Your personal style?

A lot of the furniture that I can't customize is kind of uninspiring, imo. I have Cookie's house sitting around in shambles until I get the flower/bug stuff so I can do a "dollhouse furniture that someone dumped in the back yard" look because I can't do the princess series by itself.

Yes, the lack of customization is the real issue I have with those sets. I mean, as much as I dislike them both, if they could be tinted, they could still be useful, especially the Princess set which would be so perfect for a 1970's trailer park gothic-by-way-of-a-Sears-catalog house if I could tint it buttercream yellow.
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I noticed I tend to move towards the floorplan that's the one big room laid out horizontally, though I'm trying to make myself try other rooms. I've done maybe..3 of the houses with the long skinny room, like for Henry who wanted a train ride sorta feel. I like using 2 or more rugs in most spaces, it just seems like it makes the areas more separate. I remembered to use their pictures at the beginning of the game, but now I usually forget. Though I did put Digby's picture in Isabelle's place and vice versa and the same for Lyle and Lottie.
I tend to favor things that are the color pink. I have so many rooms made with pink furniture! LOL I can't stop!
I always have smalls on the tables, I can't have a table that DOESN'T have stuff on it, it feels wrong. Also ever since getting balloons I use a lot of them...
I always put food on the tables, no matter what. I tend to pick desserts and drinks.
I tend to keep stuff except for tables away from the center of the room. I like putting furniture around the perimiter cause I like walking space.

Me too! I've started trying to make partitions with the folding screens- so I can put the couch and the table away from the perimeter. I also notice I use a lot of wall things- paintings, and flowers, primarily.
When I played Animal Crossing for the GC and New Leaf, I tended to be an Edgehog, putting everything I had on the edges only, except for dining room sets. Looking at other people's room caused me to evolve a little bit, using the tall furniture to create rooms within rooms, making more dynamic rooms. I tend to always have living rooms and bedrooms always and little dining rooms with food accessorizing the table. My houses are starting to look alike, lol. If there's room, I like to include kitchens and bathrooms, but there usually isn't room for that.
There's certain things I keep using a lot, but it's only because I just got the game a few days ago and certain item categories are more limited. However, this game is forcing me to be creative. I try to make each animal and facility completely different from each other. Some furniture pieces I personally hate and would never use in my Animal Crossing house, but I have figured out ways to make them look good.

I'm looking forward to going back and redesigning the houses of earlier on animals to make the themes work better. I just don't have all of the things I need right now. For example, Moe wanted a place to practice magic. I don't have good pieces for that right now, so he got a very standard card themed house. I want to redesign his house to look like a Vegas-style magic show, with stage, props, etc. I know exactly what items I want to use, I just don't have most of them yet.
My personal style would probably be a lived in home, that matches the characters personality, though I haven't gotten HHD yet, I really want to get it, but i have no money atm in pocket :|

(As I gave 40 to my sister a month and a half ago and still hasn't payed me back >.> it was going to be for the game)

So, i wanted to collect Amiibo cards but i had no idea where to find the card packs, though i think it was out of stock :/

I think HHD its kinda like the sims series (minus the build feature), they had like these little nick knacks that made the house seem more believable and i used those a lot when i was building homes. At least if you mess up in HHD you aren't critiqued as hard as in sims 3 ambitions with the Architecture career >.<
I HAVE to put something refurbished with a cute pikachu face on it. And they NEED coffee. Gonna do a redo-upgrade houses on Saturday where I upgrade 5 to 8 villager houses + create 1 new one, same on Sunday! ^.^
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I always put plants in the room, as well as their picture. I also like to keep things centered, for example the bed up against the back wall in the middle, or the dresser right in front of one of the windows.
There'a also something I almost never use: televisions. Except for Peanut. She got about 7.

I use the wall-mounted flatscreen [HD] televisions for the overwhelming majority of villagers.

A lot of this is for two-room houses; the TV commonly goes in a bedroom.
yeah pretty much every room I design has wooden floors, a lot of plants, books, has neutral tones, etc. I don't ever design rooms brightly colored. I should probably branch out a little and try to change it up, but I'm just never satisfied when stuff is super colorful/too "cute" and whatever
My favorite floors are the wood floors so I use them a lot (e.g., neutral, birch, modern, etc). I also lean towards neutral looking walls too, or the Japanese style ones, and of course the rococo. But pretty much, I love anything pink, so that's really overused. I find myself fitting regal furniture in a lot of things as well. Tbh I've been doing a lot of cafe themes and need to change it up a bit because I'm gonna go crazy.
yeah pretty much every room I design has wooden floors, a lot of plants, books, has neutral tones, etc. I don't ever design rooms brightly colored. I should probably branch out a little and try to change it up, but I'm just never satisfied when stuff is super colorful/too "cute" and whatever

^ Oh gosh I have my girly side.
But I cannot make rooms girly on HHD especially ACNL.
I love making "zen" or calm type of rooms. I also like hanging stuff on walls..
In terms of houses, I seem to use the mansion style and the large country style house a lot. In terms of items, I try to give everyone a TV and/or a radio, and some sort of food and drink, usually a customized tea gallon and a fruit basket.
Reading all these makes me wonder if we generally tend toward our own IRL aesthetics a bit. Like, wood and plants are something I love in life. If I could have a salon, I'd totally go for Rococo furniture. And I don't have a t.v. or Netflix or anything IRL - I listen to the radio - which probably contributes to my aversion to tellys in Animal Crossing. I've lived most of my life without air conditioners, so no AC in AC either. Hmmm.
Ish. I definitely try to blend my own tastes with something that suits the animal.
I saw a picture of someone that designed a house for Bob using classic furniture, and green houseplants, and lots of other classy and library-type items, and even though it used lots of my favorite in-game and irl items it made me deeply uncomfortable.

Also, I'm from Florida and couldn't survive without ac, but I think I've only put it in, like, two houses.