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Your view on the "Villager Market"?


Got Milk?
Jul 29, 2013
Throwback Tickets
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
I hope this is the right place for this. That and this hasn't been done already.

Now, I don't mean to go causin' any wars or anything, but I really want everyone's honest opinion here, what's your take on the whole "Villager Trade" System?

What I mean by this is not just trading villagers, it's the buying and selling along with it. I've heard a lot of people give it grief and for some very good reasons, I might add. I've heard talk of how highly valued certain villagers are, making it almost impossible to get popular ones, like Julian and Marshal. Of course it's easy to get frustrated.

I've also heard a few people talk about how wrong it is to buy and sell villagers like tools of a trade (or many other inanimate objects).

Here's my point of view:

Good things come to those who work for it.

Now, let me explain to you a thing.

For just about all of the villagers and items I have and have had, I have had to work hard for them. Be it raising bells, selling them to people who wanted them, sometimes even doing a very kind thing and giving them for free; It's always been hard work. What I don't like to see is when players bash others because they've entered the "Villager Trade" market, saying hurtful things simply because they're working hard (Or not so hard in some cases) for their dreamies.

There was a term I was taught in high school AP History class. It was TINSTAAFL -- There is no such thing as a free lunch.

I find that this term applies here, since as the saying goes- Nothing is life is ever completely free. Somewhere down the line, there is always someone, somewhere who pays for it. This goes with villagers as well, in my opinion. Sure, villagers may not be meant to be bought and sold they way they are, but it's all about supply and demand - Simple economic terms.

If villagers have a high price on them, it's not because people want to troll you and scam you for your hard earned bells. No, it's because a lot of people want that villager, and there's not enough supply to keep the price down to meet demand's demands, so to speak.

Does that make the "villager market" just? Probably not, to a lot of people.

But let me ask you. When you work hard to earn the things you want, doesn't that make it all the better? Sure, not everyone wins in auctions. Yes, there are a lot of scammers out there, but that shouldn't divert you from trying again. The bells aren't that hard to make if you know what you're doing, even for non-TT'ers. There's plenty of guides out there.

As for the morality of it - there isn't much I can say. Sure, villagers are supposed to be the neighbors we're supposed to know, love and keep. But that doesn't mean you should go and bash others because they buy and sell them. Do keep in mind that, no matter how life like the game is, that's just what it is - A game. Buying and selling of pixels occurs all the time in several games in several ways, and just because it's villagers here, doesn't mean it's a sort of slave trade.

Who knows why people enter the market. I entered it because I had popular villagers and had sky high dreams, so I knew I would need the bells for it to happen. Does that mean you have to enter the market just to make quick bells? Of course not. But it's just one reason why people do it.

Your thoughts?

Sorry if none of this makes sense, I'm typing this at 6:31 am EDT/EST, and have had no sleep. If it's gibberish, please disregard this and go about your day.

But seriously, I would like to know where a lot of people stand on this matter, and once again, I apologize if this has already been done and I DO NOT intend to start any wars with this, so kind words only, please?

-looks up- Man, this had to be the longest post I've had here on TBT. -rolls off to bed-
Good things happen to those who work for it.

P much. Sometimes i give away cool villagers like Stitches and Bob but this quoted message is what I believe the general term of how the non-duping villager market goes from what I see in villager exchange boards. But its nice to see that people are turning to be more "generous" and making cycling threads and whatnot.
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i dislike the villager trade system. i have in the past traded villagers for bells but it's never made me feel any better and i end up just storing the bells for ages, and i end up giving it away to people on the island or to my sister, in comparison to when i earn bells and store them and use them for useful things. it's made me a lot more greedy too, so i don't do the selling anymore. i was going to sell Rosie for 20m but ended up reducing and reducing the price until i gave her away for free. i always feel like i'm almost conning them out of bells, so i'd rather give them away. personally, i don't think i'll ever sell a villager for bells again. if it helps me get my dreamies, i'll trade them, but scamming people out of their bells for a villager i don't want to do anymore. it's not fair, and i won't let anyone else do it to me. i won't be buying villagers anymore.
Finally. Somebody who understands everything.

And, as for the "slave trade" thing, I have no idea who came up with that; no offence, but that's just stupid.

When you give a villager away, it can easily just be used on behalf of the other person to profit. You have no real control about what's going to happen at that point.

But when somebody's willing to slap 60m down on the ground to invite a villager into their town, you know they're going to a good, and loving home. Because in the real world, the word "want" just doesn't cut it.

Thank you for dis. *Bows*
But you know what pisses me off more? The people offering bells in a first-come, first-serve giveaway. They are neglecting the fact that they lost fair and square and bribe the seller into thinking that they will get a profit from this. I personally wouldn't accept bribed offers, but i see it often in different threads, which really isn't really a ~giveaway~ anymore. People accepting late bids are in the same category as well.
But you know what pisses me off more? The people offering bells in a first-come, first-serve giveaway. They are neglecting the fact that they lost fair and square and bribe the seller into thinking that they will get a profit from this. I personally wouldn't accept bribed offers, but i see it often in different threads, which really isn't really a ~giveaway~ anymore. People accepting late bids are in the same category as well.

