Recent content by KarlaKGB

  1. K


  2. K

    Alien, Ghosts, Paranormal & Urban Legends Experiences: 👽👻🔮 🌟

    those are elon musks mind control satellites
  3. K


  4. K

    The Unpopular Opinions thread

    These are incredibly tame unpopular opinions
  5. K


    Ok this is not a fair statement at all. Research by the Oxford Migration Observatory shows that the majority (72%) of the foreign-born population in Britain feel that the country is hospitable or welcoming for migrants. 91% say that migrants can get ahead if they work hard. Source...
  6. K


    A needle up the nose? Sounds like a bit of an embellishment.
  7. K


    Some of the fear is completely justified. People who compare this to the flu are missing the point. Current indications are that SARS-CoV-2 is more contagious and more lethal than the seasonal flu. The healthcare systems of many countries (such as the UK) are already under serious strain from...
  8. K

    The Unpopular Opinions thread

    I for one welcome the liberation of more nipples.
  9. K

    not rly, barely play these days

    not rly, barely play these days
  10. K

    nice one

    nice one
  11. K

    identify urself

    identify urself
  12. K

    YouTube rewind 2018

    we like fortnite we like fortnite