Your pet peeves when driving


👻Spoopy all season long👻
Jun 25, 2014
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
I love to drive. I?ve got a great car that I love, and driving it around is one of my favorite things to do.

However there are some things I don?t love: other drivers.

It drives me nuts when people tailgate me just because I won?t do 60 in a 45, or honk at me .2 seconds after the light turns green.

Tell me some of your biggest pet peeves while driving, and maybe even relay some stories about awful driving you?ve seen!
im too chilled out to care about other drivers, sometimes i find it funny when i get a huge posse of people tailgating me as i drive below the speed limit (-:
Definitely agree with the tailgating. ESPECIALLY on the highway. Like hello I'm in the right lane theres 2 other lanes for a reason :rolleyes: I also hate people who don't know how to use turn signals or the people who turn them on at the very last second.
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I hate driving, I'd much rather be a passenger so I can sleep. When I started to drive I lived in a town that wasn't too busy, but after moving to a bigger a city, I realize how much more I really hate to drive. Heavy traffic is probably my least favorite thing, because then you are more prone to a lot of the things already mentioned on this thread.
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Definitely agree with the tailgating. ESPECIALLY on the highway. Like hello I'm in the right lane theres 2 other lanes for a reason :roll eyes: I also hate people who don't know how to use turn signals or the people who turn them on at the very last second.

LOL yes. When I’m doing the speed limit in the slow lane on the highway and somebody chooses to get 2 inches from my butt instead of passing me with one of the other lanes that are WIDE OPEN
I don't drive myself but when I'm out, like taking a walk and people can't blink for life.. like did you bribe your driving teacher to get your license???
yass when you're waiting for oncoming traffic to pass so you can make a left hand turn- the people who don't use a turn signal or throw it on at the last second and turn in front of you, when if they had only properly singalled ahead of time you would have had time to turn before they decelerated and arrived at the intersection. (that's why they drive that way-- so you won't "get ahead" of them).

altho where i live you cannot use turn signals when changing lanes, or the other drivers will all speed up to take away the space to maneuver into their lane....
i haven't been driving very much (& not on my own yet) but i don't like it when cars are in general unpredictable. i especially don't like it when people just act like the entire world stops for them and don't pay attention to other cars, and just pull out in front of you, go when you have the right away, etc.
oncoming traffic that doesn't dim their brights when they pass you, ouch my eyes

my biggest pet peeves are when I'm a passenger in somebody's car though and they keep taking their eyes off the road, like they have to keep looking at me while they're talking/if they ask a question, like pleeeasseee just look at the road lol I can hear you. x_x
i guess this is technically a driving pet peeve-- i hate getting behind somebody in the fast food drive through that doesn't know what they want to order and asks a million questions first. dude, it's chick-fil-A, it's lal chicken, just pick somethiiiiingeeee!! :mad:

my biggest pet peeves are when I'm a passenger in somebody's car though and they keep taking their eyes off the road, like they have to keep looking at me while they're talking/if they ask a question, like pleeeasseee just look at the road lol I can hear you. x_x

maybe they're checking you out!

- - - Post Merge - - -

(that doesn't happen to the rest of us i don't think/feels sad now...)
Not using turn signals or using them at the last second.
Using high beam on a busy road. Sometimes, I toggle mine on and off when they pass by me to call their attention.
Heavy traffic jam lol it happens everyday for us like it's a given as soon as you go outside but still.
I don't drive too often but my pedestrian pet peeve is when I'm in the middle of crossing the road and a car turns right in front of me and almost hits me :) :) :)
I super rarely have bad experiences on the road! It's more like back when I was a cyclist/commuter, I had some good road rage moments then. Goddamn taxi drivers T_T No respect for sharing the road even when there was a bike lane. I swear they drive near enough to singe your leg hair.
cars that dont use turn signals. nothing gives me more anxiety than a car speeding right into my lane
Any driver whose speed is slower than 20 km/h below the designated speed limit, while the road really isn't that complicated to drive on. It breaks the flow, get myself and other drivers growing more impatient, and can also apparently render the offenders liable for fine.
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Tailgating definitely! also when a driver don't use turn signals at all and they suddenly cut me off whatttt
altho where i live you cannot use turn signals when changing lanes, or the other drivers will all speed up to take away the space to maneuver into their lane....

wtf bro..

but yah it's even more annoying if you walk or bike and they don't blink so you almost get run over:^^^)