I feel bad saying it's a villagers looks but literally there are 8 personalities so you're basically dealing with the same character just in a different shell. I have to say though, I don't really feel hatred for any villager even ones like Hazel or Beardo (LUV HIM). I love animals so animal type isn't a huge factor for me although I like some animals more than others (and some designs more than others because I love mice but not a huge fan of their design in AC).
I can only base this on looks since I personally haven't had them as villagers, but I'm not really a fan of Iggly, Jitters and Lionel's designs. I would also say Harry, but I've met him a bunch of times while mystery island hopping and I got used to him.
Female kangaroos top the charts for me, well right underneath Paula that is, she plagued both my New Leaf town, and New Horizon island, she looks like a failed cereal mascot, and she just doesn't fit Animal Crossing at all, something about her feels off.
I like all the personalities and don't care what their houses look like. I guess it's looks for me? I'm not too picky. I like most villagers. I do have a problem with octopuss villagers and their noses and Klaus really bugs me. I'm also not crazy about anteaters.
I voted personality as I don't like the jock personality and I'm not keen on the uchi or peppy personalities (though I'm more likely to give those two personalities a chance to get a bigger mixture on my island), so in general my least favourite villagers are those with that personality. However once I've narrowed it down by personality then it all comes down to aesthetics so my least favourites in the right personality type are ones I don't find cute but that is obviously subjective.