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  • Ruby will be ready for pick up in 5 mins ~ pls keep your eyes open for my town McBaby from Sleepy.
    Just letting you know she should be ready within an hour, let me know if you're available then !
    Hiya, I have no idea what happened. I never got the card with the set I ordered. When I contacted the seller, they said that they didn’t have the card either and may have slipped it in the wrong box. I’m sorru I didn’t tell you earlier...
    (Part 2) For the second round, you weren't able to vote for any of the 4 winners from the first round (Lyn, Lucina, Ike, or Roy) but you could vote for basically any other character in the series. Hector got the most votes overall and Ephraim got the third most votes overall (behind Celica thanks to Echoes releasing between this poll and the last one). Their games may not be as popular as the 3DS games but the characters are recognizable icons at this point. :)
    This is just a reply to your post in this thread, I just didn't feel like posting it in there.
    I think the 2 Choose Your Legends polls that Nintendo held for FE Heroes will be one of the biggest indicators of which Fire Emblem characters get into the next Smash game. In the first round of it, Lyn was the highest voted character overall, and Ike was the highest voted male character (3rd overall, behind Lucina). Not to mention that there was also some other voting a while ago for what unit we got for free, and Ike won that as well. His popularity is absolutely there so I don't think you have to worry about him getting cut.
    That's great, I'm glad you got some sleep. I'm awake now also. I'll start the game up!
    You're welcome. I am around now and throughout parts of today. Would rather you sleep it off though instead of stressing over your items. Hope all is well for you! :)
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