i definitely gravitate towards wood floors pretty often, I think part of it is that rugs usually look better and more natural on them than carpets, tiles, etc.
I love all of the Food items, so my designs generally have a lot of food. My personal taste in design falls within the elegant/antique type of style, so I use a lot of rococo/regal/etc type of items. In terms of public buildings, I like to make them fairly realistic without much of a themed style.
Hmmm, I designed nearly 30 houses and all facilities unlocked so far except the office. I think I just try to use tables a lot? You know the one where you unlock for the garden for the bear? I like to use that in a lot of mine. I also try to include a table with food/drink on for every house. I also usually put music in because otherwise it feels empty (except for ones where I found the background sounds to be clear).
I'm also thinking of getting an item that I will include in every room once I unlock more stuff. I mean I do plan on going back to redesign most of my houses so yeah