

one species I can't stand are the hippos, I don't think there's one villager of that species that I like in terms of appearance. also not a huge fan of the mice.

house style doesn't really affect whether I like the villager or not. I'm not gonna not take a villager on because I don't like the interior/exterior of their home.
Have to add that some of the catch phrases are a total turn off. If I loved everything else, I know you can change the catch phrase. Usually there are also other things about the potential villager that I don’t like, but some of the phrases... ewww
Chief was my favorite villager, but I hate his new house in NH. I still love him as a character, although it admittedly lowered my love for him a little.

I hate Jambette most of all. Her design is bad enough, but in an older game she replaced a village I loved, so I'll always hate her for that.

Everything matters to me, though character design is the most important for me in AC. Pair it with an appropriate personality and it's a slam dunk for me, though some curveballs here and there are nice too.
the house problem happened with me and hazel! i absolutely loved her house in NL and thought it was the cutest thing with all the patchwork furniture and teddy bears, and i thought it would be similar in NH. it isn't - she lives in a weird wooden hut with no windows and next to no furniture other than a basketball hoop (i don't even think she has the sports hobby either). it disappointed me SO much and i don't have the energy to try and force her to totally redo her house interior, so i've given up on having her has one of my dreamies :( super disappointing!
idk why but i never really liked the sisterly villagers very much. I also dont like the peppy villagers as much anymore because i had 3 in my town at once and it was just too much. Other than that, some villager designs genuinely terrify me so that's also a strong factor in my opinion of them lol
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