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  • oh shoot! I didn't even realise that there was a second carpet with a similar name! I don't have Murphy's RV card unfortunately, nor the stone-tile floor. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, it didn't even cross my mind that there could've been another carpet!
    I just checked my storage and I have the basement floor. I'll get everything ready for you now and you can get it whenever suits :)
    I won't be available today until around 8:30 PM your time(I'm in the Pacific time zone)if that's not too late.
    You're welcome.She's still in town.Let me know when you're available to come and get her.She's free to adopt.
    Hello.I have Tia in my spare town if you're still looking for her.I'm going to be doing some TTing there in the next couple of days and I'll let you know when she pings.She appears to be original.
    Hello, I set my alarm and Raddle + Boris are good to go ! I'll be afk but I will have my town open for raddle first :) I added both friend codes already and I will be opening gates for raddle right now ! I'll leave them open for about an hour, thank you !
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