Do you tend to use more than one device at a time?

No, not really. It's not that I can't. I can easily have my Switch on something like ACNH with Wuthering Waves running on my PC, and maybe some music going on my phone. It's just the fact that I'd be unable to concentrate on any of them because there'd be too much going on at once. My mom was an amazing multitasker, but sadly I am not. I'm much more efficient getting tasks done one at a time.
Yes, a switch to play games on, a computer to watch YouTube
I suppose I do though it’s not a 50/50 usage between devices. I’ll often be on my Switch and have messenger/discord open to message a friend in between Splatoon matches for example. Often we will be coordinating during Salmon Run so it’s useful.
oh definitely, probably too often! i pretty much always have youtube/netflix etc running on my laptop for some background noise and entertainment, and then i'll either be on my phone at the same time or playing on my switch
yes, all the time. i use my phone and PC at the same time. loading screens, or if im watching something on youtube that doesn't necessarily need focus, i usually use my phone. i could just use my PC but... idk i think i like the silence of my phones keyboard over my desktop keyboard.
While I do have and use Apple Music, I also have an old clickwheel iPod that I still maintain (and is on its third motherboard lol). I tend to use that when alone. In addition, I have a USB drive of specific songs for my car for insane OCD reasons.

But do you actually use Apple Music? Yeah, but only if I feel lazy and don't want to use either of the two devices I mentioned. I mostly use it to discover songs I regularly listen to.

Other than my phone, I've got a dual-monitor setup on my PC, and I also have the primary monitor hooked up to a Switch dock so I can go on both my desktop computer and play Animal Crossing. The downside is that the built-in speakers on the monitor are trash, but luckily, the Switch has a Bluetooth speaker feature and I can honestly live without the repetitiveness of the hourly music.
Yeah, I can only do up to two at a time.

Usually it’s scroll through phone or grinding in a game while listening to a podcast. Sometimes replace the podcast with video essay.

Oh yeah and I definitely call friends while playing games.
I definitely have at least two devices going on at once, if I am playing WuWa or a game on my phone or switch I have the TV on in the background so I can listen to it while I play. If I am playing a game on my PS5 I tend to have something on my computer going, though at times I will just let my computer rest and play my PS5 only.
occasionally, I check or use my phone briefly while I'm doing something on my laptop. I don't think I can multitask on my phone and laptop (e.g. throwing on a movie in the background while playing a game) for a prolonged period of time, though. on another note, I'm so glad the new macOS will have iPhone mirroring soon!
yes… it’s gotten so bad that i bought double monitors so i can multi task even harder… i can’t sit down comfortably just doing one thing OTL
I'll use my phone to grind a game well having my computer open for YouTube or discord. So from time to time I use 2 devices at once.
I think the only case where I'd use two devices at a time is if I'm on a phone call for work while simultaneously taking notes or looking up information on my laptop
I quite often watch something on my laptop while I play games on my switch or browse things on my phone, often it's just some easy viewing that I don't need to fully concentrate on but always like to have something on in the background.
It’s bad… I normally have the TV on with a sports game, aswell as my IPad playing a show, and then my phone or switch to play a game on. 😬
Oh yes. I often can't watch videos without doing something else as playing games or drawing on tablet or just browsing the Internet.
All the time!! I have so many tabs open that it stopped telling me the number, it just has a smiley :D

I think before mobile devices, people would definitely use multiple things, but they weren't labelling them as 'devices'. Like right now I'm listening to a podcast playing on my phone and I'm using my ipad to browse the web. In the past, you might leave the radio or the TV on in the background while you do the dishes.

Sometime it isn't about the number of devices, but the number of screens. At work my desktop has 2 screens and it's so helpful! So I think that's what I am simulating often by using two devices. Like when I was just trying to figure out Pin the Tail on the Villager, I had the puzzle up on my ipad and then I was using my phone to pull up reference photos so I could compare to the image in the puzzle! I just don't have a convenient desktop setup in my apartment, so I used multiple mobile devices in the same way as having multiple screens or complementary programs open.
Yep! iPhone and iPad mostly! However I use these at the same time as my Xbox as well and tv.

Can’t get enough!
I do it all the time. I’ll just open YouTube and let videos play as background noise as I play my Switch in handheld mode.
Yeeeeah, I've completely obliterated my attention span at this point, I'm always using my phone, watching videos and playing a video game all at the same time. I'm not good at multitasking though so I mostly just switch between the three one at a time.