Zipper's Zany Zillion - Answers Posted!

Just realized that my question was answered on the very first page. I need to get a hold of myself today, it seems...

Anyhow, thanks for the tips in here, folks!
Here's a tip for those still struggling, something that changed how I looked at the image when I realised:

you are looking at a small, super zoomed in section of one collectible, not one whole pixelated collectible. Open the riddle image in one tab and a collectible list in another side by side and compare. very few collectibles have these exact colours in them.
Thank you to everyone who gives hints.. as someone with little time and brain power at the end of the day, I could never find any of the solutions. 😭
Here's a tip for those still struggling, something that changed how I looked at the image when I realised:

you are looking at a small, super zoomed in section of one collectible, not one whole pixelated collectible. Open the riddle image in one tab and a collectible list in another side by side and compare. very few collectibles have these exact colours in them.
Ah! Thank you for this extra bit!
I also felt like it took me a bit longer than it should have to figure this one out, but I eventually got it. ^o^;>
If the next clue requires integration, you won’t be able to stump me. But if involves differentiation, then that’s an easy clue for me.

Remembering the rules of differentiation:
  • The derivative of a constant is zero.
  • If you take the derivative of a variable with an exponent, you multiply the coefficient with the exponent’s value then subtract 1 from the exponent.
  • The derivative of e^x is e^x.
  • The derivative of sin(x) is cos(x). But the derivative of cos(x) is -sin(x).
  • The derivative of ln(x) is 1/x.
While we're here: some posts from the previous round have been temporarily hidden from view until Chris has an opportunity to review them. For the sake of the people who like to see how far they can get on their own, please make sure to keep your hint discussions in spoilers and avoid pointing directly to the answer. Thanks!
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I hope some of those posts get approved soon, because I sure could use a hint for this newest one. ^o^;>