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  • i already hatched a vulliby, and trained it :p
    but thanks anyway ^^

    are you trying to have a living pokedex or something ?
    cause i got like 2 boxes full of pokemon ready to be traded away.

    cottonee, houndour, and pchirisu, are they all you want ?
    you ould get really strong ones too, like heracross, or aerodactyl, or bagon ( for salamence )

    you don't have to apologize to me Giddy :p
    yeah, i just found it like 20 minutes ago ^^
    now breeding for a mandibuzz.
    that would take ages :p
    i've been breeding since 2017 and i'm still not done breeding and training.

    plus you can just choose which ever pokemon you'd like from that ( admittedly small ) list of IV bred mons.
    and just EV them up
    yeah, i need the 0 IV's in speed so the attack gyro ball is at it's strongest.
    could you find anything you wanted in my trading thread ?

    why are you breeding deerling ?
    i've been good.
    how about you ?

    nothing much, just breeding some more pokemon.
    ferroseed this time, hoping for a 0 IV in speed one, but it doesn't want to hatch like that :p
    by the way, i have like 17 pokemon up for trade ready to be EV trained.
    maybe you want 1 ( or more of them ) to use competitively.

    against me, or who ever :p
    Sorry for the late response! Unfortunately, I already got it from another vendor. Thank you, though!
    Edit: Nevermind. My impatient mother couldn’t be bothered to wait for 2 minutes so she’s taken the dog without me. Should I open or do you want me to come pick it up?
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