Your pet peeves when driving

Oh dear, I have so much that I don't even know where to begin...
  • Drivers blazing through the intersection when the light is about to turn red. I get that if the light turns yellow just as you pass through the intersection, you proceed with caution as you cannot stop in time. However, I have a problem with people who have ample time to stop, and yet, speed through anyway. Almost half of the time I see those drivers doing that, the light would have turned red by then.
  • Drivers that drive like snakes aka weave through traffic. I absolutely hate this when people use this tactic to shave off mere seconds of their time. All of that goes away when I reach them at a red light and you gotta question why they do it in the first place. It'll only be a matter of time before an accident happens all because they're allergic to being behind someone else.
  • Drivers who don't use their turn signals. It doesn't take more than a second to activate it so you could communicate to others on the road what you intend to do. USE IT.
  • Drivers who tailgate. Just overtake me if you're in a hurry. If you don't, I'll drive slower the closer you get so I have more time to react to what's in front of me when needed. If they end up hitting me in the rear because they were driving too closely, that's their fault. Bonus points if they're driving an expensive vehicle.
  • Drivers being on their phones. It's distracting and takes attention away from the road. Sometimes, I see a car holding up traffic because someone was on their phone until another person honks at them.
  • Speaking of honking, drivers using their horns when it really isn't needed. I legitimately cannot go through an entire day without a single person being a butt and honking their horn erratically for no reason. I'm not even in an urban area and yet, I hear a few different people honking their horns in the span of ten minutes, and that's when I'm inside my house or outside hanging laundry! I use the horn sparingly because people will always take the message in a negative way.
  • Horrible BMW drivers. They're notorious for not using their turn signals most of the time.
  • Horrible Audi Drivers.
  • Horrible Mercedes drivers. I don't care about their status or what they have in life. I hate how they sometimes butt in to get through despite me signaling waaaay in advance to change lanes. I notice that a lot of the entitled drivers migrate to expensive luxury German cars. Strangely enough, I don't have much incidents with Porsche drivers.
  • Half of the Acura drivers.
  • Pick-up truck drivers. I feel like they use the size of their vehicle to intimidate others out on the road. It's annoying and I won't waste time with them because they're really stubborn and have overinflated egos. When two pick-up truck drivers get heated with each other, things get nasty. One time, I've witnessed an incident in front of my eyes when one pick-up truck driver weaved through the lanes suddenly to block the other one. This started all because the latter was honking at the former and I just kept a far distance away from them.
  • When the lane merges into one and a single person speeds in at the very last second. Another one of those tactics that some people use to shave off seconds of their time. I check my surroundings, but I become hyperaware when the road merges into one lane because there's always going to be an impatient person who thinks it's a good idea to yeet themselves as the second lane ends. It's so dangerous that it might catch out other people and potentially cause accidents.
There's always going to be a bunch of people driving dangerously around the world, but I feel like the horrible driving standards here from where I live make the roads more dangerous than it should be. Don't get me started on a few drivers who have the nerve to show off...
The list could go on and on honestly but my main one is when people pass you just to get right in front of you at the traffic light. Like was it really worth cutting me off to get to the red light where you have to slow down anyway?
I don't drive yet but people will drive me places, my personal annoyance is really short traffic light times. Specifically in turn lanes. The busiest intersection near me has a super short left turn signal thats like, 3 seconds, and the turn lane is always so full because it's on a major street. It's just way too short for how many people use it.
This is going to sound harsh, but as of late I'm starting to believe that about half of the drivers on the road around here should really have their licences revoked. No one's perfect: We've all made mistakes while driving (and especially in the beginning while we were still learning), but these days I just regularly see so many drivers intentionally breaking all kinds of rules and driving recklessly without much concern for others sharing the roadways. Anyway, I have another driving pet peeve which I don't think that I've mentioned before:

When drivers "cut the corner" (probably due to laziness) as they're making a turn from the main road at an intersection that involves a stop sign and also has limited visibility. I've encountered various situations when as I am approaching the stop sign, somebody from the main road suddenly turns into my path/lane instead of staying on their lane to my left (and in the process, coming on very closely to me before realizing I'm there and moving at the last second). I think that drivers who do this are either lazy and/or wrongfully assume that just become they don't see anyone waiting at the stop sign, there can't possibly be anyone quickly approaching it (which is obviously not a very wise thing to do, as it can cause a head-on collision, no matter how minor it may be). Even if you are 100℅ certain that no one is there approaching, you should still make an effort to not cut any corners.