I never accept rare bids, unless I was offline and can't for the life of me finish the math to figure out who's late. But at that point, it's kinda my fault for being offline ewe otherwise I wouldn't accept them.

Also, in my defense, I can't add and/or subtract time very well, so it takes me a LONG time to figure out who was and wasn't on time; plus, TBT is really different from my timezone, so that just makes it harder.
Yeah, it's nice when people do giveaways, but not when they give in to bribes and such. That part of the market is the dark side. But seeing so many people go without getting their dreamies because of auction sniping also gets me steamed. :I As I stated. There are a lot of scammers and trolls out there, man

I should go to sleep. I'm actually watching the sun rise right now. >_<

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I just found this on the gamefaq's boards.

"Sadly I see the selling of villagers as a terrible thing, something that should be penalized, they are treated like slaves or whores and people still hast the nerve to say what you are saying "I really want him to go to a good home since seeing him go to the void would be sad" but getting profit of it too, how sad."

Just an example of people downing others for being in the market, for those who never see it.
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When I first started New Leaf at the end of July, I was really frustrated as there was no way I could ever get Fang if people payed millions for him. It made me sad because he was my only dreamy. Luckily enough, I was able to trade Lolly for him, a villager that I had started the game with. If it hadn't been for her, I don't know if I had Fang in my town yet.

Since then, I've been making lots of money by selling turnips. I don't see what's wrong with selling or buying villagers. Everyone needs money in the game and if people are willing to pay a ton of bells for certain villagers, then that's not my problem. If somebody wants a super popular villager and can't afford him/her yet, then I guess you should start trading turnips and over a few weeks, you'll be able to buy most villagers. I feel, the game is much more exciting if you don't get everything for free.

Sure, there are really generous people who give them away. That's really friendly of them. But if you need money, then selling villagers is one effective way to earn some bells. I don't see what's wrong with that.
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I think it has gotten out of hand. The more buyers compete to outbid each other, the more bells other sellers are going to expect for their villagers too. I think the amounts are stupidly high - and I don't feel like I'm missing out by being unwilling to pay them; if I really want a particular villager I know how to source them by myself.

I've only once bought a villager (Chief the wolf) - and I only paid 200k for him. When I got tired with him I later traded him for a sloppy set.

I disagree with the moral argument behind villager trading, because they're just game characters. It's not like the people doing this would treat their real life pets in the same way.

I'll also say that I disagree with people who change their mind on who they're giving their villager to. Once you've made a deal, you've made a deal. I think the only time* it's okay to not go through with it is when you don't state "first come, first serve" in a giveaway - then I think it's fine not to give it to the the first person under the condition that you haven't already told the first person they can have it before a second person comes along.

* not including technical difficulties / TT fluff-ups / people not showing up by the agreed time, of course.
It's a free country, let people do what they want. If somebody thinks it's so horribly wrong; they can choose not to participate in what other people are benefiting of, but those people shouldn't come and shove their beliefs at people who simply don't care.
I would never pay for a villager, I don't have dreamies, I just let them come and go as they please...but if someone wants to give me a boat load of bells for Bob when he leaves I won't complain.
But you know what pisses me off more? The people offering bells in a first-come, first-serve giveaway. They are neglecting the fact that they lost fair and square and bribe the seller into thinking that they will get a profit from this. I personally wouldn't accept bribed offers, but i see it often in different threads, which really isn't really a ~giveaway~ anymore. People accepting late bids are in the same category as well.

I hate this too it's very unfair. Along with people who put a buyout then accept offers higher than the buyout. -_-

It also bothers me to no end when people compared trading a villager in a game to slavery. PLEASE do me a favor and look up slavery on google images then tell me they are the same thing. It's ridiculous.
Yeah, it's nice when people do giveaways, but not when they give in to bribes and such. That part of the market is the dark side. But seeing so many people go without getting their dreamies because of auction sniping also gets me steamed. :I As I stated. There are a lot of scammers and trolls out there, man

I should go to sleep. I'm actually watching the sun rise right now. >_<

- - - Post Merge - - -

I just found this on the gamefaq's boards.

"Sadly I see the selling of villagers as a terrible thing, something that should be penalized, they are treated like slaves or whores and people still hast the nerve to say what you are saying "I really want him to go to a good home since seeing him go to the void would be sad" but getting profit of it too, how sad."

Just an example of people downing others for being in the market, for those who never see it.

I also think the same way kinda pissed me off okay seriously sell animals for money nice one ... -.-

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I tell ya its really unfair to be honest I will make villager giveaway ( like I did to Graham) Only immature eole would do that just to earn money lol
Well, it's definitely gotten out of hand. There's nothing wrong with selling or trading villagers in itself but people are just getting too worked up about villagers. Threads in which popular animals are being sold / traded often end up in a fight and I think that's ridiculous.

I always give away my villagers and when it's a popular villager's turn I use a random number generator to determine the winner. I did that for Tia yesterday and it worked out fine.
I'd never pay more an 1mil for a villager. I think it's just stupid to give someone 40 million bells that took hours to get for a popular villager like Marshal or Stitches.

