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  • They havent pick it up and i dont do reservations. Its whoever is online will get the item ^_^
    Thanks :)
    The person I'm saving for had to go MIA for a few days for something personal...they messaged me yesterday but haven't gotten back still, so I hope they get back to me soon ^^"
    I'm currently saving Stitches for a player who already paid... Waiting for them to get back to me when they're on again though... Sry!
    :) I was just going to have something to eat, but I've written down your dream town so I can visit it later. :) Thanks for the reply. :) It's nice to meet other people here who think about the characters in that much depth too. :)
    Hey! :) I love your list of Tier 4 & 5 villagers!

    I also am impressed with Lucha, Ribbot & Agnes. Surprised Savannah is overlooked as there is only one Zebra.

    I also thought about having Elise, but my favourite snooty is Freya as she is the nicest personality out of all the snooty types IMO.
    I've never had Elise, but her design is so over the top that I was also impressed!

    Lionel is also one I wish I had the space for, there are so few older looking characters & he just smacks with class. :) I LOVE the white hair!

    I think you should certainly check out these guys in my DT: Keaton ( a smug Eagle with a beach themed home--it's changed a lot now, but you can google his home to see what it originally looks like) Wart Jr (too many reasons to say why for him--he's the Grandpa of my town, his heart is solid gold)
    I don't have her but Amelia has the nicest looking house I've ever seen, with K.K. Condor playing--it's just amazing. DC: 6400-5637-3487
    Hi, sorry for all the trouble, but the other user has purchase Celebi. I'm really sorry for all the trouble, have a nice day.
    Hi, there was a bit of a mixup on my part involving me trading Celebi to the other trader. I have to go for a bit, but I'll get back to you ASAP.
    Ok, added your FC now and have your items now ready for delivery. Open or re-open your gate.
    Ok, I will grab your items now. You may need to re-open your gate if I had not added your FC yet.
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