I've also heard of drivers making their turns far too wide, but that's not something that I've really experienced much.
People who throw thrash out of their car window. Food wrappers, cigarette butts etc... it's really common around here & never fails to make me angry. Littering in general is bad ofc but littering on the road is especially dumb cus you're risking the safety of other drivers. I doubt these people even realize it though.
I've put off taking my driver's exam for quite a while. As a result, I've only been in cars while other people are driving. Despite that I still have my fair share of pet peeves. I'll add some more once I start driving myself.

- People who go tailgate until they have the chance to pass and then go 30 miles above the speed limit. Bonus points if they do this to the next car they see. They're ruining their fuel efficiency, putting others at risk for crashing, and look incredibly dumb all to save themselves maybe a few minutes from their drive. I get so smug when these types get stuck at a light immediately after. So much for saving three minutes.
- I'll list the inverse of what I just said. I also don't like it when people go 30-40 miles below the speed limit and don't let other cars pass. It's not as bad as tailgating + speeding in my opinion, but it still can be frustrating.
- People who add illegally bright lights to their car. As someone with light sensitivities, it's obnoxious to be temporarily blinded by other people's cars at night. I don't know why these people don't think their basic lights aren't good enough. Just drive more carefully.
Not sure if this has been said (it probably has) but the one thing that has me absolutely raging is people who do not use their flipping left/right indicators. WHYYYY??? Especially when they exit a roundabout and I have to wait and wait because people don’t indicate so I’m not sure if I can go or not. Or people suddenly turning into a street without indicating UGHHH!

I also get annoyed with people who overtake me (I always go the speed limit so they are clearly going much faster) only for them to hit the breaks right in front of me 5 seconds later because they reached a traffic light. Did overtaking me really save you any time???

Also, people who break first and THEN indicate. My parents are guilty of this too. Guys the whole point of indicating is that the people behind you know to slow down because you want to take a turn. Breaking first without a warning and THEN indicating makes no freaking sense!!!
People who brake brake brake brake. Just let your foot off the gas pedal. Lots of people have nobody in front of them and they brake. What are you breaking for? Are you going 82 in an 80 zone and you're worried? Get off the road.
I love it when you are going 15 over and they're STILL up your butt. Like bye, you can pass me. I just hate it because if I need to insta break for any reason, they're gonna hit me, all because they can't back up and give me more than a half inch of space.
My car's accelerator isn't super powerful so I can't go from fully stopped to 80km in five seconds like a big truck can do. It's going as fast as it can so chill out, truck driver.
You're more than likely to catch a car doing that than a truck. Trucks can pick up speed, but they have a lot more weight to push than a smaller car. So it takes time to get from 0-80 for them, and they can't stop on the dime. It'd be like a runaway stack of bricks sliding across the street.
it feels like drivers have gotten worse at driving here unfortunately, but i'm seeing a lot more aggressive drivers than before. lots of lane hopping back and forth to try and get ahead, being to close behind other cars, speeding, lots impatience, the list could go on and on but it just makes me really hate driving and being out on the road. almost to the point where i put things off and try to plan to do things like shopping/errands when i know the roads will be emptier.
i don’t drive by myself much yet because i have a learners permit and i just recently finished driving with an instructor but i’ve noticed that some people don’t use turn signals and just merge into lanes, also hate when people will angry honk if you don’t press on the gas immediately after it turns green, happens all the time in front of my house so all you hear is angry honking.
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