I give my villagers away for free. It's simpler. Why should someone have to spend hours just to raise money for a villager someone else put a price on? If someone wanted to give me a little something for one of their dreamies, I won't object. Drop a basket of perfect fruit or a little bells if you want. But if I say GIVEAWAY and someone goes 5 mil I'd say no and not even consider them.
Maybe I just don't understand it. I just don't think you should have to spend hours and hours and hours just to raise money for a villager that shouldn't have a price.
I hate this too it's very unfair. Along with people who put a buyout then accept offers higher than the buyout. -_-

It also bothers me to no end when people compared trading a villager in a game to slavery. PLEASE do me a favor and look up slavery on google images then tell me they are the same thing. It's ridiculous.

Well, with the buy-out, I can kinda understand if the offers were like only 1m away and the bids were like 30m, and the buy-out at that point was just a "so basically the next person who bids gets it" thing. My auctions never go that high, but if they did, I'd probably just increase the buy-out; otherwise, it's not really a buy-out, it's just the next highest thing.

But I agree. When the buy-out is nowhere near the current bid and someone bids it, they should get it. End of story. However, if it's not that far away, I stand by what I said first.
I sorta agree with you there, but the demand for bells is too much, and not just for villagers, for exclusive items as well...But my latest opinion is:

No, there is nothing wrong with the "Villager Market"


It HAS gotten out of hand, and does need to be corrected. It makes no kind of sense to spend 50 Mil on a Unicorn assembled bit of Pixels that will leave your game within 3 months because you might mess up. But because it has gone that high before, that is now the solemn demand for him now, which is saddening to those who have hard times coming up with bells. Non TT-ers being most of that group.

What I would like to do is buy another copy of Animal Crossing for the solemn purpose of giving people their dreamies for free. Goodness knows if I had more money, I'd be cycling as we speak for those who haven't the bells to have a Stuffed Teddy Bear to call their own.
Well, with the buy-out, I can kinda understand if the offers were like only 1m away and the bids were like 30m, and the buy-out at that point was just a "so basically the next person who bids gets it" thing. My auctions never go that high, but if they did, I'd probably just increase the buy-out; otherwise, it's not really a buy-out, it's just the next highest thing.

But I agree. When the buy-out is nowhere near the current bid and someone bids it, they should get it. End of story. However, if it's not that far away, I stand by what I said first.

But what is the point of a buyout if you aren't going to stick with it? Imo the point of a buyout is so that if someone can post that amount, they get the villager. If you want to see how high people will bid, make it an auction. If the buyout on a villager was 6m and I said I will pay it, then someone comes along and says "I'll give you 9m!!" and the seller says "okay you can have him then!" I'd be pretty upset.....

I've seen people do what you said, the latter, and take a price ridiculously far from the buyout and left the person who was going to pay the original buyout in the dust. Its unfair and just mean.....its like saying here you can have the villager, just kidding someone else gets him now!

which is saddening to those who have hard times coming up with bells. Non TT-ers being most of that group.

Its really not that hard to make bells by playing the stalk market and beetle hunting. A full locker full of turnips selling at a retail whos buying them for 500+ (which isn't hard to find at all) can make you 30 mil easily.
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People can do it if they want, but I have every right to find trading villagers for money extremely creepy. In the animal crossing universe, all the villagers are sentient 'human' creatures. Basically, they're just like aliens in the mass effect series, or elves in any fantasy game. They only differ by race because they all walk, talk, eat, and live in the exact same way as any other.

Having villagers used to be a fun way to discuss your game. Now everyone can get whoever they want so the magic of making new friends no longer exists. People get who they want through the trading and villagers who aren't cute/cool enough never find anyone who might learn to like them by getting to know them. They're not friends anymore. They're akin to getting all the furniture of a series, catching every insect or fish, or fully paying off your house. It's no longer a thing to look forward to who's moving in next. It's a 'get everyone I want as soon as possible' thing. To some people they're either 'desirables' or 'undesirables', and to others they're little more than an export like fruit. It's really, really creepy.

For someone like me who immerses into video game worlds and is incapable for being mean to a character or acting in a way I could see someone in real being upset, I find it disgusting. I wish they hadn't put the feature of taking someone else's moving villager into the game because it seems like trading villagers on the market has become the majority of discussion involving villagers.. But I won't try and stop anyone. I just ignore the threads that pop up.
Things like the buying/selling are everywhere. In any hobby or fandom or other aspect of life =\ If you're fortunate to afford participation and you'd like to then wonderful. It's a little off-putting when you can't. Circumstances aside if you can't you can't.

I like that trading villagers is possible. I've given 2 of mine away to folks who really wanted them and it made them happy. That made me happy.
Even as frustrating as getting every villager through streetpass my coworker has move out can be, it was still a cool experience to say hey! Guess who moved into my town!

Everything is what you make of it. And people, no matter what, will try to work a system. No matter the system. Just ignore them. Enjoy what you enjoy