Zap Heroes

hope you guys have fun then :p
i wont be able to attend any events on saturday
butttt i have all next week off :D
Oh yeah, I wanted to go shopping with you. lol
But, I am supposed to watch your dog. xD
My mom can do that... haha
maybe you can come with us :p
im not sure if my brother is going or not, he could stay at your house and watch the dog lol

and if any events are hosted while im gone, please pm me the end results (who won what) :)
Yeah, I hope he does stay home. I wanna go. haha
But, if my dad wants to get a phone plan, we're prob gonna get it this weekend, so IDK. I WILL KNOW EVENTUALLY! :D
haha, ok :p
just call me whenever you can ahead of time, lol

sorry, we should get back on topic now :p
sorry for going off topic :p
i have all next week off, hopefully i can throw in some events that uk members will be able to attend or something :)
From what i've read, your taking a brea kfrom accepting members right now, but I can wait.
In case you don't know, I used to play ACCF allot, and I like wifing with people, and just having fun. With a little help from Gallade526 and Joe, I paid off my loan and completed my house, getting many rare items in the process. I have a fountain. I think I have a lighthouse/windmill (not sure). What im saying is that bells don't mean anything to me. I just want some fun. So yeah. If you don't accept me, it's fine. I don't really care if you don't accept me today, or tommorow, or any other day. I can have wifi with other people. But, I thought you guys looked sensable, so I decided to ask this group first. The topic title says that your looking for active members, and im going to be active now. Yeah.
I guess you can call this a application...
So yeah.
If you have some specail thing I can't go to, I wont care, I just want to wifi with anyone.
Just do what you think is right. Im trustable.
thanks for the application, sounds good
yeah, were taking a short break from interviews but i do look forawrds to meeting you in the future, keep in touch with the topic :)
ashwee said:
thanks for the application, sounds good
yeah, were taking a short break from interviews but i do look forawrds to meeting you in the future, keep in touch with the topic :)
Yeah, believe me, I will.
Haha. Sounds like a loyal member to me. :0
Looks like we'll just have to wait until we're able to meet members.
That was quite interesting. That application. I like it. 8D
corny<3 said:
Haha. Sounds like a loyal member to me. :0
Looks like we'll just have to wait until we're able to meet members.
That was quite interesting. That application. I like it. 8D
yeah :)
after our break is over, ill be glad to meet them
I should mention I use EST, (GMT -5 I thinl) so yeah. Got Monday, Tuesday and Thursday any time from 4pm - 6pm EST is good, unless it's on
wednesday, then I have from 9am - 5pm. And Friday is 4pm-8pm, since it's likely i'll have nothing to do, and Saturday, Sunday and Monday is 9am - 6pm. Then it's normal times, except with wednesday the same as monday, tuesday and thursday, and monday the next week is normal. (All in EST time of course) This may change