Your opinions about Raymond

I wholeheartedly agree, I think he is by far the MOST overrated villager to have ever existed in the Animal Crossing franchise. When they first revealed him, I thought his design was okay. He has glasses by default, which is unique to only a small handful of villagers, and he has mismatched eyes that are somewhat common for cats. Those were my takeaways from the reveal. He's yet another popular smug villager (I know, I know. I have Julien and had Marshal on my island, but their popularity seems to pale in comparison to Raymond).

I can't believe people have paid real money for him, especially when it's obvious that the seller hacked him in. Granted, the prices are not as insane as it was before Nintendo started to crack down on the black market. Sellers also tend to have multiple listings of the same popular villagers, so yeah, it's all hacked... And if you're not crazy about paying irl cash, the in-game payments are absolutely astounding. Seriously, if you can afford the sometimes hundreds of NMs to buy Raymond, you might as well just hunt for him yourself... Either way, if you buy Raymond, you better pray you won't be scammed/stolen from.

And a small hot take, but I think a lot of people who post pictures/videos of Raymond are #humblebragging. I feel this is especially so on reddit where they can fish for up votes and badges. Not everyone is like this, but I think it's easy to tell who's looking to show him off *cough* maid dress Raymond *cough*

That all being said, if you have Raymond on your island, good for you. :) You clearly see something in him that I don't, and I'm not going to rain on your parade or bash you for having one of the most popular villagers. I'd be a hypocrite because I have "top-tier" popular villagers too.
oh my God yes i miss the times when the only ridiculously overrated villagers were Julian and Marshal their fangirls weren't so crazy and awful as Raymond's 😭😭😭
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His design isn't exactly bad by any means, he just looks bland especially compared to how creative other villager designs are. If his design was a lot more iconic then I might understand the hype.
I totally agree. That's why i'm indifferent about Meringue/Stitches fans. Their designs are amazing! A cake rhinoceros and a plushie bear? That's the most creative thing i ever seen. But Raymond is just something my 3-year-old little brother would create in 2 minutes.
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I met him while island hopping. Thought to myself "Oh, so this is the guy everyone is talking about". I personally don't see the appeal. Heck, if it weren't for the hype I'd probably wouldn't even have remembered meeting him.
I met him while island hopping. Thought to myself "Oh, so this is the guy everyone is talking about". I personally don't see the appeal. Heck, if it weren't for the hype I'd probably wouldn't even have remembered meeting him.
Man if it wasn't for the hype and the different way his 3D model were from the NL models, i would think he were just a regular villager in New Leaf that i missed on my town.
He is super cute, in my opinion. Got them little fangs sticking out, the glasses and his mismatched eye color is unique. I can totally see why there was so much hype. Do I think it's ridiculous people were spending large amounts of real money? Yes absolutely, but then again it's their money and they can do whatever they want with it.

Funny story, back when I first started playing I fell for the Raymond hype. Spent an ungodly amount of NMTs to get him, liked him a lot at first, then got bored of him after about a week. :D That isn't his fault though, I get bored with a lot of villagers, even ones I thought I would never let leave.
My favorite thing on the internet a while back was the post (from Nookazon, I think?) where people were charging hundreds of NMT for "Raymond viewings," where you were allowed to go into his house and, like... take pictures with him. Not even talk to him, just take pictures of the coveted heterochromia cat. I think he's super overrated and he was never my favorite new villager-- Reneigh got overlooked, man.

I think I dislike the obsessive Raymond fans more than I dislike Raymond himself. Some people take personal offense over the fact that I don't like a specific pixelated cat... and in all honesty, he's not even that cute or cool or whatever. Not my favorite. I also don't like smug villagers, so that automatically turns me off.
My favorite thing on the internet a while back was the post (from Nookazon, I think?) where people were charging hundreds of NMT for "Raymond viewings," where you were allowed to go into his house and, like... take pictures with him. Not even talk to him, just take pictures of the coveted heterochromia cat. I think he's super overrated and he was never my favorite new villager-- Reneigh got overlooked, man.

