Oh my god I have so many
Tailgating. I will break check you.
Not using your turn signals. You have this expensive car you pay for with all these gadgets but you don’t use the most basic one? Fuming. Especially when they need to turn a corner but don’t let me know that’s what they’re doing and I go too close.
Speeding up when you want to turn or change lanes. I will get out and deck you lol.
Parking anywhere and turning on your flashers. Wtf are you doing?
People who go so under the speed limit especially when there’s cops around. Just go the speed limit please.

People who take 3 years to turn a corner.
People who take 3 years to make a U-turn. They’re not that hard, I promise.
People who cut me off and then go -50 miles when they see me going 50+. If you can’t match my speed get out of my lane.
High beams at night. It’s not necessary on a regular road and it blinds the hell out of me. I promise all the roads here are lit up enough.
People who don’t pay attention when backing out. LOOK WITH YOUR EYES