Your pet peeves when driving

when its dark out and neither you or the dip**** who pulls up super close behind you so you can see the lights shining in your side mirror can tell if their brights are on or not.
i just started driving like 2 months ago but so far,
-people who are on my a.. when i'm in the right lane. like go around?
-people who treat a yield sign like a stop sign when there's literally no other cars coming.
-and people who don't move over to the left lane when theres people merging onto the freeway. i'm always driving early in the morning so theres not much ppl on the road at all, like umm how hard is it to just move over for one minute so that people can merge in way easier.

i do things that are dumb too tho so yeah, like a couple times i was in the left lane to turn but realized i needed to go straight so i turned on my right blinker and start started moving over in front of the person when the light turned green probably annoyed them lmao
When the people in the car with you is really loud! I can just feel my temper rising :eek:
Ugh I hate the tailgating! The speed limit would be 25 mph in a neighborhood and people would flash me to go faster!! Like what the heck man?! Or on a highway and people just CANT USE THEIR TURN SIGNALS!! Like come on!! Then there?s the construction merge lane where we HAVE TO MERGE and people just won?t let you! Like really?! I haven?t been honked at for a red light, thankfully, but oml. I dislike the speed racers (that?s what my husband and I call the people who go 60 mph at a 30). It?s always makes me laugh when they honk at me for going the speed limit and then they go around me and speed up just to end up getting pulled over and/or have to slam on the breaks when they see a cop. Like come on bruh, that?s why there?s speed limits.
One of my biggest pet peeves when driving would also have to be tailgating, especially when I'm already doing the speed limit and the impatient driver behind me just keeps on following closely as if to say, "hurry the hell up!" (in some rare cases, I might even be 5-10 mph over the speed limit and the jerks would still be trailing me). Drivers who move too slowly can also be annoying in their own way, but I personally despise the impatient ones who like to speed everywhere the most (no wonder why a lot of people get killed. As the saying goes, "It's better to arrive late than to never arrive at all").

Another pet peeve of mine are drivers who love to blast their music so loud that not only can you hear it inside your own vehicle (even with the windows rolled all the way up and with the radio/CD player turned on), you can also even feel the vibrations from it. For some reason, the biggest culprits of this usually always happen to be Hip Hop/Rap fans.

There's other driving pet peeves, but those two are among the most annoying.
People who don’t freaking pay attention when backing up

People who don’t stop for pedestrians at crosswalks

People who think they can park wherever tf they want, like no parking zones, in front of stop signs, on crosswalks, or even in front of a store entrance

People who literally take laps in the same parking lot to show off their car and make scene when doing so
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Also: hit and run drivers and drunk drivers
Tailgating is definitely an issue. I can't stand that either. It's not like riding up to my car's rear end will make me go any faster.
Oh my god I have so many

Tailgating. I will break check you.
Not using your turn signals. You have this expensive car you pay for with all these gadgets but you don’t use the most basic one? Fuming. Especially when they need to turn a corner but don’t let me know that’s what they’re doing and I go too close.
Speeding up when you want to turn or change lanes. I will get out and deck you lol.
Parking anywhere and turning on your flashers. Wtf are you doing?
People who go so under the speed limit especially when there’s cops around. Just go the speed limit please. 😭
People who take 3 years to turn a corner.
People who take 3 years to make a U-turn. They’re not that hard, I promise.
People who cut me off and then go -50 miles when they see me going 50+. If you can’t match my speed get out of my lane.
High beams at night. It’s not necessary on a regular road and it blinds the hell out of me. I promise all the roads here are lit up enough.
People who don’t pay attention when backing out. LOOK WITH YOUR EYES
None because I don't drive, lol.... or at least no reason to share them because I work from home and I'm glad I do. Can't drive because of my disability. 90% of drivers these days everywhere are stupid and don't know how to drive anyway.
- people who ignore the speed limit and thus aggressively tailgate
- roundabouts (and they are everywhere in australia)
- when birds like to wander in the street and get out of the way at the last second
- when other people are driving lol. I like it to be empty

