Your Original 3 Villagers

I actually started a town today, just for the fun of it. There's a lot less to do than New Leaf, making it easy to check every day.
Anyway, my villagers are Frobert, Tabby, and Stitches. :) I love them all, to be honest!
Mine was in 2005..
Alice, Blaire... no idea on the third
adored Alice & Blaire, they lived in my town for years
Dora the mouse, Dotty the rabbit, and Rasher the pig.
I learned to love all three to death (yes even scary ole Rasher). I talked to them multiple times a day, and even mailed them letters everyday. I really spoiled them haha they were lucky. Now I mostly just talk to my villagers once or twice a day.
Anchovy, Bluebear, and Teddy. All three of them moved out almost immediately. My fourth villager was Marina.

My very first villagers ever, in my very first GC town, were Monique, Gaston, Goose, Tangy, Stella, and Dizzy.
knox, pango, and blaire. they are all really cool. i still have knox and blaire. pango moved to a friends town
Mine were Egbert, Mint, and Goldie. <3 Thankfully, I kept track of all my move-ins and move-outs back then in 2006, so now it's so nostalgic to read back who my villagers were... apparently, I had about 50 villagers during the time I played my WW file. Back then, I didn't really care about my villagers. I mostly loved them and got their pictures 90% of the time, but if somebody wanted to move, they were allowed to, and someone new and exciting would move in for them.

Edit: My all-time favourite was Goldie though. She's STILL in my WW town. When I booted it up once again this year, amazingly, I found her little house like always, only surrounded by weeds. I got really excited and talked to her, but after the typical "where have you been for so long?"-talk, she just kept blathering the same stuff about some fossil over and over again... (Her home is full of fossils, she literally has no other furniture left.) Aw, my Goldie.
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In wild world my original 3 were Agent S, Lucky and Melba.
In the new game I don't care much for Agent S or Melba but I really want Lucky again at some point <3 I love all the dog characters
My very fist AC game was WW. I remember my original villagers. Hopper, Puddles, and Mint were my first three villagers ever. I still love Hopper, but I had Puddles as a starter again in New Leaf and she got pretty annoying. I haven't had Mint again, though.
My original three were Stitches, Savannah, and Elvis. I still love them all to this day <3 but they all moved out after I got their pictures.
i first shared my sister's game where she had pudge, maple and truffles!! i loved all of truffles' lovely furniture and she was super sweet (maybe that's why peppy villagers are my favourite?) then dora, robin and buck were my orignal 3 when i got my own game. the music in robin's house was k.k. bossa and i loved it!
Mine were Egbert, Mint, and Goldie. <3 Thankfully, I kept track of all my move-ins and move-outs back then in 2006, so now it's so nostalgic to read back who my villagers were... apparently, I had about 50 villagers during the time I played my WW file. Back then, I didn't really care about my villagers. I mostly loved them and got their pictures 90% of the time, but if somebody wanted to move, they were allowed to, and someone new and exciting would move in for them.

Edit: My all-time favourite was Goldie though. She's STILL in my WW town. When I booted it up once again this year, amazingly, I found her little house like always, only surrounded by weeds. I got really excited and talked to her, but after the typical "where have you been for so long?"-talk, she just kept blathering the same stuff about some fossil over and over again... (Her home is full of fossils, she literally has no other furniture left.) Aw, my Goldie.

I really wish id done that!
which is why it makes me so happy to record new leaf, and i recorded city folk..
I did record my second wild world town though
I also miss when i wouldnt care who moved in, and i would just let anyone in and either hate them, or grow to love them, it was much more natural back then

As if Goldie is still there, amazing
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