►Zalith's Halloween Madness ◄►Winners Announced◄

Day 6 Has Begun {Entries End at 11.1 at 3AM PST}

Thank you for all the entries

Day 5 Daily Prize Winners: The Hidden Owl {Red Candy & 35 TBT} and DaCoSim {Yellow Candy & 30 TBT}
Will gift you when I get home.


Day 6 {Friday 10.31}

Please Share: {Bonus Entries Below! Minimum Effort: Two paragraphs of 5 sentences}

Say "Happy Halloween"

Bonus Entry 1: Describe what you (are doing) did for Halloween

Bonus Entry 2: Describe what decorations you have set up at your househould

Bonus Entry 3: Submit your Halloween Costume Picture in a spoiler

Yay!!! Happy Halloween everyone!!! My absolute fav holiday!

Well, I am taking the boys trick or treating first and then once I bring them home, hubby is going to stay with them while I go to my work Halloween party for a couple of hours. Both boys are batman this year!! And I am a villianous batgirl. Ha!!! My step son and step daughter will be at their mom's tonight. They are Spider-Man and a ninja tutle :)

I've got some decorations out. My table looks really cute!! I posted a pic on the museum thread of our pumpkin but will prob post one here too cuz it turned out really cute!! I also put cutouts on the kids doors and hung garland around them :) I also have this one ghost holding a pumpkin decoration that my mom painted a bazillion years ago that I always put out.

Ok here's some pics!!!
image.jpg image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg

- - - Post Merge - - -

No!!! They are upside down and sideways!!! Lol!!! Sorry bout that!

- - - Post Merge - - -

OMG! I just read that I won! WOW! Thx so much!!! No rush! Were bout to leave to go trick or treat anyways :)
Please Share: {Bonus Entries Below! Minimum Effort: Two paragraphs of 5 sentences}

Say "Happy Halloween"

Bonus Entry 1: Describe what you (are doing) did for Halloween

Bonus Entry 2: Describe what decorations you have set up at your househould

Bonus Entry 3: Submit your Halloween Costume Picture in a spoiler

Happy Halloween! :D

For Halloween this year... I worked. :) I didn't dress up myself, but my colleagues did. There was a bumble bee, a witch, Elsa from Frozen, a cowgirl and Minnie! And due to the nature of my job, I saw many many adorable students dress up! :D From princesses to bloody zombies, you name it! Other than that, my day is same as usual, no special celebrations. Maybe I'll watch a scary movie to "celebrate." :p I wish I could've gone to Disneyland for Mickey's Halloween Party though. :( I just found out about the event today, so maybe next year~

I live with my parents so I can't really decorate my house without their consent, and they aren't fans of Halloween. Although even if I had my own place I would rather decorate for autumn in general rather than for one specific holiday. The decorations will be relevant for a longer period of time (also because I'm lazy). :p I'd put leaf garlands in the living room and maybe a fall leave/mini gourd wreathe on the door as well. :) There are also no trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood this year (and historically as well), so I'll be keeping that bag of KitKats to myself~

P.S. I'm not sure if you wanted two paragraphs for each topics or total, so... I hope I did it right. ^-^;;
Say "Happy Halloween"

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you all enjoy this day. (or yesterday, if that's when Halloween was for you, lol)

I didn't actually do anything for Halloween, so I suppose that I can't enter for the bonus entries. It's fine!

Lastly, thank you so much for this giveaway, PandaNikita! You have been very generous, and I had a lot of fun participating. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! ^_^
Winners Announced! Congratulations & Thank You For Entering!

Day 6 Daily Prize Winners: Fluffs {Red Candy & 50 TBT}, DaCoSim {Yellow Candy & 45 TBT} and The Hidden Owl {Yellow Candy & 40 TBT}

I am going to gift the Day 5 Daily Winners as well as Day 6 Daily Winners~

Now... The Winners of the Zalith Halloween Madness Giveaway are
1[SUP]st[/SUP] Place: DaCoSim
2[SUP]nd[/SUP] Place: Coach
3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Place: Fluffs

Runner Ups:

First Place ◄ DaCoSim
Stitches {Requires Dreamie Proof}
1 Red Candy & 1 Yellow Candy

9M IG Bells
200 TBT Bells

Full Creepy Set
3 Costumes YC
3 Pumpkin Heads YC
3 Mini Fossil Models

Full Golden Tool Set
20 Bushes YC
20 Hybrids YC
3 Fruit Baskets YC
3 Bamboo Baskets
Second Place ◄ Coach
Ankha {Requires Dreamie Proof}
2 Yellow Candies

6M IG Bells
100 TBT Bells

Full Creepy Set
2 Costumes YC
2 Pumpkin Heads YC
2 Mini Fossil Models

Full Silver Tool Set
10 Bushes YC
10 Hybrids YC
2 Fruit Baskets YC
2 Bamboo Baskets
Third Place ◄ Fluffs

1 Yellow Candy

3M IG Bells
50 TBT Bells

Full Spooky Set
1 Costume YC
1 Pumpkin Head YC

5 Bushes YC
5 Hybrids YC
1 Fruit Basket YC
1 Bamboo Basket

Forms For Grand Prize Winners: {Please PM me with filled out form}

First Place: DaCoSim

Timezone/Availablity to Pick-Up (M-Th 11.3 to 11.6):
Dreamie Proof For Stitches:
3 Costumes YC: 
3 Pumpkin Heads YC:
20 Bushes YC:
20 Hybrids YC:
3 Fruit Baskets YC:

Second Place: Coach

Timezone/Availablity to Pick-Up (M-Th 11.3 to 11.6):
Dreamie Proof For Ankha:
2 Costumes YC: 
2 Pumpkin Heads YC:
10 Bushes YC:
10 Hybrids YC:
2 Fruit Baskets YC:

Third Place: Fluffs

Timezone/Availablity to Pick-Up (M-Th 11.3 to 11.6):
1 Costumes YC:
1 Pumpkin Heads YC:
5 Bushes YC:
5 Hybrids YC:
1 Fruit Baskets YC:

Photo Credits: Animal Crossing New Leaf Wikispaces

Costumes: Link

Pumpkin Heads









Fruit Baskets {Includes Regular & Perfect}

For Stitches & Ankha - You must have dreamie proof

If you do not have dreamie proof or do not want
Stitches or Ankha it will go to the runner-up


Any link to a post made by you looking for Stitches
Must be unedited - can be from the Official Looking For Thread
or any thread from the Villager Trading Plaza
Signature picture with Stitches
Essay format of why you want Stitches or why he is your dream villager
Posted in your entry (only needs to be done once)

Text in signature
Edited posts


- - - Post Merge - - -

--Another Note: DaCoSim has privately messaged me to give Stitches to the Next Runner Up || Winner

Stitches Will First Go To Coach if he doesn't want Ankha, then it will go to Fluffs if the same situation happens - so on and so forth
Last edited:
Ankha and Stitches are going to the next person, Runner-Ups

Fluffs then ADanishMuffin (if Fluffs doesn't want either of them
Thank you so very much! This was the most fun contest I've entered in TBT! I luved all the daily entry submissions! So fun! Congrats to everyone else!!!