Zipper's Zany Zillion - Answers Posted!

to add onto one of asarena’s hints, hopefully without giving too much away:

what’s something that serves a similar, yet less permanent purpose as the answer to #3?

Thank you, I finally got it! ☺️
Got it! Thanks for the hints!
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I think I'm on the right track for this one but it's actually making me so mad 😭
EDIT: Nevermind. In a fit of rage I got it 😭
I may have to give up on this clue. The hints aren’t helping, and I received a notification about my post being deleted. I don’t need anymore hints.

EDIT: I got it. I can’t provide any unspoiled hints or snide remarks towards the staff, but I didn’t have to give up.
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i dont understand it at all lol even with the hints 😭
I now understand the hints after having to kinda brute force it. Luckily, it didn't take me too long.

Thank you all for the hints <3
This one’s got me stumped… hmmm

Edit: after some more thinking figured it out.
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Number 7: Sort of add on to a previous hint:
Another similarity this one has with number 3 is the fact that it’s a super zoomed in section of the thing.
The clues do not make any sense to me...

i wouldn't even know what to bruteforce... is it another forum thing or also something that exists outside this site?