honestly driving is terrifying to me
- the white LED lights from other drivers that ABSOLUTELY blind me
- People tailgating me
- People who cut me off, only to go slow
- People who break because they're going 81 in an 80 zone
- People who go ten under, thinking they're driving safer
When people just turn out right in front of me and cut me off.
When people come to a complete stop to turn when there is no stop sign, light, or anything else to warrant coming to a complete stop.
When people don’t know how to drive through a round about. They’re easy! If there’s a car coming yield, if there’s not then go.
When people take forever at stoplights when it’s green. Like what are you waiting for?? a written invitation???
When people don’t turn their bright ass lights off at night.
When people get in the left lane only to go slow…..
When people don’t move to the next lane if it’s empty so the people on the on ramp don’t have to play the game of speed up and speed down before the lane ends…
People who don’t use their turn signal. I was almost in a bad accident because a guy slammed on his breaks to turn didn’t use a turn signal and his brake lights didn’t work. Don’t be that guy. Fix your lights and use your turn signal.
Men in those stupid ridiculous lifted huge trucks.
People who go way under the speed of the flow of traffic around them. If the speed limit is 55mph and we’re all going 65mph and you decide that’s too scary so you decide to go the speed limit you are being dangerous. You aren’t the better driver for going the speed limit. You are going to cause an accident. Should we all be going 10+ over the limit probably not, but you also can go to the slow lane and let everyone pass you. If the flow of traffic around is going fast you have to go fast too, to avoid causing accidents. Deal with it.
People who don’t slow down going through residential neighborhoods.
People who stop when traffic is moving to let someone else in. I know you think you’re being nice, but it’s dangerous for everyone behind you that has to all of a sudden come to a stop.
- Silent/electrical cars creeping up on you. Who the **** thought silent cards were a good idea?
- Blinding lights, yes. Like stop it, just stop it.
- People not stopping properly when people are about to cross the street. Like if you are obviously just gonna drive on, do it and stop creeping about.

Mostly pet peeves as a pedestrian but also when I'm in a car with others (Don't have a license myself but yeah all are annoying regardless)
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My answer is still NO TURN SIGNALS and my new pet peeve is aggressive drivers who tail my car super closely and honk me out even though I'm going 4 mph above in a residential/neighborhood 35-40 mph area. I'm already going a bit faster than the posted speed so why do you want me to push 10+ over?!! And this is roads that have lots of pedestrians too so it's even more stressful to get tailed.
- Cutting me off only to drive much slower than I'm going.
- Consistently driving below the speed limit. If it looks like they're lost or a new driver, then I can understand.
- Multiple cars driving slowly side by side taking up both lanes so that no one can pass them.
- Tailgating me when I'm already going over the speed limit.
- Leaving their brights on to blind me.
- Lights that are too bright or too high (like on big pick-up trucks) so they blind me even when not using their brights.
- Not knowing how to use roundabouts, turn lanes, turn signals, or read traffic signs and signals.
- Pulling up too far beside me and blocking my view when I'm trying to take a right and they are taking a left.
- Stopping or slowing down to a crawl to let people merge, especially when there's no one behind them. Move into the left lane or just keep going. Yes, I get frustrated at this even when they're letting me go because it's dangerous.
- Police officers tailgating me at night on empty side roads to try to make me speed up so they can ticket me. No lights or sirens and it's dark so I don't know it's a cop until it's too late. I just know I'm alone on a barren road and the car behind me is scaring me. (Yes, this has happened.)
My car is small and I am getting so sick and tired of people being up my cars behind like I am doing the speed *$&#&.... and I am also in the slow lane so just go around me if it annoys you I am doing the exact speed for that area.
My car is small and I am getting so sick and tired of people being up my cars behind like I am doing the speed *$&#&.... and I am also in the slow lane so just go around me if it annoys you I am doing the exact speed for that area.
I love it when you are going 15 over and they're STILL up your butt. Like bye, you can pass me. I just hate it because if I need to insta break for any reason, they're gonna hit me, all because they can't back up and give me more than a half inch of space.
My car's accelerator isn't super powerful so I can't go from fully stopped to 80km in five seconds like a big truck can do. It's going as fast as it can so chill out, truck driver.