Zipper's Zany Zillion - Answers Posted!

Okay folks, we've just had to unapprove a number of posts again.

While I know you all have the best intentions, most of the "hints" on the past two pages fell more into the realm of spoonfeeding the answer.

Someone asking for help doesn't mean you need to respond right away - give them some time to work it out. There's still days left on this event after all.
Okay folks, we've just had to unapprove a number of posts again.

While I know you all have the best intentions, most of the "hints" on the past two pages fell more into the realm of spoonfeeding the answer.

Someone asking for help doesn't mean you need to respond right away - give them some time to work it out. There's still days left on this event after all.
Wow! I didn’t realize how close they were to the actual answer.

I did want to compare this puzzle to Clue #10 from 2015, but I do this like all the time on puzzles I don’t understand.
Number 7: Sort of add on to a previous hint:
Another similarity this one has with number 3 is the fact that it’s a super zoomed in section of the thing.
OH! Is that why? Because when I was looking at it, I was thinking it was missing *CENSORED*
i’m still stumped on #7 😫 hopefully i can get the last challenge because im about ready to give up on 7 lmao
I am going to try and work these out :( The answers are codes that we type out to redeem? No clicking anything?

You can click to redeem clue #5 I believe. But there is still a code you can type in if clicking doesn't work.
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Can anyone help me with Clue 6? I just can't get it to work.. I have a whole sentence, but no matter what I type in, it just won't work? :(
Can anyone help me with Clue 6? I just can't get it to work.. I have a whole sentence, but no matter what I type in, it just won't work? :(

I think we won't be able to post anything more specific than what's already been put in the thread (or at least I can't think of any better hints, maybe someone else can?). But the hints people gave for this clue start on page 13 and go for a few pages, so you might be able to check those?

I think if you have the sentence, but can't solve still, you are very close, and some of the early hints might help.
I am bamboozled by #7.

edit: nvm! solved!

my best hint that hopefully doesn't take it too far is don't be like me and be focused on halloween.
the hint that it has something thematically in common with #3 is very helpful.
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Clue #7 of ZZZ was the hardest of this thread, and one of the hardest puzzles on the entire site. It’s a good thing that we’re able to find it.

I hope Clue #8 wouldn’t be this hard.
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I always tell myself that I love puzzles, but these are so open-ended. I'm in awe at some of your sleuthing skills!