Zelda Project

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chark111 said:
L Lawliet said:
chark111 said:
L Lawliet said:
It's cute to see little gay anime loving weaboos like you get mad. Now go back and *censored.3.0* your little furry animals or something.
Is that the size of your dic.k on a scale of one to 10? That's nice to know. Also, your moms a whore and your dad is a male prostitute.
Still 0/10, come back when your trolling skills have improved.
chark111 said:
L Lawliet said:
chark111 said:
L Lawliet said:
It's cute to see little gay anime loving weaboos like you get mad. Now go back and *censored.3.0* your little furry animals or something.
Is that the size of your dic.k on a scale of one to 10? That's nice to know. Also, your moms a whore and your dad is a male prostitute.
And your mom forgot her bra, tell her she can come by and pick it up anytime.
L Lawliet said:
David said:
chark111 said:
L Lawliet said:
Is that the size of your dic.k on a scale of one to 10? That's nice to know. Also, your moms a whore and your dad is a male prostitute.
And your mom forgot her bra, tell her she can come by and pick it up anytime.
Don't even stoop to his level.
That was too clever for his level.
SSgt. Garrett said:
chark111 said:
David said:
At least we don't have a military full of gay pansies.
Who's we?
The wonderful United States of America. What other country would I be in? England is full of toothless freaks, France is full of gay ******s, Japan is full of anime freaks that *censored.3.0* small animals, etc.
chark111 said:
SSgt. Garrett said:
chark111 said:
David said:
At least we don't have a military full of gay pansies.
Who's we?
The wonderful United States of America. What other country would I be in? England is full of toothless freaks, France is full of gay ******s, Japan is full of anime freaks that *censored.3.0* small animals, etc.
You're probably a greasy morbidly obese American living in your mother's basement browsing through 4chan 18 hours a day.
chark111 said:
SSgt. Garrett said:
chark111 said:
David said:
At least we don't have a military full of gay pansies.
Who's we?
The wonderful United States of America. What other country would I be in? England is full of toothless freaks, France is full of gay ******s, Japan is full of anime freaks that *censored.3.0* small animals, etc.
What about; 170 or so other countries cuth?
L Lawliet said:
chark111 said:
SSgt. Garrett said:
chark111 said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deephttp://www.thezeldaproject.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/24FT6458.jpgwe don't have a military full of gay pansies.
Who's we?
The wonderful United States of America. What other country would I be in? England is full of toothless freaks, France is full of gay ******s, Japan is full of anime freaks that *censored.3.0* small animals, etc.
You're probably a greasy morbidly obese American living in your mother's basement browsing through 4chan 18 hours a day.
Hah! u mad now?
chark111 said:
L Lawliet said:
chark111 said:
SSgt. Garrett said:
The wonderful United States of America. What other country would I be in? England is full of toothless freaks, France is full of gay ******s, Japan is full of anime freaks that *censored.3.0* small animals, etc.
You're probably a greasy morbidly obese American living in your mother's basement browsing through 4chan 18 hours a day.
Hah! u mad now?
Nah, ubjusterriblytrollin.
SSgt. Garrett said:
chark111 said:
SSgt. Garrett said:
chark111 said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deephttp://www.thezeldaproject.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/24FT6458.jpgwe don't have a military full of gay pansies.
Who's we?
The wonderful United States of America. What other country would I be in? England is full of toothless freaks, France is full of gay ******s, Japan is full of anime freaks that *censored.3.0* small animals, etc.
What about; 170 or so other countries cuth?
ok, why the FUC.K do you keep on saying cuth? Yeah, all countries sucks but America. We've proven to be the dominant country throughout history. Anyone that doesn't agree is just ignorant
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