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  • Also, not going to lie, but you made me tear up and eventually cry just now with what you said. The way you said things was the only way I ever wanted anyone to go about it, and I appreciate it more than you know. I hope you can be more of an optimist in the future. I know I’ll do better to as well. I hope you have a great, long, happy, and prosperous life. :)
    It’s totally alright. I think we can both say we took something away from that conversation, and I really, really appreciate the way you handled it. I’ve been in the same situation with others before where they did not handle it nearly as well, so you should feel good about yourself for helping me open up a little and explaining it all. At the end of the day, we all just want to feel loved and appreciated. :)
    Ah, sorry! I actually have a killer cold and have been sleeping most of the day. I should be able to get you Olivia tonight, maybe around 9:00 p.m.? Feel free to suggest another time, but it’ll have to be later in the evening.
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