YouTube rewind 2018

i cringed the whole way through it but i guess it's harmless?? just not really a fan of any of the people in it
I am still trying to figure out what "hard working mothers" have to do with YouTube Rewind..
because of the awful family channels, where they exploit their kids, I guess...?
I only watched it through pewdiepie's video where he talked about it.
I don't really have much to say about it, except I liked how there was at least some animator's stuff in there.
And I wasn't sure why - like I thought rewind was more of a music video but this one they just kept saying things like 'you know what should be in youtube rewind?'
i applaud them for adding in mukbangs. also of course the merrel twins had to be in the kpop part...
tbh it seemed kind of underwhelming (not like the other rewinds were good) they didnt mix many songs together and most of the visuals were just boring??
Fun fact: Justin Bieber's "Baby" was uploaded on February 19, 2010. In over 8 years, it got over 9
million dislikes and hold so the record for being the most disliked video on YouTube. Now the YouTube
Rewind 2018 got uploaded on December 6, 2018... And within 7 days, it got over 10 million dislikes.

That's right: The YouTube Rewind 2018 hold now the record for being the most disliked video in
YouTube history. A video, uploaded from YouTube themself, is the most disliked video on their own

This is, by far, the most embarrassing and hilarious thing ever.
Tbh it's kinda... uneventful? Like 2012 youtube rewind was all over the place. I really appreciate the fact that the animators on youtube got some credit though! To me this year was just. Meh. All right.
Why do people on here like it? Probably the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.
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i guess you could say if you like this garbage rewind for some reason you're a
I... don't know any of those people in the thumbnail. Heck, I only know of the blue haired guy cause of the Video Game Awards.
Jaiden animations sneaking in Pewdiepie’s chair was the best part. The rest of rewind was not great.
i only liked the sister squad and animators. the rest is blah imo and apparently 10 million other people agree LOL
Yeah its so underwhelming in comparison to other ones and just not really accurately pictures youtube this year. But youtube is too worried about their image to put in the things that actually were big this year. The parts about recognizing people who have done something "bigger" just seemed lame in this context too.

Agreed, PewDiePie and Mr Beast in my opinion should have been in it since they had huge surges in popularity. Missed opportunity to bring the two together, but maybe that happened too late in the year to capitalize on.

Ugandan Knuckles and VR Chat was like the first meme this year, but they just skipped right over it.

Will Smith and Liza Koshy, what did they actually do this year for Youtube. Shane Dawson and others did much more for the platform than any of them. Using celebrities or older youtube people to me just seems like YouTube is trying to show how famous or "good" they are when thats not what the platform is at all, but more so free expression and the bringing together of multiple story lines. Which is harder to show when you use less creators overall. I look forward to the Youtube Rewind since it caps the whole year, 2018 was a good year and I don't think this gives the best picture of it because Youtube is scared of acknowledging everything. They could've made some good statements on some of the bad things that have happen by being self-recognizing, but instead they took the safe way out and tried to make it seem like none of that stuff happened.

- - - Post Merge - - -

With all of that above I said... to say then that this was about being "heard" and standing up and everyone is connected, a family and that we have control in a year where we saw several examples of the exact opposite, I completely agree and understand why its one of the most hated videos ever.

I agree things like yodel kid, K-pop, baby shark, fortnite, the music picked, all seem relevant and incorporated in interesting ways, but there is way less of that this year than in the past. Seeing as how opportunities for more of that was passed for a really poorly executed message, this rewind is really a big letdown
I tried another attempt to watch the whole thing again yesterday and this time I actually made it 4 minutes in!