I think I dislike the obsessive Raymond fans more than I dislike Raymond himself. Some people take personal offense over the fact that I don't like a specific pixelated cat... and in all honesty, he's not even that cute or cool or whatever. Not my favorite. I also don't like smug villagers, so that automatically turns me off.
I still remember that one transphobic fujoshi Gacha user that said in a video that she spent all her NMT on him. And she was obssessive with him.

In the same video she said that hated lesbians and trans and had a gay boyfriend (?????).
I still remember that one transphobic fujoshi Gacha user that said in a video that she spent all her NMT on him. And she was obssessive with him.

In the same video she said that hated lesbians and trans and had a gay boyfriend (?????).

This was physically painful to read. 😂
He's meh.
I have him on my island, but he's my least favorite out of all of my villagers tbh. Also wasn't my choice to have him.

The fact that people think he's 'rare' is weird to me. Bruh, it's a virtual cat. I don't care who lives on my island as long as they don't look like a dumpster fire.

And I HATE the fact that he is popular because of him singing Bubblegum KK while wearing a maid dress and getting distracted while singing then eating a sandwich and Naruto running away after. Wow! I never knew they could do that!
I'm the kind of person who if I hear about something everywhere, and it's constantly shoved into my face all the time, i'm not going to end up doing it because people bugged me about it way too much. Raymond is an example of this.
Aside from this, he doesn't really bug me. I see him more of a nerdy villain than a sweet soft uwu boi like most people when it comes to my island.
I have Raymond on my island and have grown quite fond of him. I love his unique appearance and smugness. He fits in well with my cat theme. I don't really care about popularity when it comes to villagers. I got all mine at the campsite. Tedious but it made me appreciate them more.
I don’t hate Raymond but I don’t love him either. I have him on my island purely because he was a random encounter on a NMT island and I knew he sold for big bucks so I thought I’d hold on to him.

He’s been in my town for a while now and he’s ok. Just ok. He’s not ugly or anything. But neither has he got a particularly interesting design in my opinion. He doesn’t really do much in my town and doesn’t really talk about anything interesting.

He’s just kinda there. Until I decide to sell him on.
I like him. I think his eyes are cool but yes, he is overrated. I'd like to have every single personality type in my town and I think that him, Pietro, Kidd, and Julian are the best. My favorite smug is by far Pietro cause he's so funny looking but I would settle for Raymond just to say I have him in my town. (and he's really cute in a maid costume haha)
I’m kind of neutral to him to be honest. Don’t love him and don’t hate him either. I definitely don’t understand any of the hype behind him though. I mean, he’s just a cat villager, and like the OP said, anything he can do others can do as well.
I like him, but just don't understand why people pay an arm and a leg for him if you know what I mean. To me it's just ridiculous paying such huge amounts of currency for him, when you know, he's not even real, just a cat in a game. If I ever did get him though, I prefer to look for him on my own and not pay so much for him.
I never cared for Raymond. The popularity around him seemed to be bigger than it was for Marshal during New Leaf. People like him, and that's fine. I just don't see the appeal when Rudy is the real cutie.
I like Raymond because his 9-5'er aesthetic and house are relatable, his smol canines and tuff of hair are adorable, and his heterochromia is unique. He also reminds me of Byakuya from Danganronpa; I made his greeting with me "peasant" for this reason. xD He has grown on me a lot since I invited him to my island (he will my S/O's permanent smug), so I will be happy to be able to visit him on my partner's island. :3

Personally, I never understood the polarizing views around him, and it's something I don't bother spending time and energy trying to understand. xD To me, it's important to separate villagers from the fandom and appreciate villagers for what they are -- adorable, 2D creatures that share our islands -- without the baggage that other players may wind up intentionally or unintentionally impose onto them.
I have an all cat island with at least one of each personality type, I'm glad that there is finally a smug cat and overall I think Raymond is pretty cute.
I liked him as soon as I saw him, but his popularity made me want him less. I'm glad he's on my island though, he fits in well with my other cat villagers.
He was my first campsite visitor actually! I invited him to my town without knowing how popular he was. He's not my favorite villager design-wise, but I like his color scheme and his glasses. A smug personality is really fitting for a cat. :)