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  • Heh, thanks.

    I can give you some pointers, if you'd like (cuz this sure is alot more fun than For Glory)
    yeah i've also noticed it's not 100% effective every time, but oh well. i'll survive ; v ;
    and sure! i have three other towns so i haven't been cycling all that quickly lately, so just let me know when you've got space and he's all yours.
    you're very welcome & same to you!
    thanks for waiting, sorry for taking so long -_- i've added you & i'm opening up my gates now, look for rue of celadon.
    yep, fc on my sidebar. let me finish up a few things and i'll let you know when i'm ready for you. c:
    Sorry my response took so long, the weather here has been atrocious.

    The winners of the giveaway have been contacted privately... I didn't want to risk anybody harassing them or trying to beg off them, so their usernames won't be announced publicly.
    Sorry was distracted by my family and stuff haha. I sent your tbt back sorry about any confusion. Happy holidays! :)
    I'm happy to hear you mention Fire Emblem: Dawn of Radiance. That's the first Fire Emblem I played & what brought me to Awakening.
    I honestly LOVE Awakening because of the whole new relationship aspect you can get with the pairing, but I agree Radiant Dawn was something else, and I really loved Nephenee the "lancer" she was so fast! I found the final Goddess very hard to beat & was so proud when I did. :)
    I can help you if you still need it ^^ (The lights XD) IF you are, please do it now, bc I have to sleep soon lol
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